Nintendo finally having paid online as well

>Nintendo finally having paid online as well
>Suddenly "PC is gonna have paid online soon!" posts popping up everywhere

the difference is that pc players arent cucks and would never let paid online happen - we would just not play the game and the dev would update

>tfw it's literally impossible for that to happen

welcome to the past 25 years of platform war shitposting

Steam and Origin subsciptions

Can you blame them, they are desperate

You can't even have internet without paying a monthly fee to an ISP tho


Valve just said today that HL3 wouldn't make enough Shekels so they won't make it.

Now that Nintendo has caved, there's nothing stopping Steam from doing so.

And then, individual games will start having subscriptions to use their servers

That's just one storefront. The PC market isn't controlled by one entitiyunlike consoles.
Plus Valve is unlikely to ever try it since theyre heavily invested in F2P.

>PC gets paid online
>PC players just switch to a free alternative


This is a proof that there will be no such a thing as "pay for online" on PC

Console gamers don't pay for an ISP now?

Yeah, and you need power and a house to play in, the pc, food to eat....! PC gaming costs hundreds of thousands of dollars!

>World of Warcraft
>Cosmetic autism market on csgo and Dota

I'm saying PC players do pay for internet service

It may take a while. but eventually everything will have a paid subscription.

And when that time comes we need another video game crash

>PC players won't even pay for games
>Thinking they would pay for a subscription to use online in a game

Would never happen and would cause a massive exodus from games or platforms that would implement it.

False. Western civilization will fall well before then.

I clocked like 500 hours on WoW and never paid a single cent to Blizzard, private Blizzlike servers with no retarded "EPIC LOOT, 5 X EXP" and shit like that were awesome and had a great community.

And you are right about cosmetic shit, why would Valve charge for online if people keep throwing money at them for skins and glowing crap with colored names.

>tfw consolewars are now 100% arguing over which pile of shit smells less bad than the others
>tfw it's no longer viable to be an idort unless you're wealthy
>tfw PC is literally the only way to go now

I don't want to wait, I'll pay 10k usd if some mexican cartel fag comes and blasts me with a motherfucking shotgun and makes sure I am dead.

Idort was never viable if you weren't wealthy, idiot.
Do you think I ate ramen for months just to buy the three consoles and a decent pc?

Ofcourse they do you inbred mongloid, they just don't pay double.


If Valve, Microsoft, GOG owners and EA had lunch together and decided to enforce the paywall together... the PC players wouldn't be able to protest.

But this will never happen.

So you're saying if steam introduced the subscription you wouldn't suck it up and pay it? Otherwise no more steam online.

If they threw in 2 shitty indie titles a month to justify it people would still pay it.

Literally who cares
The backlash would be gigantic. I think Steam would lose millions, but what do I know.

No I wouldn't. I'd rather pay $50 to another platform to buy the game again than pay for a monthly subscription to use my internet.

I'm 80% sure most Steam users wouldn't suck it up, considering when MS tried paid online with GFWL, PC players were having none of it, and were furious.
Besides, how would you regulate that? Not every game uses Steam servers for online multiplayer, would you just arbitrarly lock out certain games?

>the PC players wouldn't be able to protest
>What is piracy?
>Survives of selling drm free games
>Suddenly becomes a paid service that's shitter than Origin

>tfw playing fh3 against consolecucks

They would because most gamers are spineless. Luckily for them, there are other competitors such as Origin and GOG which keep Valve in check.

The best way Microsoft and Sony could fuck over Nintendo would be by getting rid of their subscription fees. Snowballs chance in hell of it happening, but could you imagine the cluster fuck from ninty? Would they go ahead as planned or change to adapt?

>>What is piracy?
What is DRM?

>Survives of selling drm free games
>Suddenly becomes a paid service that's shitter than Origin
Thinks management never changes from time to time, and that no one ever changes their mind if it means getting more money out of it

On second thought you're right, I forgot how every cookie cutter Triple A game breaks even 3 times over before release.


>pay for steam
>steam has games that are single player only
just like on psn right? you pay monthly for single player games right? fucking morons.

>gamers are spineless
Why don't we currently have paid mods?

>What is DRM?
Something that fucks over the paid customer more than the pirate?

>What is DRM?
Something that doesn't work.

>Why don't we currently have paid mods?
The number of paid mod apologists were still insane during that week.

I'm not defending DRM.

But it would "work" if gamers had no other choice.

Also, Denuvo.

>What is DRM
Cracks exist, and would probably come out faster
>Thinks management never changes from time to time, and that no one ever changes their mind if it means getting more money out of it
And? Is that gonna suddenly make GOG better than steam? If anything Valve would just throw money at Steam every time GOG tried to one up them.

They can't introduce a blanket subscription because it would kill their biggest F2P games i.e. TF2 and Dota 2. So the only way it could happen is if they allow certain devs/publishers to enforce subscriptions to play online for their games, which in that case they will just get dropped by everyone.

Keep dreaming nintenyearold.

That doesn't really mean anything. You could just be making it up. Who knows how many apologists there were (not counting obvious shitposters)?

Then why don't we still have Half Life 3?

If gamers protested Valve like they did with the paid mods bullshit, Half Life 3 would be released instead of paying for shitty overpriced microtransactions.

I still cant believe people defended TF2 hats which costed hundreds of dollars.

I loved how they claimed the negative response was from a vocal minority.
>money will make modders work harder hurhur
No it'll just make them lazier. Look at what it did to Valve.
Devs at least have deadlines to meet, while modders are just some fucker at home that mods in his off time.

You're a fucking retard.

>Cracks exist
Denuvo says "Hi"

There are games which were cracked but it took months.

And congratulations for completely missing my point.

>Who knows how many apologists there were (not counting obvious shitposters)
Fair point.
>So the only way it could happen is if they allow certain devs/publishers to enforce subscriptions to play online for their games ,which in that case they will just get dropped by everyone
But there are sub-based games on Steam right now. Steam, however, as a whole, will not be sub based, 100%.

What Denuvo game hasn't been cracked?

Steam won't do it because they will then get blown out of the water by Amazon, who have been biding their time.

They're doing fine right now, they're not going to risk doing something so outrageous. Not to mention they don't have enough online game support; nobody's going to pay them anything if it doesn't help them play Blizzard/EA Games.

>nintendrones pay online now
>suddenly hypothetically steam will follow suit

Go on...

Paid online will never happen on PC, a large proportion of the highest grossing games are free to play with microtransactions. If there was a barrier to entry there wouldn't be nearly as many people paying for shiny. Tf2's revenue increased by a factor of 40 when it went free to play, and it's not the only game that makes gorillions.

they might try it again with windows 10 but it didn't work out so well for them last time

Batlefield 1 and Battlefront

Spotted the actual retard.

Those are pure multiplayer games. There's really no incentive to crack them.

>If gamers protested Valve like they did with the paid mods bullshit, Half Life 3 would be released
That's implying every gamer even gives a shit about Half-Life 3.
At this point there are people who would boycott the game out of fear of it being bad.

Is that paid online service retroactive to 3DS and WII U?

This is a move that will more than likely kill Nintendo.

>That's implying every gamer even gives a shit about Half-Life 3.
>At this point there are people who would boycott the game out of fear of it being bad.
...Are you trolling right now or just being autistic?

Why waste time on a crack for something nobody would play?

No its not

No it's not. I'm kind of surprised though, considering how 3DS hacking is so trendy now.

Unlikely, considering PS3 (and Vita?) is still free to play online. But who knows...

just you wait.

>pc players arent cucks
explain Steam

no it's not retroactive or no it's not suicide?

Dude, just give up. HL3 is a mere illusion.

Valve could be on the verge of bankrupt tomorrow, and they will still wont release HL3.

>large slice of Steam users are Russians and BR's on potato PC's who play F2P shit and make microtransactions as their main source of spending

HAHA, no, its not happening.

Don't call me an autist if you seriously think every faggot across Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, and PC gives a shit about Half Life when half the steam community doesn't even own the game or only bought it because of muh sales.

This would literally speed up progress in cracking DRM like Denuvo and emulating the servers.

And it would also speed up progress from the corporations to create even better DRM software or whatever will make sure they have more control.

Is Nintendo retarded? They're behind right now, adding extra fees is like tying yourself to an anchor. Stupid, stupid, stupid move. They just killed their multiplayer market because no one wants to pay for the multiplayer they offer. Might as well cancel online services. When it comes to online games everyone is going to be picking X-Box or PS.

How long until PS Or Microsoft buy Nintendo when they start failing?

At this point, I wouldn't even be surprised if Valve started charging a usage fee. Fucking jews.

Or would probably make every game always online, a la Diablo 3 and others.

>t. delusional neogaf user

I wouldn't. I'd rather have a price increase in games than fucking subscriptions. I hate subscriptions. When I buy something I like having it, I don't like dealing with anymore contracts or added fees than I already have to with internet and cable tv.

Nah PC just has options so they can't do what they want.

Isn't charging for online service ultimately in the long wrong handicapping themselves against PC's?

> I'm kind of surprised though, considering how 3DS hacking is so trendy now.

Considering pirates made (or is it still WIP?) an online level database for Mario Maker 3DS, I don't think it'd work.

PS buy Nintendo? As Nintendo? Did you really just say that?

You said
>boycott the game out of fear of it being bad
That is autistic.

And Half Life 3 is one of the biggest gaming memes ever. Not every gamer gives a shit, but sooo many of them do.

desu I don't even think Nintendo can tell if you have a hacked 3DS or not, otherwise we wouldn't be able to play online.

What is an Idort, exactly? Someone who owns multiple consoles?

>Nintenyearolds somehow thinking this will equate to Steam having a subscription

I honestly can't think of anything that would make Steam hemorrhage users harder than that. It would completely kill the F2P games that subsist on Steam, along with a wide variety of players, and not only that, you'd essentially be putting up a paywall for people to buy and play video games. That'd be like having to pay to go into a Gamestop. Plus, the amount of legal trouble it would stir up would be enormous because you'd be potentially locking people out of the property they purchased.

As much as Valve tries to push the ToS where anything you buy can be forfeit at any time, it won't hold up in a court if something of this magnitude happened. But I wouldn't expect Nintoddlers to understand how good business works, seeing as they're following a dying company to the grave.

Pick a number, it's way more fun than this topic.

Yeah, basically that's it.

Homebrew "games" still report to the activity log, so Nintendo can probably tell, they just don't care anymore, considering you can now downgrade from the latest firmware and install CFW without DSiware or a hardmod, and it's basically at the end of life anyway.

Someone who lurked before posting instead of being a fucking newfag

fuck off. some of us are busy actually playing games

>Suddenly "PC is gonna have paid online soon!" posts popping up everywhere
Are you people retarded? You're already paying for general internet use.

Sony: $9.99 a month, $49.99 a year
Microsoft: $4.99 a month, $59.99 a year

Nintendo is not retarded enough to try to charge more are they?