Did Sony just win this console generation?
Did Sony just win this console generation?
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Sony ALWAYS wins baby.
Did Chad Warden teach you nothing.
>new console launch with only ONE game (1-2 wagglan does not fucking count)
These gooks are outta their fucking minds.
And don't get me started on those accessories pricing.
>Did Sony just win
OP didn't get the memo
Also paid online for fucking Nintendo games what were they thinking?!
Damn sure looks like it. Nintendo must be dying for money with the whole new level of jew cuckoldry. I wonder if this is going to sell?
4 in a row, how does Song fucking do it?
After that Switch reveal, yes.
And your reward for paid online is a free NES game...which you only get to keep for a month.
I know I joined Team Sony last year. Feels good to jump on a train actually headed somewhere other than oblivion.
Dumb console peasants, PC won.
>mfw ps3 outlived wiiu
Nobody can beat Nintendo, because Nintendo has put themselves out of the race. They've been doing their own thing for years and ignore any new trends that they haven't set themselves (VR for example). Microsoft and Sony are basically two parents arguing in the kitchen while Nintendo is a small child in the next room playing obliviously with colorful toys.
>doing their own thing
>adopted online pay wall
Name one good upcoming PC exclusive game in 2017 that isn't vaporware like bannerlord.
Undertale 2
>implying master race competes with peasants.
It feels good to be on the winning team.
PS4 is going for cheaper price on Amazon though. With Uncharted 4 as well.
Not yet. let's wait and see what happens with Scorpio.
unless MS decides to cancel that too.
I just don't understand Nintendo. I wanted to give them a chance this generation since my last nintendo console was the gamecube and I have some fond memories of this, but after watching that shit earlier I have no incentive to buy a switch. There was lately so much open world shit that turned out to be hot garbage like FFXV that I'm cautious when it comes to this stuff, it also looked way more anime than the last few zeldas I played. It's probably still the only game that piqued my interest.
>winner of the generation
Well Mario was late to the Party anyway. I bought WiiU but after that I'm never trusting Nintendo again.
Jesus, what is Nintendo thinking? We waited years for this shit? At least we get SMT, which is a system seller to me.
The SMT game is waaay off though. It was only a teaser. Probably a 2019 game
11 years later people still don't forget the GIANT ENEMY CRAB and RIDGE RACER.
If this was a race; they won by default.
MS shot themselves in the foot at the start of the race, limping ever since and is finally considering leaving the track altogether.
Nintendo showed up late to the race, unfit while still wearing it's Wii U outfit.
I wish Wojak was one of those memes that just died along with trollface.
...your point? How is that a counter-argument to the other image?
Sure Switch1,2 and JustDance2017 aren't pictured, but I think we can all agree that's for the best.
MK8 is a fully priced WiiU port and thUs not included
>The PS4 I got near launch was like $200 more than this
Learn my lesson Nintendo fans, never buy a console at launch
>2019 is 2 years away
Fuck that feels so far away though somehow
pretty sad you had to pick an discontinued OG PS4 with a white color to inflate the price.
It's not a counter argument. I'm just saying that the PS4 costs less than the Switch see
They may have just won the next generation as well.
see and
This post really has no place on this imageboard, you should just remove it already.
What do you mean "just"?
Sony won a long time ago
By the time the Switch releases the PS4 will be at 60m units WW
I hope they make one more shot at the portable console
I love handhelds and the vita was awesome. If it werent for those memory cards I would recommend it to everyone.
only generation they didn't win was the seventh.
everybody was into wii and had xboners during seventh generation.
>shaking hands with PC
stop, just stop, you know that's absolute bullshit and sonyggers hate PC's guts
So these are the people that support the ruining of the gaming industry.... really makes you think.
Man why do you hate playstation so much?
Nintendo lost, get over it.
oh I don't hate playstion itself, I've been with it since PS1, but the sonyggers are so manipulative.
Constantly here they're at it with PC, all the time they're invoking PC fags and starting arguments and bragging about PS4 Pro hardware.
Now that Nintendo has done a presentation on their new console you guys have something new to talk about, the attention's on Nintendo right now so let's just shitpost about them, haha guys we actually liked PC this whole time what are you talking about?
Sorry lad, the secondary devs that would usually make hanheld games are making PSVR games now
Excuse me while I go buy the console/handheld and everyone else does as well.
As I enjoy my beautiful ultra settings 144fps monitor
and everything rendered properly on my pc with 3 monitors doing different things.
I like how in almost every one of these PC is one of the two shaking hands
Sony won all console generations since their very first console. Its no surprise.
But the thing is that the Switchâ„¢ is actually shit
Zelda isn't even exclusive and Splatoon 2 might as well have been DLC
Ultima Ratio Regum
i think the only memorable things for the wii were the miserable and disappointing e3 showings and wii music
>Excuse me while I go buy the console/handheld and everyone else does as well.
>and everyone else does as well.
Sony won by being less bad than the others. This whole gen has been a fucking mess. Now with the Switch and VR, I really don't see why I'd bother with consoles.
We will win. And we will win. And we will win.
We're gonna win so much, you may even get tired of winning. And you'll say "please please it's too much winning, we can't take it anymore, Sony it's too much!. And Sony will say "No it isn't". We have to keep winning.
Says the guy who supports shady marketing tactics by sony and triple a devs.
>this generation
You mean the Console + generation with PS4 Pro and whatever xbox has?
I don't do any of those things though.
You bought a ps4 and you pay for online services, yes you do.
PS4 Pro and the Xbone S are not new platforms. Literally all they do is upscale games to 4K and let you watch 4K HDR movies
The Switch isn't even backwards compatible.
The 360 won overall with better game sales but more ps3's were sold than 360's.
But Zelda is also on the WiiU user.
>tfw console gaming is dead at long last
We did it Sup Forums, we finally did it
Already leeching on to PC i see.
Buying a PS4 is supporting shady marketing practices?
Also you just bought a console with a paid online service.
>I won't use it!
Enjoy never playing Splatoon or Smash or whatever.
SCE is winning. Sony overall as a company is a dumpster fire.
They didn't win with the PS3, retard.
>yfw steam announces paid online
The other deleted post was also leeching on PC, with Sony and Nintendo swapped
They won a special Olympics where the other two participants shot themselves in both feet
And who won then?
They've posted profitable quarters for some time now.
sony won because both microsoft and nintendo shat the bed
nintendo won pretty handily in terms of sales
man mike got fat
This makes no sense since Valve doesn't control online multiplayer access for 99% of the games on steam.
Second Valve makes more money from selling hats and knives than they ever would by committing sudoku and charging for online.
We already know how paid online goes over on PC when Microsoft tried to do it with GFWL