Sup Forums says the switch is a massive flop and Nintendo will go bankrupt

>Sup Forums says the switch is a massive flop and Nintendo will go bankrupt
>so far all my gamestop's and other stores within a 100 mile radius have already sold out of switch pre orders

So which is it Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

put the gun down you loli cum dumpster

Sup Forums hates everything.

My waifu chino is so cute


idiots buying shitty products

More at 11

Nintendo always creates artificial demand by not providing enough supply to create hype/interest. Congrats on being retarded OP.

you don't even know how supply and demand works. Stop talking like you know anything fucking dumbass

Wii U also sold out at launch

>calls me dumbass instead of providing an argument
Kill yourself retard.


The classic ad hominem.

Not an argument.


They've probably sold out because Nintendo alloted the store like 5 consoles each. They're shit with stock like that.

Tempted to scalp it, might buy a couple.

nearly 1 million first week

Then how the fuck did it fail so hard?

Because a console needs to have consistent sales over years to be successful and not short bursts of good sales.

Because launch is almost ALWAYS good for a console. It's about maintaining momentum. Retarded fanboys all jump at launch, I should know, I did that for the 3DS.

Listen, I'm probably the biggest nintendo dick sucker in this here town but all they showed off at this conference is ports and shit that won't be out until 2018. And paid online. Why is anyone hyped? I genuinely don't get it.

artificial scarcity.

>Nintendo pulls yet again their artificial scarcity card


it won't bomb, but it will be shit
Sup Forums just sometimes thinks consumers give a shit about their money

product is a flop
autists will still buy it
scalpers will pick it up to sell to said autists

>Sup Forums says I'm a faggot
>I like futa


Nintendo is always seemingly on the brink of collapse and it has somehow always managed to pull through.

I wonder why.

>for each store
> If it's every store that sells electronics
>It must mean it sold at least over 5 million


Prove that there are 1 million electronic stores in the US alone.

I'm actually curious.

>Gimmick shit part 3
>2 hour battery
>Power of a PS3
>Paid online
>Awful launch lineup
>No sign of 3ds franchises

>i didn't watch the conference

Most likely scalpers.

Nintendo has been prime target for them for ages and the artificial scarcity schemes aren't helping.

I'm torn because Nintendo being irrelevant is not good for anyone but Switch flopping would burn the vultures just like WiiU did.

friend sold his pre order receipt for $800 to someone an hour ago. I fucking hate scalpers

real or fake I can actually believe someone would be desperate enough to pay that much. We need another video game crash

>They've probably sold out because Nintendo alloted the store like 5 consoles each. They're shit with stock like that.

>Sup Forums says
you need to lurk until you can differentiate neo Sup Forums psts from legitimate posts

no fuck you. They are both one of the same.

"1 per customer" is basically a challenge to those aspies.

I told you to be ready during the presentation
I told you to be on the preorder page (or ready to search it up) and have your payment info pre-entered before the presentation was done
Why didn't you listen

Oh well, enjoy buying it for $600+ on ebay then or wasting time in line on release day only to walk out of the store empty handed

Except ps4, all threads are talking aboout how good is the ps4.

Sup Forums is Sonnyger

no they aren't, any user that has been here for a number of years prior to the gamergate shitshow can smell a redditor's post a mile off


Pick one

or just buy it when it has more than one game

>on the fence buyers following through after that conference

800$? please tell me yer trolling?? manchildren who buy wii switches when will they learn?

how fucking autistic was the guy who bought was?

>Only 10 to 20 units in most Gamestop stores

Wow, I'm not surprised.

It's called artificial scarcity, OP. A tactic usually used to drive up the hype of a product.

But, seeing as the presentation only served to kill the hype for most people, it'll only contribute more to the console's inevitable death.

Really user? Called up the GS i go to and told me they had a few hundred, and that was after they told me people were ordering them like crazy. (Then again, it's in a semi-big city)

Gamestop employee here. OP is lying out of his ass, preorder's wont be taken until 10AM friday morning. Though I have no doubt this will be the case, OP's full of shit. Move on, lies as usual.

Tell me. Mr. GameStop, how much of a monetary commitment do I need to make to preorder?

$50 minimum. One per.

meant in reply to

Aren't preorders all $10 min or is that just games?

Oh that's not so bad.

$5 on games, $10 for certain editions (Deluxe, Collectors, etc.). Consoles are almost always $50.

>Artificial scarcity

This is the same shit Apple pulls. I see it day in, day out.

>No store has ever had physical 7 Plus stock
>We always have to order them in, even when the order stock is in the thousands

Well, what do you guys think. Four hours until it opens. Should I preorder it or not?

D-don't shoot

>Live in a small town
>Just checked, nobody camping out for pre-order at my local Gamestop
>Have enough money for Switch and BotW


Yea, buy gym membership, protein, a nice shirt and new haircut.

This is too true
>luigi's mansion on 3ds
>super psyched
>nostalgia out the ass
>go to gamestop
>sorry man sold out bro, better preorder next time
>drive across the st to walkmart and pick it up
wasn't even worth it

right now me and my dad are waiting at gamestop to preorder. It's 5am now and theirs some people here as well

Artificial scarcity- Jim Sterling did a whole video about it. Long story short (since not everyone can stand JS) Nintendo only ships like 5-10 units per store, so they sell out quickly, thus giving the illusion of being in higher demand than they actually are, thus creating buzz that OMG THEY SUPER POPLUAR!!!!

Don't fall for it.

5 more hours to go, user.

Think you can make it?

>Sup Forums
>anything other than angry hipsters being vocal


holy shit get a life you man child. Stop dragging your poor old dad to your autistic shit. Can't wait for trump to deal with retards like you.

>Nintendo is always seemingly on the brink of collapse

>the thread continued after this


smart friend.

It's easy to sell out of something when your store has been allocated 5 consoles.

Nintendo are like the corporate posterchild for artifical scarcity.

Haha look who's never had a dad

Fuck off

Artificial scarcity and scalpers.
They've been doing it FOR YEARS.

Even if Nintendo is only giving each store an average of 30 units, that's 200k sold in 6 hours.

Wow, 38. That's almost as many as 4 10s. And that's terrible.

Because even when you dedicate 6 minutes of your presentation to some normie shovelware and have drunk as fuck translators for your presentation as long as you throw mario and zelda in it people will grow erections.

>Wow, 38. That's almost as many as 4 10s. And that's terrible.

That's actually pretty great when you consider they give Gamestop 5 of everything else, literally. Just look at the NES Classic shitstorm. It's still about 4x its MSRP on ebay/amazon. Everyone expected Gamestops to just get 10 Switches, at most.

>claim you've sold out right away to create fake buzz and hype
>therefore adding value
>more people want it because they're sheep and think it'll be the next huge thing (it's sold out after all!!)

Wow, amazing. Never seen this before. Your last consoles flopped hard in comparison to others and you were out of stock then too. Crazy.

How early should I get to my GameStop to preorder a Switch?