Mfw when ALL consolefags have to pay a monthly SUBSCRIPTION to play MULTIPLAYER VIDEO GAMES

>mfw when ALL consolefags have to pay a monthly SUBSCRIPTION to play MULTIPLAYER VIDEO GAMES

>tfw poor console fag
>tfw buying a pc can't come soon enough

I own a PS4 and never paid for online. It has enough single player games to justify the purchase.

You got me user. I'm going from Nintendo + PC to full mustard unless Nintendo somehow backpedals and allows free online, which likely won't happen.

It feels bad.

It really just shows that Nintendo will always be late to the party.
>Microsoft starts paid online service
>Xbox Live is the most stable paid online service ever
>Sony tries their hand in it
>Fuck it up completely and have to offer free games no one cares about to compensate
>Now a generation in a half later Nintendo is doing it and it's most likely going to be even more of a shit show that PSN was/is


The only thing I can hope is that in the next console gen, one company tries to take advantage of this and becomes the only console with free online.

>it's most likely going to be even more of a shit show that PSN was/is

It already is
>pay for shitty online with a bonus of renting a NES/SNES per month

I was on the fence on getting a switch or upgrading my 8 year old PC but after tonight PC is the rational choice.

The Switch has the stink of Wii U all over it.

this is my favorite part of the Nintendo conference

>japs go on forever about the technology in the console and how good the rumble features are and showing really stupid live-action promo trailers that go on for way too long
>toss spotlight over to america
>"I know what you really care about are the games"

Reggie is too good for Nintendo, man. I know the real reason the conference happened that way, but it's still funny.

The nips in suits are still trying to recreate the Wii, I can bet you many of them have been there for 20+ years

You don't remember the part where son's service kept credit card information in plain text and gor hacked, so hundreds of thousands of people got their personal information stolen? That's a little worse than renting out old games on the shitshow-meter.

>Trying to sell rumble as a brand new hot feature
>Slap HD on it

What happens when Steam adopts this?

Hello internet explorer!

The reason they had to talk about stupid bullshit for so long was because they didn't have any fucking games to talk about. They literally showed a picture of travis touchdown. Not a video clip, not a demo, they showed a still image of a character and said "this guy is getting a game at some point". In your hype event, that's how far you have to grasp.

That's why the hubbub over the rumble had to take such a prominent place in the conference: because they couldn't fill the time talking about games.

Given how fucking awful and value-poor their current eshop is, fuck that.

I don't see this being successful for them. People (me) buy nintendo products so they can play with people in the same room, not across the other side of the planet. Hell, the new console is really pushing the "play with your friend who is right there with you" aspect.

hey it has ratchet & clank too.

everyone will abandon steam, not gonna happen

It loses 90% of its average users probably

pc kids start crying blood


Valve aren't that stupid.

>One of the games they showed off in that 1 2 Switch thing was Ping Pong
I legitimately do not fucking know how they're going to make that game work if you're looking at your opponent, considering there's no fucking ball.

Everyone abandons steam and we return to the golden age of drm free games retard.

I know they're not. They make more money from hats and skins alone then a subscription service could ever get them.

>see return to the age of drm free games

Yeah man, there was no drm before steam, why would there be any after it?

pecause we both just NEED that mario tennis online.

false flag if ive ever seen it. nintendo fans either dont care about online, or think splatoon is worth a yearly fee. Nintendo + pc is still a good combo until nintendo dies and puts game on PC. Now THAT would make consoles unjustifiable as a whole.

PS+ is 6$ per month.

>remakes count as a console seller now

>what is gog


That company was Nintendo and they even had a better uptime than the other two.

Considering Valve doesn't even control most of the servers used by multiplayer games that would be dowright impossible to happen.

People continue pirating and not paying for pc games anyway

>nintendo fans either dont care about online
>Mario Kart

You dumb bitch

I don't even know why consolefags even bother anymore. I'm going now with PC only for 10 years and I never had a single reason to complain nor was I ever disappointed. With PC you always exactly know what you get and it can only get better. With consoles you're at the mercy of Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo to dictate the right direction for the future but they only get worse every year.

Apparently arguing against paid online holds more weight than paying less than a hundred bucks a year. I don't particularly want to pay for online but it's not going to bother me on a titanic level.

>previous Nintendo consoles have free online
>"Ha suck it fags! I get to play Mario kart and smash all I want no charge!"
>Switch has paid online
>w-who even likes online anyways, I've never even needed it for anything..."

t. professional for glory player

mario kart is a fair point, but most nintendo fans play single player for 90% of their play time.

Haha, just like the sonyponies when they went from free to paid online.

try again i play smash locally like a sane person if ever. plus i never used price as a con for other consoles.

PCucks will justify it by saying that the servers are more stable and they have less ping

I don't really give a fuck about online gaming myself, but nintendo's decision is really stupid considering the amount of online games is really limited, are people really going to be paying monthly just to play a single match of splatoon or mario kart every now and then?

Enjoy your ruskies and brazucas


Do you think that the games announced are the only games switch is gonna have? The first 6 months or so are free. If switch doesn't have more multiplayer games by the time online Is pay to play, it's completely fucked anyway.

The Last Guardian
Gravity Daze 2
Persona 5
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Death Stranding

The only thing we have to complain about with Pc is shitty console ports because console fags will lap up any old shit


>Death Stranding
>>Death Stranding
>Dont even know what the fuck is even supposed to be
>Already calling it a must buy

Such as?
No, really, I am serious. FFXV? Crash?

>ALL mustards have to play with cheaters, russians and huehues

>paying for online because MUH CHEATERS


1 game
>The Last Guardian
Artsy fartsy crap that runs at 15fps on the base PS4
>Gravity Daze 2
Mediocre rehash
>Persona 5
Weebshit that's also on PS3
>Horizon: Zero Dawn
Ubisoft tier garbage
>Death Stranding
Movie that won't release for a long time

>last guardian
We aren't talking about PS3 games.
>isn't out yet
>isn't out yet

>Xbox Live is the most stable paid online service ever

Oh look, another faggot xbone shitter trying to validate paying extra for internet he already has. By "you" paying I mean your mommy.

That would only affect games that used Steamworks implementation for the multiplayer

Dragon Quest Builders
Dragon Quest Heroes
Senran Kagura
Project Diva Future Tone
MGS Ground Zeroes
The Phantom Pain (lol)
Disgaea 5
Megadimension Neptunia
Valkyria Chronicles
Gal Gun
Resident Evil 4/5/6
Metal Slug Anthology

Not that user but that's what I can see on my home menu right now. More in my shelf, here's your you.

think of 10 or 20 of the most popular multiplayer games of today. do you think the switch is gonna get or even run any of them?
all potential future releases I can think of are some nintendo exclusives like pokemon or smash

Half of those are fucking multiplats

I mean it's getting Fifa

>Dragon Quest Builders
Also on Vita
>Dragon Quest Heroes
Also on PS3
>Senran Kagura
Also on Vita
>Ground Zeroes
Also on 360, PS3, Xbox One, and PC
>The Phantom Pain
See above
>Disgaea 5
Coming to Switch
1 game
Also on Vita and PC
>Valkyria Chronicles
Also on PS3
>Gal Gun
Also on Vita
>Resident Evil 4/5/6
You serious?
>Metal Slug Anthology
You fucking serious, man?

Moving the goalposts but that's fine my game enjoying friend.

>Moving the goalposts
>to inferior systems
>this justifies buying a PS4

It's not a matter of what I think Splatoon or Mario Kart is worth. I hate paid online on principle, and refuse to enable companies to do it. I played my Wii U online a ton, and probably spend more time playing modern Nintendo games online than offline. I can afford an online subscription, but I'm not going to give them money for something that was free and should be free.


>implying it's not easy to cheat on Nintendo consoles

Do you know how many people inject in the 3DS Pokémon games?


i agree mate, if the first 6 months are free i will use it actively just to show a drop in userbase the likes of winch nintendo has never seen.

>Metal Slug Anthology
>You fucking serious, man?
Not him, but that alone is better than anything Nintendo shat out in the last 5 or 6 years.

Why do Nintendofags are always with muh weebshit argument when everything Nintendo does is also weebshit?

Horizon, Gravity Rush, Ratchet, Yakuza, Nioh or Nier counts too. Why list-fags cares about games out on another consoles? it´s not like Steamfags isn´t asking for console games to go to PC everytime.

Disgaea 5 was weebshit before but now that it´s coming to a nintendo consoles now will be a respetable SRPG game that nintendoboys will push in every list they make, it´s funny.

>Bloorborne with no online
You poor soul

I'm glad nintendo fucks up again I can step out of this shitty console gen.

worst part is its not even hosted servers, its all fucking p2p, they are paying to use their own internet they already paid for

thanks microsoft fanboys, youre why gaming is cancer now

That's what free 3DS online gets you

>6 games total
>2 aren't even out yet

Excuse me while I choose from thousands of games, spanning 30 years of gaming, of all genres and from all regions.
and can, and will, emulate your shitty console games for fun

Free games I can pirate

>mfw the majority of Mustards cant resell their games

Not him but I'm playing it online now. Doesn't seem too different, are invasions still a thing?

Is Miyamoto just living out of Reggie's basement at this point?

If I enjoy a game why would I sell it? If I don't enjoy it I can refund it


The demographic and games that the Switch is aimed at are not the type to be played seriously for hours on end or competitively.

A majority of users play for only 1-2 hours with friends once maybe every few weeks. No one is going to want to pay monthly or even yearly for that. Adults already pay for Xbox/PS online, or they're just playing on PC, and kids' parents won't want to shell out that much money for a system+game+sub when they can just give them an iTunes gift card for iOS games on their iPad instead.

I can refund and resell my games so whats your point?

You can refund your games after 2 hours only

nothing much, users would be happy to pay in exchange for FREE monthly games

>buying PC games

Everyone point at the idiot and laugh

Yeah invasions only happen when you ring the bell to allow for summons since there's no humanity

>Everyone abandons steam and we return to the golden age of drm free games
Are there kids on Sup Forums so young that they think DRM is a modern thing? I think this is a troll, but I can't be sure.

I feel nostalgic about having to go to the back of a manual to input a CD key. I have no idea why, it's another trashy DRM system

>Paying $60 every time
>Paying for online functionality
>Can sell the game for $20 on craigslist or $4 store credit at gamestop


>Paying anywhere from 5 to 60, then steep discounts multiple times a year.
>Free online all the time
>Can't resell games


>tfw the majority of consolefriends DO resell their games
>which is actually far worse than piracy
>which is why you are getting milked on all front now

Nice, right?

Not an argument :^)

>steam refunds

>tfw games just get cheaper overtime instead of overpriced due to second hand cockscukers

Way I see it, I pay about the difference between your new game price and the resale price, and get to keep the game.

how is this still a thing?
I own a pc, i pay for internet, win.
I own a ps4, pay them to let me access the internet on their machine monthly, pay for internet, fail.

tfw consolefag most of my life
tfw got a pc recently
tfw most of the games available are weaboo bullshit or shitty mmos and shit indie games
tfw all the good games are multiplat anyway with a few exceptions here and there

where are the master race feels?

Most amusing thing is that the online functions of all consoles are extremely inferior to what is baseline on PC in 2017.
Especially nintendo.

If you built a PC without having specific games you want to play, you are just a bandwagoning retard.

I need to save up on Mustard Wojak's. Consoles are a fucking joke.

>tfw all the good games are multiplat anyway with a few exceptions here and there
And generally look and play best on PC.