I just got off of work, please give me the details on the switch that came out tonight Sup Forums

I just got off of work, please give me the details on the switch that came out tonight Sup Forums

Also give me your feelings, did you enjoy or hate what they had to say?

Other urls found in this thread:


tech specs are here: gamespot.com/articles/nintendo-switch-specs-confirmed/1100-6446904

new HD shin megami tensei, No More Heroes 3, Super Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2

they spent way too much time on gimmicky shit

Thanks user, checking them now

300 Bucks
Todd Howard
Zelda is my Waifu
Ice Cubes
Young attractive 20 something year olds playing outside
3 hour charge

You forgot paid online.

The new Mario looks amazing
It's the evolution of Mario 64 and Sunshine

paid online
Zelda is a launch title
No Mario until winter
Splatoon in summer
Mario Kart in April
$50 single joy-con
$70 pro controller
voice chat requires a mobile app which will have a free limited version meaning you have to pay for the full options

Run away OP. It ain't pretty

SMT V is confirmed multiplatform, the 3DS game is exclusive whatever it is though...

>3 hour charge

this part bit hardest. isn't Google among other companies furiously dumping cash into energy research to increase the density of current cells?

>SMT V is confirmed multiplatform


Loved it

Then I remembered paid online

Jesus those are some dissapointing specs, 300$ for 720p? Has it been confirmed that the dock makes it more powerful or was that just rumor bs?
The games look nice atleast
If SMTV is multiplat that's pretty bad for nintendo

Why don't you just check one of the other 40 threads about it?

when did Todd speak?

until there's a source that says otherwise, nothing indicates that smt5 will be on anything but the switch

When they showed off Skyrim

It's not good. Speaking as a Ninty fan, there wasn't enough going for it. Paid online, jewish as fuck pricing, and overall unimpressive lineup. I'm not getting a console if I only like 2 of its games.

Dock bumps it to 1080p

when was that

you mean 900p

By far the best part of the presentation was this

they actually said 2 and a half hours to 6 hours charge

so really BotW will play about 2hours 30 minutes, laughable honestly.


roughly 3 hours as in lowest brightness, no wifi/blutooth, fresh charge and battery, etc