A fucking white male

>a fucking white male
>blonde princess damsel in distress that needs to be saved

Nintendo hasn't learned anything.

Other urls found in this thread:


ugly eyebrows and link looks like a homo.

Nintendo has learned to ignore whiny SJWs


They've learned that there's nothing wrong with a traditional formula.
Also lmao

Link isn't white, he's an elf with pointy ears which equals to fantasy nigger, so it's okay

I know right?

We need a little loli to go full lesbian to make the in crowd these days
and don't forget that /u/ pandering to the weebs! That shit always sells! And remember, for the weebs you don't have to go full /u/ just have two girls in a game and the fans will do the rest! :D

God bless.

Based Japan

How tf do white people keep getting away with this? Zelda needs to be BLACKED.

They learned what people really want, though.

Relationships build from emotional vulnerability.

Nintendo are like so anti-SJW...
I'm like preordering the Switch RIGHT NOW
I don't care about it having no games on release, paid online, wagglan gimmicks, being overpriced


Cry harder landwhale, wapanese devs aren't cucks

Meanwhile sonyggers sucking SJW's dicks.



holy shit is this real

They never unlearned..

>Zelda took the master sword and fucked up 100 years early trying to be the hero
Its going to be glorious to see the SJW tears

SJWs are literally surplus population and genetic dead ends. They have no purpose other than to leech off productive people and whine about them not giving them enough.

>How dare a female character be shown having a moment of weakness and wanting to be held, this is truly an affront to women everywhere.

Fuck off. You don't even know the context of the scene or if she's even going to do anything after it. Strength and importance in story is more then just being active. Given the story we do know and what Zelda is talking about. I have more respect for her as a character then probably ever.


it literally says in the trailer to save zelda

it's the same shit as always

>I have more respect for her as a character then probably ever.

hahahaha wow

>hahahaha wow

I'd say they learned not to give a shit what whiny westerners think...but then they never cared about you to begin with, pussy

Is it just me or does link look like Mikazuki?


>not liking thicc eyebrowed girls
that's pretty gay, mate.

japan doesn't give a fuck about tumblr-tier sjw shenangians
truly the only smart people around

girls are weak
boys are strong

>It really WASN'T female Link

What the fuck................................

Considering they ignore everybody. Let's not give them a pat on the back.

Holy shit absolutely based

100% true

Interestingly enough, it's usually not Zelda that needs saving as much as her entire kingdom. In Ocarina, she was a crossdressing ninja, and only got captured at the last second.
In Wind Waker, she was a pirate captain and only became useless after that shithead Red Lion King gave her a frilly dress.
In Twilight Princess she spent half the game imprisoned in a tower, and the other half dead, but it wasn't like she was helpless. She made a conscious decision to abdicate her throne, and to sacrifice her life.
As far as damsels go, she's pretty cool.

When is feminist frequency going to make their rant about how problematic this game looks

>Zelda looks like a man
>Link looks like a girl
Nintendo not being SJW

They've learned women's place in the world.

>My feet hurt
>It's cold
>I'm hungry
>This girl is too loud
>I wish I was back in my magic blue bath

Fuck Trump and fuck white people

Based Nintendo not giving in to tubmlr. Unlike Sony with God of War:my wife's son edition, Last of Us 2:stronk white womyn effortlessly kills males, and Horizon Zero white males will live by Dawn.

fuck off, you racist bigot.