Desktop thread

Desktop thread.

>MacOS layout
>7gb ram
>87 C

I am not OP, but I want suggestions.

Kill yourself



>task bar on top

You're right, the only correct place for it is the left side

>left side
Random user here. I actually have my taskbar on the left side.

Holy shit, I hope you've got a fire extinguisher nearby my dude.

>seeing your desktop


Me too

It's the best setup

i too have it on the top, it is truly the best

Let me guess, you're only on 1080?

>mfw my wife has hers on the right

>Those temps
you using your PC as a heater or something?

this desktop gave me cancer
i mean, holy shit user, you are a special kind of faggot


i like fun

here's mine

Internal fans are broken. External fans and literal ice packs on the computer only do so much.

I don't see how that would make a difference, unless you're talking about vertical space. I just think it's more comfortable moving the cursor to the left instead of to the bottom. While we're at it, I also have my tabs on the side in my browser

i like it, nice one, user.

It's for people with shit resolutions and/or small monitors. Sorry poorfag.

>ice packs on computer

That sounds like a good way to fuck it up


OP just delete the thread lol


It's for ergonomics. I can see how it would help with small resolutions though

>External fans and literal ice packs on the computer

just fix or replace your fucking fans user holy shit

>I also have my tabs on the side in my browser

The absolute madman.

too lazy to actually take a screenshot
never look at the thing anyway

The ice packs are in ziploc bags so they don't get water anywhere important.

I just can't be bothered to get new fans.

>I also have my tabs on the side in my browser

even so, doesn't the condensation cause problems?

But this is a fun thread for fun people.

>ice packs are in bags so they don't get water anywhere important
You do know that condensation is a thing right?

It's a huge help if you're like me and have like 50 tabs open, it becomes impossible to find the right one when they're all squished together on the top. When they're in a sidebar you can still read which is which. Except if I remember right Firefox don't resize the tabs. But I always found it pretty clunky to look through them that way, I don't know if you can just scroll through them sideways instead of clicking that arrow or whatever it was

shit at least have maki or something

>can't be bothered with fixing literal life support of his pc
>can be bothered with faggy desktop widgets and Sup Forums threads about how pretty is his desktop

Nope, it stays pretty contained in the bag. Besides which, it's external. The cool from the ice helps my temps (trust me, I've checked; I'm not doing it fr nothing), and it's nowhere near anything internal.

The computer's still too hot for any condensation to form, so it doesn't matter.

>original C&C
only respectable thing about this

it's actually tiberian sun

Hope you have a fire extinguisher close by, because that's just asking for you house to get burned down.

feels good

Top is the best tb h

I just realized I was still following Dean Hall. That's been resolved.

>everyone pointing out 7gb RAM but not that its DDR3 @ 798 MHz
>also, jewcore
>only 2.3 GHz

Shame on you all.

shit's clean

How much time do you spend looking at your desktop, I can understand keeping the desktop clean from useless icons but I never got people plastering all kinds of meters and doodahs on it

>may our framerates be high and temperatures low


99% chance it's from r*ddit

I mean as a (new) audiophile i spend a shit ton of time on my desktop just listening to music

Why on the desktop? You could just as well do it in foobar. Or rather, you don't need to stare at a desktop to listen to things

>"no fun allowed!"

i like things to look somewhat minimalistic but i also enjoy the aesthetic of equalizers, i don't spend all my time on my desktop but sometimes i just chill and listen to music



Go back to redd!t and stay there, your 'le gaymur identity xD' garbage is literal cancer.

Thanks doc

Taken a week ago. Nothing has changed.
File too large fuck you

I bet you're purposely posting on the wrong board so you can't get criticism. I'll post my desktop anyway, but without the specs because despite being a douche I'm self-aware of my poorfagness and my bad pc choice unlike OP.

dont have an up to date pic on my phone, basically the same anyway

Pretty standard, really.

*tips fedoras*


>this triggers people every time i post it
Its a work in progress!

>that wallpaper
>that visualizer
>that song

I can't rate it anything higher than 2/10.