Wel....... That uh.... Press Conference sure was, uh.... Something, right Nintenbros?

Wel....... That uh.... Press Conference sure was, uh.... Something, right Nintenbros?

>nintendo fan
>old enough to smoke
Oi I'm laffin

4ds when?

Your 3ds turns into the 4ds right after you hack it. Now come play 4u with me.


>300 instead of 250 when I can get a PS4 for 260 right now which already has an established library
>Paid fucking online
>Joy Cons are 80 together and 50 a piece. Pro Controller is fucking 70 bucks
>Paid fucking online
>Absymal Launch Line up
>every game worth getting (SMT V, FE Warriors Xenoblade 2) are all a ways off and are barely in the beginning of development
>Paid fucking online
>Console is being advertised as a handheld yet only last 3 hours
>32 GB internal storage
>No voice chat at launch
>Paid fucking online

I'm still fucking laughing

>32 gb internal storage.

Holy fuck this can't be real. its fucking 2017. I can go buy a 2 tb flash drive for 25 bucks. O shit I'm really laughin now

>a 2 tb flash drive for 25 bucks

>implying hardcore nintendrones aren't oldfags that dream of the 80's glory days.

>I can go buy a 2 tb flash drive for 25 bucks
I'm sure that aliexpress chink crap with 1 order is going to last a long time.

The games are on cartridge. Digital storage probably just gonna be save files and dlc, along with whatever comes off vc.

>posting in a shitposters trolling trolls thread

A game really shouldn't be much bigger than 1gb so that's not a problem as I see it.

That was true back when games came on CDs.

You'd be stupid to think that stream DIDNT please nintendo fans

Doesnt mean it was good, but it definately was the kind of stuff actual nintendo fans wanted to see

I enjoyed it?

>32g internal storage isn't a problem in 2017

Fucking Nintendrones

It'll last longer than Switch, that's for sure.

nobody here lived through the 80's, save a few who were born during the late 80's and they doesn't count

Like what?

>so desperate for games to talk about you show a fucking still image of travis touchdown and say "this guy is getting a game...eventually"

This alone makes me platinum mad. Are you fucking serious? During your hype conference all you have Is a picture of a character. Everyone that thought that was a good idea needs to be fired.

>orange from sega shows up
>we see tremendous potential in the switch

I'm in my late 30s and I'm sure I'm not alone

>I can get a PS4 for 260 right now which already has an established library
l m a o

I wanted it to be this shitty so I could laugh about it but it just makes me feel depressed about the state of gaming in 2017. Will video games even exist in 2037? Will it all just be choose your own adventure interactive movies that you have to sell your organs to afford?

I will say one thing though, this Nintendo conference convinced me to buy an SD2SNES instead of a Switch. At least I get to use a real fucking controller.

It's like every time they do something good like remove region locking, they do something bad like paid online.

Fucking this. He didn't even bother to mention if they were even planning anything.

Doesn't that pretty much sum up the entire third party section?

> here is bad translators saying that games might, maybe, possibly, potentially be made
> if that doesn't convince you here's a trailer that's really a teaser for the game that might, maybe, possibly, potentially be made
> if that didn't convince you then I'm wearing a shirt

At this point Scalebound was more real than the entire switch library.