>Japanese game
>Every girl is a virgin
Getting real tired of this shit
>Japanese game
>Every girl is a virgin
Getting real tired of this shit
every girl is a virgin because they only do anal.
>Sup Forums thread
>every post is a virgin
>Japanese game
>Every girl is a virgin
Isn't that just common in Japan? Aren't Japanese people too super obsessed with school/work to fuck before marriage?
>Dude I love 2d because they are pure unlike the 3d sluts!
>they all dress and act like this
You think the Japs are gonna buy a game if the girls in it aren't pure, innocent virgins? C'mon son.
> Implying you want a used bitch for waifu
Just fuck off cuck
By constantly reinforcing the toxic idea that only virgin girls with perfect (impossible) bodies are desirable they are alienating a potential female audience and make them feel self-conscious
But user like 50% japs die virgins
>dress slutty for all the attention from all the Chads
>dress slutty for all the attention from only you
any more questions?
Because the other 50% is too impure for them.
Haha, what a story Mark!
I love loli cunny!
You have data to support this claim, right?
>wanting used goods
Acting like a slut is fine, being a slut is not
>Japanese-inspired imageboard
>every poster is a virgin
Post Sonya from Dangit2
> Acting like a slut is fine
There is no differece, cuck
>Japanese game
>Every girl is a boy
I'll never get tired of this shit
If you aren't in a committed relationship and married, you should be virgin. Male or female.
And gladly, Japan understands this. Making the exceptions, exceptions, and not the norm.
I am personally getting real tired of the west not understanding this.
>act like a slut for the person you love because you want to arouse them
>be a slut and get your holes filled because you're worthless and want attention
Suh dude
>they are alienating a potential female audience
a potential female audience of lesbian weaboos?
I don't get the obsession with purity or virgins /v.s. Used goods. Maybe it's cause I'm a pccuck, so it's like wow you hit it first? Thanks for beta testing the pussy i guess. Glad to see she is much improved for me.
> Act like a slut for the person she loves because you're worthless and want attention
Yes I agree
Who the fuck finds this attractive
>hey let's remove everything that makes a woman sexy
5d checkers of bait
>Having shit taste
Get out
>actually wanting to fuck roasties
Wow, it's almost like you want a marriage that is 90% likely to end in complete failure.
The nips know. They know this.
Fuck off, Moby Dick.
>he doesn't like Loli
Lol what a gay
this is gross
Allowing women to breed outside of marriage was the single greatest mistake of the modern countries. It destabilizes families, it creates unhappy marriages and it leads to a population drop.
nigga you gay
>Who the fuck finds this attractive
Yes. About 40% of people aged 18-30 are virgins there.
He's right though this sort of thing wouldn't be attractive in 3D. This is why 2D is superior.
Here are several female characters from Japanese games who are not virgins:
Lulu (Final Fantasy)
Sophitia Alexandra (Soul Calibur)
Jun Kazama (Tekken)
Kazumi Mishima (Tekken)
Crimson Viper (Street Fighter)
Dizzy (Guilty Gear)
Nine (BlazBlue)
Sayuri (Senran Kagura)
Isabelle (Shadowverse)
Japan like fantasy. Wouldn't you like to live in a fantasy where women weren't gigantic fucking whores?
Not as gross as your mother was last night m8.
>Sayuri (Senran Kagura)
I don't think the statistics are much better in the west. Do bear in mind there is a huge group of young men completely shunned by society. The Chads who get to fuck the 90% of women make up maybe 30% of the males. Then there are those in relationships and then a huge chunk who will simply not get any attention at all because of the Chads absorbing them all.
Why does a one mate system seem to work so well for humans? You'd think the more girls you impregnate the better by a biological standard.
Thanks to contraception though breeding outside marriage and sex outside of marriage are entirely different things. Which is why it baffles me there is so much of the first one going on still.
Yes. But if the other option was some puritan hellhole where sex was some sort of taboo I'll stick to the former.
>making women see worth in themselves is a bad thing.
Do you mean "every girl actually has a penis and a y chromosome" or "every girl is unironically just a flat board with the body shape of a boy"
You is gross.
Live life than settle down.
Otherwise It'll inevitably go the other way around, which can be catastrophic.
>t. roastie
Unlike most western whores losing their virginities at the age of 12, a lot of Jap girls are more held back.
>Yes. But if the other option was some puritan hellhole where sex was some sort of taboo I'll stick to the former.
Good thing then that's an extreme case that is almost never true outside of ISIS-held territory.
We live in a society where by the point of marriage, the woman has had so many dicks that she'll be completely indifferent to prospect of sharing one partner for the rest of her life. She's been tainted. She's been defiled. She'll always think of those better cocks while fucking her husband. Eventually she'll either cheat on him or break up with him because she's "just not that happy anymore".
Sexual liberation was the greatest scam of the 20th century.
This. And then they don't fugg and their population dwindles to nothing and nobody has fun.
Women were traditionally always expected to pick one man to have their children with. It was an investment for a lifetime. Now they fuck countless of men before marriage, completely removing the value of a life-long investment instead reducing it to just another dick coming into her vagina but this time without the pills.
What is?
wanna share the source, brother?
>a lot of Jap girls are more held back.
Paid dates and shit, one in five japanese women did JAV etc
They just love to lie, because unlike here they get smed for it.
They can take ten miles of businessman and yakuza dick before 18 then be all like "Tee hee I'm still a virgin"
Not like their herbivore husband will even care she has no hymen
>this population dwindle meme again
>sex is the only way to enjoy yourself
Reaching some impossible levels of stupid here, user.
So you want them to be typical American sluts?
> Virgin-shaming culture.
Americans, Explain your shit.
yeah, all the men
>cute young girls with small chests aren't attractive.
terrible taste
Raising a human child is an immense investment by most animals' standards; having two parents who can help raise a child that they KNOW is theirs is good for the species and their survival. Also having a father in their life keeps kids from developing into degenerate little shits.
are you trying to dispute the notion that japan's population, or at the least birth rate, isn't fucking plummeting? And that japan isn't extremely sexually repressed on a cultural level?
Dating as 25+ year old fucking sucks. Every girl is a huge whore and you can't trust her with anything. I wish I could turn the back to when I was in HS and get myself a cute virgin and then stick to her.
She's like 12
Jesus dude project harder. But i was referring to the "muuh pure virgins, no fun allowed" attitude people here have. Regardless it's more how and why they dick the dicks than how many, and not for any of your insecurity reasons. If a chick bangs 3 random dudes she can't even name because she lacked a strong father figuire and it's the only way she knows how to get the male attention she desperately craves stay away. Where as if some chick banged 10 dudes, while in the confines of relationships, or after a few dates (or hell even 1 good one) because she wanted that's respectable.
>Herbivore male culture
you first
Fat is cuter
Except japan's population is dwindling and I never said sex was the only way to enjoy yourself. Strawman harder.
Are Tengas that good? Asking for a friend.
Yet, the number of partners remain the single most important factor to whether or not a marriage will end in success or misery. You can keep justify it but truth is that if she's had the dicks, she's been tainted.
>every muh virginity fag in this thread is a pedophile
Really activates the almonds
Calm down, autist.
> Quoting like its bad
Hmmm, Yeah?
>every muh slut shaming whore is a roastie
Really fires up the neurons
I like slutty loli.
Stop projecting your sexual inadequacy on to all of us and actually get laid, man.
>There has to be growth! Goldstein told me!
>A culture with dick parades and mixed bathing is sexually repressed
They're not sexually repressed dumbass, they just don't want to bother with all the low-key whores that Jap woman are so they just chill with their 2D waifus, Also congrats on falling for the old Jewish tick of thinking that you have to grow constantly for no reason.
Oh boy there's two of you retards
Also you literally said no one has fun while mentioning sex, what the fuck else did you mean to imply, fuck off bud.
Maybe if you were dumber you could actually get laid, sorry my dude.
>are you trying to dispute the notion that japan's population, or at the least birth rate, isn't fucking plummeting?
No, there's nothing wrong with this. You can't cram 130 million people mostly in dense urban centers in a country smaller than California and expect to continue growing. It becomes financially impractical to raise big families at a certain point. The population will eventually level to something more sustainable once their elderly die off.
Don't trigger them with that P word, it works every time.
They just are just beta feel weak against peer women, don't push it too hard man.
Nice dodge. You can keep play the "muh insecurity" card while the statistics are more clear than everA female's prior number of sex partners before marriage is directly correlated to how well the marriage is going to last.
If you want to set yourself up for failure, go ahead.
stop projecting your insecurity over being used goods.
Correlation =\= causation.
There are plenty of ways of explaining the correlation.
>getting married
Are you 30?
30 percent of young workers will have to pay for 70 percent old farts who stop working at 50 and live until 110
Maybe if you were smarter, you wouldn't have allowed your uterus to be infected with HPV and all other nasty shit.
Welp, enjoy your failed marriages I guess. But hey your body your rules right ;)
You bet your ass I do.
Please link where i said that.
Reading comprehension really isn't your thing is it?
Waow, you hit that strawman so hard, gottem
>Correlation =\= causation.
The correlation exists and it's a strong one. Whatever makes women whore out and fuck a ton of men also makes them bad marriage partners. Either way, it's a red warning sign.
Keep going
>He's a 40 year old
It's funny, the roastie accusing people of strawmans finds herself in a tight spot after enduring the same arguments.