Perfect games don't exi-

Perfect games don't exi-

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fallout 3 is better

s-say that to my face you turbonigger

Troggy do! (I disagree with you, but respect your opinion.)

I agree. Fallout 2 just didn't have enough pop culture references and over-the-top goofiness to be true vidya kino.

Original Fallout is based. Why don't they make these sort of games still? F1 is 20 years old this year.

Uninstall your brain's OS my nig nog.

the first fallout is far better than 2, I don't know why people like 2 better. is pop culture really that entertaining?

there's just more of it

that's objectively false

It's bigger and newer, with more things to do and more places to go, but it lost a lot of the feeling in the setting and I think everyone knows it.

Is this a joke or do people on this board just have shit taste? This game is painfully boring and unenjoyable with shit graphics, but people talk about it like it's the best thing since sliced bread.

>you punch the giant ant
>you missed
>you missed
>you missed
>you missed

Yeah, great fucking game.

>not playing an unarmed char who punches deathclaws to death

Needed more memes.

you realize you can run from battle? you don't need to fight them

>play long enough to actually get a gun (i.e. 5 minutes after the temple)
>dump some points into perception so the only time you miss is when you're actually out of range

Give me (1) reason I shouldn't rush to Navarro and grab the power armor RIGHT NOW.

Because this game is shit and to get it you'd first need to kill (miss) a whole mess of scorpions and ants.

>being bad

Perfect game, nah, but the eerie soundtrack is absolute gold.

I really don't have any.
I grab the Vertibird plans for BoS when I'm there, because I always use the T-51b myself instead of Adv. PA.
I just dig the design more.

Tiresome memes don't exi-

Fallout 1> Fallout Fallout Tactics> Fallout 2.
Fallout Tactics has the best ending.

Los angeles.
Check mate!

you are supposed to make a picture and put it directly in your post.

Or is it san francisco?
I always mix up the two...
Anyway, the end game city with basically no content but the story quests.


It has been proven time and again to cunts like you that it's both possible to avoid fights in the temple completely (regardless of build) and plow through ants and scorpions in (regardless of build), since their AC is so low, you can reliably smack them at 40% unarmed, which is the lowest starting value unless you picked Good Natured. But if you picked Good Natured, why you are fighting in the first place?

>Fallout 1 cover- OG armor, Ink Spots for intro
>Fallout 2 cover- New armor, Louis Armstrong
>Fallout Tactics cover- New (weird looking) armor, no licensed music
>Fallout 3 cover- OG armor again, Ink Spots
>Fallout New Vegas cover- New armor, new song
>Fallout 4 cover- OG armor again again, Ink Spots

They should decide what they want to use.

Because if you do so, you might as wall go directly to San Fran after it and finish the game?

Because you rob yourself of experiencing a lot of places without being blatantly overpowered if you make Navarro Run?

>If I will post this meme long enough, someone might actually believe in it

Let me guess - the "Let's make America great again" ending, right, you fucking cunt?

there is that one mission where you get to become a master of street fighting or some shit, but it always crashes for me

Need to?

Shit. Nice knowing after 20 fucking years I've played Temple of Trials wrong, not killing a single thing out there.

>Not patching the game
It's 19 years old, you cunt

>forgetting about the enclave patrols outside navarro

o wait, u probably havent played this game for more than 10 minutes

Sorry about hillary user, you can try again in 8 years


>awful unskippable tutorial dungeon
>talking deathclaw

I played with the unnoficial parch or the restoration project or whatever, unpatched game is literally unplayable, and the official patch isn't much better

I'm not American, you cunt. But I'm sick of Sup Forums blasting about Trump on every single board in every single thread.

>that shoulder shrug thing
You can tell a girl is nice from that

>Implying he played it at all

You can literally RUN THROUGH IT with no ill consequences, just like you could run through the cave in Fallout 1. Then talk your way out of fight/steal the key/punch the shit out of the guy in the end of it.

Are you kidding me?
The old-school Fallouts had more goofiness and as much or more pop culture references. That's part of why people like them. I can't even remember any pop-culture references in FO3.

>bad combat
>over-reliance on pop-culture references
>New Vegas was better

>Fallout 3 cover- OG armor again
>Fallout 4 cover- OG armor again again
T-51b and T-45d look completely different.

>knocks you down

>he doesn't that it has only begun

8 years user, get used to it

More like about 2 months until Sup Forums realises it's just another president, like everyone else, with this one having a gimmick in having shitty wig and orange tan.

>Kids still trying to pretend NV was good, not to mention better
Sure, when the only game you can really compare is F3, this might work.

sure thing, user, just like trump was never going to be president in the first place, right?

just like he was never going to break thru his ceiling, right?

just like he would never become the republican candidate, right?

just like he would tank after the pussy gate snd the debates, right?

just like he would never become president in the first place, right?

speaking of trump, why aren't there mods that add MAGA hats into the game? seem like a simple mod to make

Nobody gives a fuck. Talk Fallout, or get out

I am, I said I was disappointed with the lack maga mods, considering that more pointless mods have been made in the past. just look at the shit jokerine puts out

>But I'm sick of Sup Forums blasting about Trump on every single board in every single thread.
You brought it up in the first place fag

FO2 was my first FO game, actually.

>tfw 1 int Sup Forums posters

i thought this thread will be about arguing over superiority of fo1 or fo2, but it seems like there simply isn't enough fo1 love here. weird

i love FO 1, shame about all the cut content though

f1 needs to be remade in f4 engine, but obviously bringing back the skills, speech etc while adding crafting and badass power armor mechanic(fuck fusion cores tho)

>f1 needs to be remade in f4 engine ... crafting
no that's stupid stop being stupid

nv styled crafting, mostly campfire recipes so the hardcore mode can be brought back and make outdoorsman useful again, but limited makeshift weapons and armor upgrades should also be craftable

> tfw junktown is better off with Killan dead and you cant save FotA. Cant shit on the Viper gang with the brotherhood because they killed Rhombus old man

Fallout 1 nailed it with the atmosphere, but we're talking about over 20 years old games here. Fallout 2 has so much more content that makes replaying the game a few times worth it.

Remakes are fucking stupid. Also, while FO1/2 combat was crap, it had one thing going for it, namely character's skills and stats mattered much more. It wasn't a clickety-click FPS. I'd rather see FO1 remastered in glorious 2D with a refined combat system, to be honest. Then again, I'd rather see an original game I think.

>tfw junktown is better off with Killan dead
It's not, though? It was planned for Gizmo to be a good end and Killian bad, but they didn't do it in the end.

>It's not, though?
and it was cut out to make the more obvious choice between good and bad even though the "bad side" in the proper ending causes junk town to be substantially better off, while under the "good side" they dont get anywhere and stay small

That's incorrect.

To be honest, I don't know what the original iteration was but it does sound a bit like a "Haha you thought you were siding with the good guy? GOTCHA!", not exactly amazing game design. Nothing in the character of Killian that is present in the released game hints at him suddenly starting hanging people left and right for the most minor offenses.

>omg go away Sup Forums
>lol Sup Forums again
>wtf who invited Sup Forums

Fucking stop this shit, stop this Sup Forums boogeyman bullshit and get used to the fact that everyone on Sup Forums was like Sup Forums not 2 fucking years ago, but ever since you goddamn redditors came to our site you think that every "nigger" or post about not wanting to play as a woman, minority etc is from Sup Forums. No, that's just your average poster on Sup Forums who's probably been on here for a lot longer than you have and knows that this was a site that had no boundaries, you could virtually say what ever you wanted to without a bunch of refugee faggots screaming "/polack". You fucking people are making this site not fun anymore.

And miss out on XP? Heresy!

it's funny how we are the illumniati all of a sudden, being talked about by normies with a hushed whisper and being blamed for everything

shame about v being full of redditors now, I barely come here. One of the reasons I go on pol is because it's mostly free fro that garbage, redditors are very obvious and quickly shunned

>You fucking people are making this site not fun anymore.
i just want to talk about fallout in a fallout thread

who is the best companion and why is it Tycho

sulik or dogmeat

first post, best post.

Isometric fallouts are low budget garbage with trash gameplay.

actually liked jericho from fallout 3. he's a washed up old bastard raider survivalist and a fucking psycho, he's how I imagine the burned man would end up in van buren, if he was finished.

he also lets you use the campfire on the go, like veronica lets you use the workbench, when playing ttw

>Sup Forums

You just outed yourself in the dumbest way possible, redditscum, leave and don't come back.

>get used to the fact that everyone on Sup Forums was like Sup Forums not 2 fucking years ago
Wrong. Forums-and-online.html

dogmeat is just broken hes got like 16 AP and has a good chance at knocking people down

that's probably because alt right doesn't exist, and we still hate stormfront

REAL white nationalism is on the rise, and nothing can stop us

also stop talking about pol this is a fallout thread

>a single typo is worst than lying about the history of this place
Kill yourself, faggot. Alt right is fucking garbage and goes againts everything once Sup Forums represented. You are nothing but puppets.

cassidy desu
he's got like 35% crit ratio at final level

i have very fond memories of him fucking up supermutants in military base and then frying himself on the forcefield

>tfw too intelligent to fall for alt right meme

How can you think that? Fallout 2 have all the hip cool meme's from the 90's old people like me likes! xD

could you fix his heart issues at all outside of the tablets. i didn't play Fo2 anywhere near as much compared to Fo1

>and then frying himself on the forcefield

I don't think the tablets do anything, if I remember correctly

aww man I tricked myself

>goes againts everything once Sup Forums represented

What the fuck did Sup Forums ever represent? It's an image board with little to no rules, except don't start flamewars Sup Forums has a lot of trouble with this one, don't post off topic shit, don't be an underage, and don't post ponies outside of /mlp/. Those are the real big ones anyways, but if I were to guess Sup Forums represents the unfiltered objective bad side of the internet as a whole, was it like this in the very beginning? No, it was just Sup Forums basically, but it gained traction and the reputation that it holds today in just a few years. You don't know what you're talking about, stop posting right now and get off of my board, normie scum.

>Oh, look, a Fallout thread, let's ta...
>Fucking Trump posting

>oh look it's a Sup Forums thread
>frogposter arrives

That's a nice post, my friend

Upvoted, do you want some gold?

I wanna play Fallout 2 but it has weird graphical issues on my Win10 laptop I'm too lazy to fix

ignore it, post fallout

>complains about pepe
>on Sup Forums

Sure is reddit in here

i cant believe fallout fans are following for the one and only "i'm pretending to hate morrowind on the internet" meme

Oh cool, thanks
and this one does some other shit if you've already played it before

Todd pls.

he's not even in office yet his approval ratings have plummeted. everyone from rank and file citizens to non-republican people in power is gearing up to resist every action he takes. even the republican party is more concerned with ramming shit thru congress while they control it than what he's up to.

face it, he's going to leave in disgrace and the """"alt-right""" will disintegrate without anyone having to do anything


>ZeniMax Media has deposited two cents into your account

i liked crafting