ITT: we poorly describe a game

ITT: we poorly describe a game

>you play as a boy band that roams around killing animals

F-final fantasy XV?


It's pretty accurate.

>you hold a hype conference where you announce your console will only have 1 real launch title

Well, now that we're with Mel...
Slugs are literal space jews.

You run over weasel things with a skateboard

>Dragons and sheeit

Any Breath of Fire game?

Far cry 3 without guns?

Did anyone get around to seeing Hacksaw Ridge yet? I was going to see it but I didn't want to be seen watching a movie by myself so I missed out.

>spend the firsr half of the game trying to stop the thing only to get tricked into turning it on

user, it's been out for ages and it's a Christian movie. I guarantee nobody will be in the cinema but you so don't worry. I went to see it with my dad and sister and we were literally the only ones there.


It starts off like Street Fighter, but turns into Terminator halfway through.

Lego Alpha Team?

You literally, and I mean absolutely literally, walk in a straight line and start punching people

You die but then you help other people by making sure they don't die.

SMTIV Apocalypse.

One Finger Death Punch?


>Local space refugees ruin everything.

not what i'm thinking of

>You're a trio of idiots who end up helping each other despite never meeting to accomplish mutually exclusive goals using violence.

Murdered: Soul Suspect?

>table tennis
>50 dollars

>Start off dead
>Except not
>Come back to life three days later
>Romans want me dead
>Leave an impact on my world that will last for generations

> run around like an autist that just got his handicapped helmet removed jumping on turtles

Hard mode

end is dornröschen except w/ guns xD


new vegas?

That´s the problem with describing them too poorly/vaguely.

>poorly describe
It couldn't have been any more accurate.

To protect those you love most, you have to fake your death.

You survive a storm and start seeing dead people.

Link's Awakening?


Ghost Trick

Very rich man wants to become God using a computer

Your niece daughter is killed so you decide to take down Google.

I watched it with my siblings
my ears almost gone deaf


You and your time-travelling redhead girlfriend forcibly relocate everyone in town to the middle of nowhere

Watch dogs?

It was probably way too obvious.

Here's another obvious one. A little boy on a quest try not to die in several horrible ways.

Nigger that's all the game is about, "poorly" my ass.
Heart of darkness?


crossdresser gets a dolphin and a robot to help him track down a relative

>Nigger that's all the game is about, "poorly" my ass.
And yet it took several tries before anyone got it right.

mozart is still alive but not literally


You wake up stranded on a beach while a brunette girl bends over to checks up on you.

Cosplayer beats up other cosplayers while searching for medicine.

Punch bad guys. And kick them. And then punch super demon man

Dead rising?

Kingdom hearts

game is obviously inspired by the Saw movies

>you get raped by everything

No. The character is a blonde guy with first name of a flavor of ice cream and the last name of a vegetable.


>What's all this ruckus, son? You playing your little torture simulators again?

Vanilla Ice

No. It's Steambot Chronicles.

You escape mental hospital only to get burned alive. Also, you're dead.

WW2 in Space feat. Allied Humanity vs. Axis of Cat People

Cuckoldry, but with guns. Far too many guns.

>muh sister

>last name of a vegetable
i raffed

95% Chance to Hit

You're a vigilante who goes on a quest to save his town but end up getting involved in all sorts of other bullshit and for some reason your party members won't stop sucking your dick. You also kill some corrupt dudes because you know darn skippy that the law isn't going to do anything about them.

Whos this girl in your pic again? Isn't she like a public flasher?

You kill everything to make the world into white nothingness.

Gonna give you 5 levels, Sup Forums. I'm gonna try and make them less obvious with each level, and use a more obscure game with each level. Ready?

Level 1:
>your choices actually matter
>you're either a psychopathic murderer, a friendly pacifist, or someone who doesn't know how to make up their damn mind

Level 2:
>the token minority
>the fat one
>a computer brand
>point and click adventure
>the one you have 4 of on your team

Level 3:
>plant, gas, normal, bird, robot, ape, fish
>star trek
>10,000 fuckin pixels for a license?!?

level 4:
>starring: lazy prick, the pink one, masochist, fursuit, president perfect, titsmcgee, and a canadian
>gimme some food

Level 5:
>play god
>make monsters from your own essence
>rebellion is a minority rights activist group
>jars that give you a waxy, shifting green skin and turn you into a prick

Easy Bonus:
a southern man, a gambler, a high school coach, and a news reporter make a road trip to new Orleans

Katka, slavic exhibitionist.

Level 1 is Undertale
Level 2 is TF2


Correct for both.

Bonus is L4D2

Grand Theft Auto V? Never played it so I don't know if they meet each other in game, but that's what it sounds like.


jackie chan?

I'd ask for which, but the answer for all of them would be the same. No.

Level 3 is Starbound


I'm not sure if I made the last two too indie.


5 is Neptunia? Most specifically, Victory 1.

Your best friend turned into an asshole and the love of your life cucked you. Both of them, including your dad, die.



You start OP.

Arkham City.
Nice guess though.

Pillars of Eternity.

real life

You set out to find your ex's kid but get sidetracked by gambling

>Enemy: Give me some money
>Player: Here you go
>Enemy: Do you like me?
>Player: I do
>Enemy: Fuck you!


You are protecting something but then someone who turns out to have been a good guy comes along, kills your boss, and takes off with titular waifu on an adventure.

>you play as a cat that is followed by a talking ball, you blow up enemies and use them as projectiles.

Fat man rides a hungry lizard.


you chase a giant bird and kill a jellyfish

