Rewatching this trailer hurts so bad

and all of this CGI going to waste hurts even more. Watching the new Zelda BOTW trailer got me hyped , but reminded me of this FFXV E3 2013 trailer and how epic it was, but how the game is nothing like it.

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I think the difference is this trailer came out over 3 years before the game, whereas the Zelda trailer came out barely 2 months before that game is gonna be out.

I know Zelda is actually going to be a good game, but man.

Fuck Tabata, I would have waited 2 or 3 more years for a Versus/XV Part 1 if they included all the shit they showed.

Ffxv isnt bad if you go into it thinking its just a new Kingdom Hearts game without disney characters.

i did and it was mediocre, bad fetch quests, the automation really bogs down the combat, the hold to dodge in the end really did destroy the combat.

The game really has this feel of "incomplete" rushed and unsatisfying, unlike an actual kingdom hearts game.

Thing is I was hyped more for XV than I was/am KH3.



Fag, play real game like cod.

Why the fuck couldn't the game have started during the takeover of Insomnia? Why couldn't Noctis's party have been there at the very beginning, as the city was being taken over? It's not like they did ANYTHING important before they found out the news when they were in the countryside. If would have been far more dramatic and entertaining if one could have seen the Niflheim invasion in person, rather than in Kingsglaive FFXV snippets.

FFXII's main story might have been underwhelming, but at least the game didn't completely sacrifice its narrative for the sake of "open-world" gameplay.


Just do it like Nomura and harness the burning anger.

"It was too hard would have taken 3 years to implement on the advanced ps4 console" -Tabata

What went wrong?

They took the project away from the original visionary and gave it to an amatuer director with limited dev time and made him complie 3 games into 1 with half baked engine.

FFXV tries to mix a XII-like open-world with KH-like combat, and it fails in both aspects. The combat feels janky as fuck, and I don't like the all the warping bullshit.

Cause it was all done by a PSP team with little experience and a large budget.

Heres what an experienced dev can do with a smaller budget

FUCK Square enix, fuck tabata, fuck people that defend this blatant false marketing for more than 4 years.
Every trailer was false advertisment and they cut everything from the trailers that actually convinced me that i want this game. Literally nothing from the trailers that convinced me that this game could be amazing is gone, was a lie, was a fraud, never happens at all, NEVER. The things that i wanted and what was shown and promised in every trailer for a whole decade is not in game NONE OF IT. FUCK Squareenix the office of these useless frauds deserves to be firebombed.

So is FFXV really that bad?

I came out super dissatisfied. The game is unfinished, there are only 6 bosses, open world sucks, autododge ruins the game, there is no variety in areas, there is no "fantasy" just Grass and desert.

I was waiting for a game to top KH2FM but this shit doesnt even top WoFF imo as a game.

The story is fucking shattered into bits between books anime movie, strategy guide, and probably more in square enix basement.

I've played the game for almost ten hours, and it's not really bad. I like doing the sidequests and discovering shit. But the biggest problem so far is the lack of story. I'm on the tail-end of chapter one, and something finally happening story-wise (off-screen and countless miles away).

According to most spoilers, all the important shit is happening far away from the protagonists for most of the game, and then Squeenix railroads the player into the ending for the last few chapters.

Its okay. But a lot of stuff happens off screen and the player characters are not witness to them.

But there's a lot of pre-release material SE revealed that never ended up in the final game. Cut content because when Tabata became director he had characters redesigned, scenes changed, story altered, etc. This includes the massive world map and mentions of other countries in the Kingsglaive movie, and the giant monsters that should now roam the crown city.

The game just takes place in important but small parts of a massive world. There's definitely a lot of room for side material, or sequels too if you think about it.

Development issues. Square has struggled with programming stuff for the series since FF12

they released a "concept trailer" before actually working on the project for realzies

they've done this with XIII as well

Fuck me up senpai


It clearly needed more time as ironic as that sounds
It's pretty mediocre at this point


Don't forget Nomura showing off gameplay with sneaking in the city while a Behemoth is sniffing them out, or when Noctis rides a walker and fires rockets, and having the option to third person shooter with Prompto, with other possible gameplay options with Ignis and Gladiolus.

it hurts... please stop

That's what killed the game for me. when they took out being able to play as other characters I lost all interest.

>and having the option to third person shooter with Prompto, with other possible gameplay options with Ignis and Gladiolus.

DLC'd dont forget to buy the season pass, that even the UCE buyers didnt get in their 270$ package.

fucking square destroyed this shit

>SMT5 and Xenoblade 2 just announced

soon I will wash the bad taste out of my mouth


This looked pretty bad to be honest.

anyone care to spoonfeed me? i dont frequent Sup Forums and i dont game much anymore, but had high hopes for this ff15. i heard they pulled all stops and things were looking good.

should i not get it now? what happen? the trailers ive seen look pretty cool - thanks

it's an ok game but not worth 60 bucks and definitly not worth waiting 10 years for

what happened? why is everyone talking about changes - what changed?

So what I want to know is, did they actually developed anything before FF15 as we know it, or everything we saw before was just CGI or vidéos without any actual code in it?

>i heard they pulled all stops
More like pulled all the content

the game never had a basis for development until 2 years ago and the process was a complete mess

the game is unfinished as fuck too, not to the extent of MGS5 but damn near close

Well at least its proof that those who keep saying Versus was only concept stage are wrong. Its working gameplay. And I don't see why you'd think its bad. Enemies actually react to getting hit immediately, unlike the Magitech troops in FFXV that just stand still, and barely react when you hit them.

They had just barely started actually working on v13 in 2011 but by then it was already being considered to be mainline and was probably in talks to be moved to the ps4
It took so long to get going due to 13 and 14 fucking things up

It will be replaced by the bad taste of Switch.

I'll take a shitty console over shitty games, as should everyone

Maybe this is harsh since I haven't played FFXV, but I feel like they really shouldve started from scratch when they removed Nomura. Without his sense of nuance (whether you like his games or not) there's not much appeal to the characters and world of this game. I'm not drawn in.

They need to making the grandest fantasy possible, something really out of an Amano illustration. I'm confidant KH3 will be a fabulous spectacle, at least.

This is probably what Chapter 13 used to be

>when it turns into XV


People were more hyped for the KH part, what the fuck? I thought that only appealed to kids

>All that footage of Noctis looking out of insomnia
>All that CG
>That old Prompto
>Cutscenes with old Regis
>That laviathon battle
>Cor actually getting cutscenes
>All those top notch CG cutscenes
>Actual cutscenes with the empire
>That dark and serious tone
>Insomnia invasion

Why did they hype the empire up for 10 years then barely give them any screen time?

Those kids grew up

FF13 ruined the FF brand name, FF14 1.0 didn't help either


At least you got 2 chapters out of 3 of Kojimas vision, they fucking scrapped and shat on everything 2013 and before that. In other words everything that made the game good.

>due to 13 and 14 fucking things up
14 obviously, but how did 13 impeded XV's development?
It sold pretty well I recall.

The game had no direction and they took half of the versus xiii team to help 13's development go faster

Damn, didn't knew that.

Why did they decide to hide a fuckload of the story in a dogshit movie?

At least Tabata and his team acknowledged where they got things wrong, Kojima tried passing his shit off as genius and got his novelist friend to back it up.

Anyway it released.
Now I can move on with my life

I think it was like DNF.
It needed to be released, just to finish the game once for all and move on something else.


>Insomnia gets invaded
>you're in the middle of nowhere
>haven't got a clue who the sides are
>don't know who the characters are
>game literally starts with a desert section
>combat is hold attack and then hold dodge

Can't believe I fell for this pile of poo poo.

At least the phantom pain had it's gameplay spot on and the trailers were using mostly actual footage, they were just arranged in a very convincing way.

>ITT : Versus babbies complaining their dead game that would have never live up to expectations got cancelled

Every time.

I just wanted to believe...

Yes, it's the worst 3D FF story wise, characters are terrible, and the gameplay is mind numbingly bad.

I was actually kinda disappointed because I went with the idea that it was going to be KH: FF Edition and it is nothing like KH
XV is still ok for what it was but not great like I was expecting

No, it's a really good game, Sup Forums just shits on everything as per usual. If you go based off trailers like in OP's post then you'll notice a LOT of missing and cut content, but what we got is a good game just not as great as it could have been

It is blatantly unfinished and all you do is fetch quests. The story is crap. Even the music was poorly implemented.

It's good.
But it's definitely unfinished, the questing is korean-MMO tier, the story range from very good to very bad.

It's not bad, it's decent, but that's it.

The combat, what you're doing for the majority of the game aside from sitting in the slow as fuck automatic car, is absolute dog shit. And there's nothing else to the game except the long loading screens and empty terrain you slowly run over.

I enjoyed it. A lot of people hating on it are just upset a ton of stuff from previous trailers were cut from the actual game.

It sold worse than FF13 in Japan, what do you think?

>it's a really good game, Sup Forums just shits on everything as per usual.
yah sure, that's why it has terrible wom in japan and received bad reviews.

Since when has the opinion of the jip japs mattered

It's not without its flaws, I went in expecting pretty much nothing and enjoyed it a lot.

The story has too much unexplained/under utilized
shit though.

It's 5/10. I enjoyed 13 more and I hate that game.

It was kinda weird how they was no urgency to get to Altissa or to do anything really even after the news about Insomnia. They can spend endless amounts of days just camping, fishing, hunting, and running errands.

It's unintentionally hilarious how they all know Luna is going through a lot of stress dealing with astral gods just for Noctis sake but meanwhile he's just fishing and Ignis might say "No need to rush, we can leave it for another day." "Yep."

I thought it was fun. It really padded out in the beginning by giving you complete freedom in an open world with lots of dungeons, hunts, and quests. But you'll soon find out they are pretty repetitive after awhile, but you can sink over 30 hours into this part easily. Once you get on the boat it puts you on the rails which lots of people find disappointing.

There was obviously a lot of untapped potential and you can tell they cut a lot to get it released when it was. Apparently there will be patches and DLC to fill in the gaps.

But I still had fun with it, for what it's worth. Probably because I forgot about it over the past 10 years and had zero expectations so it's just a shiny new FF game to me.

All the positive replies here look like a samefag.

>I had fun even though it was bad
is the theme.

The game was shit bro.

How can Kingdom Hearts 3: Ground Zeroes release and be 60fps on Pro but FFXV still can't have it even after it being promised?

Why do they implemented QTE when they obviously have no idea how to make them look good on screen?

Too bad they're not, it's called people having different opinions to you

Terrible combat, bland characters, and the story is a mess. It's pretty fucking bad.

They aren't all bad. They wanted us to know to avoid this game.

Screencap this: At the end of 2017, with all the updates, dlc and expansions, Final Fantasy XV will be a totally diferente game. It will be reborn, and finally become the game that it was meant to be.

>ps4 users beta tested the final PC game for a whole year
thanks for the shit game I guess

What would you do if at the end of this year the game is still the same boring shit?

I will drink my cum.

The same thing he does now, defend a boring game.

All Nomura fanboys is here? kek

Fuckin hell, is this what I was supposed to be getting

Sit here and listen to you telling me the game is bad and I tell you the game is good while neither of us changes our opinions

>while neither of us changes our opinions

>At least you got 2 chapters out of 3 of Kojimas vision
more like 1 and a half

Nothing could have made that shit game good.

This thread is the reason I avoided Sup Forums for months leading up to ffxv release

Now that I played a beat the whole game, I enjoyed it but felt that they left a lot out. It could have been so much better.

This thread makes me sad for what might have been

Fuck tabata

I'm still salty that I didn't get to fight in the city as young noctis