>2 launch titles, 1 isn't even exclusive
>$300.00 + Paid Online
>Extremely lackluster third party support
>Offers nothing for non-Nintendo fans
>Runs multiplats worse than PS4/PC
Am I supposed to be hype?
>2 launch titles, 1 isn't even exclusive
>$300.00 + Paid Online
>Extremely lackluster third party support
>Offers nothing for non-Nintendo fans
>Runs multiplats worse than PS4/PC
Am I supposed to be hype?
I missed the initial reveal, how butthurt was all of /nintendogaf/ when this shitpile got BTFO?
At least the Vita had a year or two before lame ass weeb games like SMT and Disgaea were the only notable titles
It was pretty good
Yea, the unveiling of the Switch wasn't that great. The price is a turn off and I only cared about Xenoblade and Zelda. I can't believe that we have to pay for playing online.
>no games bundled with it
>paid online multiplayer
Only 2 problems with the Switch at the moment.
>300 american pesos for a portable
can this shit even play wiiu games??
fuck the switch is worse than wiiu already
>/nintendogaf/ already defending it
I'm just gonna wait to see how well Zelda looks and runs on Wii U. I'd rather buy a used Wii U + BotW than the Switch.
>No gaems for at least a year
I can't believe I forgot this.
What I wanted most out of the Switch was proper VC with gamecube and wii even.
Literally no mention of it.
suck it up buttercup, you're also paying for shit that's on par with wii u hardware again too!
We sonybros will be sending a blackbull to your door, make sure to tip him :)
If anything it made me consider to pick up a Wii U instead. I just want to play zelda and then probably never look at that thing again.
my nigga
the only thing we know is SNES games will have online play
Eh, honestly the two systems look like they have about the same number of games at the moment.
>already have a wii u
>only potentially good game might be Zelda
I'll just be getting it on the wii u if it even still looks good on release
Fool me once Nintendo
they are fucking doomed.
nobody will pick the switch up for todd howard skyrim or EA sports
Physical discs, at least, no, since it doesn't have a disc drive.
>no mention of it
Than that is likely a "no".
I'm sure I'll get called a shill, but I was actually looking forward to this before the paid subscription, cost v tech, and game lineup. I'm not paying $300+ to play the next Zelda, even though I can afford it.
Anybody that wanted to play Skyrim has had 5 years and 5 different platforms to play it on. What's the fucking point?
Splatoon 2
Xenoblade 2
No More Heroes 3
Shitloads of other yet unannounced games
and uhh....
Horizon Zero Dawn I guess?
and bloodborne xdddd
>you can play one NES/SNES game for free but only for a month
What a loat of bullshit. At least the PS+/Gold give you multiple games that are not 100 years old and you can play them for as long as you're subscribed.
>Good exclusives announced for his year
>Cheap release price compared to PS4 and XBone release prices
>Third Party Support
>Because of the combination of handheld and stationary console all the games at one console
In other words all the games are now for one Nintendo console
>2 - 6h battery life
What's the point in buying it?
I mean, has any launch been good? Just take a look at what great things gen 7 and 8 came out with. I don't see why people get in punching wars over getting a console when there's nothing for it for months. Not to mention launch consoles are often riddled with bugs. I'd much rather wait for a 2.0 or a price drop.
KH 2.8
Gravity Rush
Yakuza 1 remake, 0, 6
Ace Combat 6
No no Kuni 2
FF 12 HD
GT Sport
God of War
Persona 5
Tokyo Xanadu eX+
Shitloads of even more unannounced games.
Want to keep playing the list wars faggot?
Underpowered and overpriced, a deadly combination.
>um I dont like those games
Meanwhile the nintoddler posts SMT and splatoon even though those games suck ass
>Literally the only good thing on there is Ys
>>Offers nothing for non-Nintendo fans
Except SMT V, NMH3, Dragon Quest X and XI, DQ Heroes 1 and 2 bundled together, Octopath Traveller, Disgaea 5 and a bunch of other games.
I wish Nintendo would just make games for other platforms so I didn't have to decide which gimmicky shitbox I want to buy to play Zelda.
Oh so predicable.
Literally the only good game on the Switch is Zelda, which I can get on the Wii U.
You fucking called it man
like pottery
>controller looks like a keychain even in jap hands
>paid shitty nintendo online
>local party games for normies (reee)
Nope. also can't play 3ds games.
It's completely alone.
Nintendo's probably planning to reuse the same hardware in a 3ds successor if the switch is a commercial failure, it's the only reason i can think of for why they're seemingly putting so little effort into making this thing work but then i can't really see why they'd bleed money for it.
Internal disputes maybe
$70 for a fucking controller?
>only "games" the PS4 can list are movies that won't be released years away
does this even have a multiplayer game at launch? or the "launch window"?
what are we supposed to "try for free" exactly? fucking miiverse??
>what's the appeal of the Switch?
>turns into yet another console war thread
jesus fucking christ Sup Forums
I hope this reply is ironic since most of them will be released before the switch and not all games listed for the switch will be avaible day one. Actually only one of them is.
>muh movies
>they wont be released!
Consoles aren't about exclusives vs exclusives anymore.
It's nintendo vs everyone else. With an xbone or ps4 or even PC for the most part you can play every non-nintendo game bar maybe 2 or 3 worthwhile exclusives between the lot of them and with a switch you can pretty much only play nintendo games.
But Nier is not exclusive to Ps4
Apparently 1/3 of the console price is acceptable to pay for a controller.
Literally this and nobody even talks about it.
Like what I bet it has 2000mAh or less,a phone has more nowdays.
If it was handheld games but you can plug them into your tv that would be cool
Instead it is console games, on a weaker console than most that you can play a worse version of on the go (for 2 hours)
For me it's going to be another wii u
Before you greentext at me, my tv is rather complete shit and predates hdmi so I cherish the ability to play on the gamepad at the computer because the gamepad actually looks better than what would be on the tv.
Battery life means literally nothing because this will likely never leave my house, let alone the charging cord.
You're both fanboy faggots. Release all of those games on PC and watch how the game's were actually meant to look.
If nintendo's games actually use the motion controllers then i guess they need to be exclusive, but if they pull a sony controller touchpad on us where the "touch pad" is just used as an extra button, then fuck em too.
At least you'll have an HD device to run Netflix on since this is the PS3 of this gen
>Can buy a WiiU
>Can't buy a TV made during the last decade
Hahaha here's your (you) user. I'm genuinely happy though, Breath of the wild and splatoon 2 are more than enough for me, but Arms and No more heroes 3 are icing on the cake.
I honestly agree with you but more than half of your list is weeb garbage.
So is the nintendofag's
>4 games
>one isn't even exclusive
>one didn't even get properly announced just Travis will be back in some form
well, more than the wiiu got I guess
Yeah, I was planning on getting it, but at $300 + paid online, I'm going to need Zelda, Mario, and one other system seller out, ideally Animal Crossing. Other games shown today, like Spla2n, are just bonuses for me, no real incentive.
>Paid online.
It's dead, Jim.
If all you do is play vidya and they only dropped support this gen, why bother?
I mean user is just honest with himself. He has no friends
>279 bongs
>paid online
>powered by nvidia tegra
You might as well get an nvidia shield or some shit. Way too overpriced
>350€ in Germany
You can get a PS4 for 200€
Its a console launch, so it'll take time for development of other titles to finish. Suda was hype as hell, translator dropped his spaghetti the moment he came on screen.
For anyone who's hasnt been following NMH, after NMH 2 which had a fairly conclusive ending, Suda had said "Travis's story is finished, if he goes back to it he'd like to do some more with shinobu though" I think since then, fans reception was good enough that he changed his mind. Let it die had a lot of the same feels so working on that probably got him in the mood for more NMH.
>Its a console launch,
So? That just confirms how stupid it is to buy consoles on launch. Not all those are coming at launch, the ones that are coming are multiplats and the rest you don't know what they will turn out like. You don't even know if it is NMH3
> which had a fairly conclusive ending, Suda had said "Travis's story is finished
Yeah, where he got tired of killing and left. So I guess just fuck having a solid conclusion
> Let it die had a lot of the same feels
I don't remember NMH being p2w garbage
>What's The Appeal
the most comfy gaming experience possible
You'd be an idiot to pay for online until there's at LEAST 5 games that you own that would be better with it. So probably Q3 at the earliest.
And here I was considering buying my first console since PS1, oh well.
But I want to play BoTw as soon as possible. Of course im going to buy it on launch. Are you saying you only buy things you want when they're on sale?
>Well Suda was wearing a NMH shirt, and we see "Travis strikes again" I don't know what better confirmation you need. Have you played the first two games?
>Let it Die
It's not though, if anything its similar to arcades where you can drain your wallet to keep trying. The only thing real money gets you is less of a money grind to get your fighters back if you tremendously fuck up. On top of that the game is free, literally no reason to complain.
€ in Germany
>currently 330€ on amazon.de
>70€ for Zelda
Fucking retarded.
I remember when they were harping on about being able to lay back and relax while you play games and i wa slike "What console other than the wii could you not play while laying down?" and then they immediately started going into motion controls again.
Such cohesiveness
>people listing NMH3 as a big reason to get switch
>implying anyone outside of Sup Forums gives two fucks about a cuuuuhrazeee nip indy game
>Shitloads of even more unannounced games.
The event was mostly for the Japanese market, i can see another event mid february for the US market
Uh, with more game announcements.
Sooo, i can get this instead of that expensive pro controller?
>But I want to play BoTw as soon as possible
Just play on wiiu, it'll be cheaper to get, already has games to play and you can see later if the switch doesn't look shit
> I don't know what better confirmation you need.
You realise that a character can be in a new series right? Not a hard concept. When they can't even say the name that means the game is far off as well, enjoy waiting two years for the game to then drop off the face of the earth
>Have you played the first two games?
Nigger I told you the ending, of course I have
>LiD shill
Oh, well there is no point in reasoning with someone who defends stun lock combat and one hit kills where you have to grind for hours at higher levels or pay up.
But Nintendo online play is underwhelming, what are we supposed to pay for? Miiverse integration?
$70 for the pro controller, $80 for a joy-con set, which I don't really get because they're smaller and the pro controller has all the same tech. I guess it doesn't have the IR sensor thing that detects motion and distance? PS4 and Xbone controllers are $60 and have fewer features. Of course, if you don't care for the extra Switch controller features, then it's wasted money. But controllers in general are more expensive than they should be. Local multiplayer is very rarely used or focused on with the other consoles so it doesn't stick out as much.
Nu-tendocucks, please defend these, I want to hear your retarded excuses
Pokemon machine.
It sounds like you just want to argue and have the last word. I'm legitimately happy with the results of the conference, you don't have to like it. But there's no need to shit on everyone who doesn't agree with you.
What the hell were they even thinking developing another proprietary platform after the Wii U got shitcanned worse than anything since the Sega Saturn? I'm so glad I have my Nvidia tablet, thousands of ROMs and the handful of good Android games will blow Switch utterly out of the water.
>2 launch titles, 1 isn't even exclusive
So better than the wiiU, PS4 and Xbone launch.
>$300.00 + Paid Online
So same as the wiiU but better than the PS4 and Xbone launch.
>Extremely lackluster third party support
So same as the wiiU, PS4 and Xbone Launch.
>Offers nothing for non-Nintendo fans
Does the PS4 offer anything for non Sony fans? Just what the actual fuck are you saying.
>Runs multiplats worse than PS4/PC
True, thankfully most third parties are complete trash so it doesn't matter. There are maybe 5 non indi third parties that still make decent games. Everything else worth owning is exclusive to the platform it's on.
All that said the Switch stuff tonight was very underwhelming. I'll get one, but I am certainly not in a hurry.
Honestly, I'm getting worried. A game console industry crash is looking more likely.
I was hoping Nintendo would somehow revitalise it, but it isn't looking good.
You're not going to get shit, the people who will actually buy this and have supported Nintendo though all the shit they've pulled dont have a reason. They're just retarded.
>Am I supposed to be hype?
No you're suppose to be a toddler willing to get into a van at night when you are offered a mario looking Popsicle.
Too bad not everyone is like most Nintendo fanboys who are easily pleased and have low expectation and standard.
>For a console that weighs like 2 pounds and is in a vertical orientation.
Sounds good you should put it on a desk too, altitude increases performance. That's why planes flight so high, it makes them faster.
>So better than the PS4 and Xbone launch.
>So same as the wiiU but better than the PS4 and Xbone launch.
>So same as the PS4 and Xbone Launch.
>Does the PS4 offer anything for non Sony fans?
>thankfully most third parties are complete trash so it doesn't matter. There are maybe 5 non indi third parties that still make decent games. Everything else worth owning is exclusive to the platform it's on.
Shit opinions, probably finds mordern Mario entertaining.
At least the joycons have about 20 hours of battery life.
Well, I'm not working for Nintendo and trying to sell this thing to other people, so I can't argue for those qualities as they appeal to a mass market, I can argue for those qualities as they appeal to myself specifically.
The one launch title that isn't exclusive I would rather play on better hardware, especially given that there will be other actual exclusives I want to play before the end of the year, there's no reason not to purchase it when any potential price drops will be quite a while later.
All of the consoles are $300 with paid online. My PS4 cost more when I bought it and has paid online, and I bought it just for Bloodborne. The online games they've announced that I think I'll play are Mario Kart and Splatoon, both of which will see their heydays during the spring and summer months before online play is a paid service.
The third party support seems lackluster as usual, but what I've seen already appeals to me, and for all of the support the other two consoles have, only a small percentage appeals to me, and most of it is on the PS4 which I already own.
The Switch currently offers little for non-Nintendo fans, but I am a Nintendo fan, so it offers enough for me to justify a purchase.
I'm can't think of many multiplatform games on the Switch and the PS4, but I can just play those games on my PS4 so I don't see why I'd be concerned about how well the Switch runs them.
As things have been since the Wii, arguably the Gamecube, if you like Nintendo's games as well as games at large, purchasing your console of choice between Playstation and Xbox and supplementing it with the generation's Nintendo console is usually a pretty safe option, especially if you already have a PC. This gen it's even easier because if you have a PC it isn't even an option between PS4 and Xbone. You cover pretty much everything of value with a PC, PS4, and Wii U/Switch.
>Oh, well there is no point in reasoning with someone who defends stun lock combat and one hit kills where you have to grind for hours at higher levels or pay up.
Literally using "I'm shit at the game" as a criticism
For 3d load and a screen that size it's probably ~3000 "mAh" depending on how much the underclocking has affected things.
It's still pretty paltry for a device with the chassis size of a 7-8inch tablet.
Too much money, too little sense.
It's not region locked.
That's literally the only decent thing I could think off.
Nintendo has singlehandedly reinforced my belief that Jews extend their grabbler claws well into the far East.
Knack is essentially in the same realm as the garbage that Switch is launching with. The difference is that there was at least something to pass the time like ass is red 4.
Within for 4 months MGSV and Infamous Second Sons came out. Though for Switch it isn't gonna have that same positive outlook with their line up.
Super Mario Odyssey and Fire Emblem Heroes aren't until Q4 2017 that's literally around a years worth of waiting.
I feel bad for you mate. Keep on gobbling those mushrooms.