What a shame this boss brings down an otherwise fantastic DLC

What a shame this boss brings down an otherwise fantastic DLC.

The Living Failures weren't that great either but this guy is just plain bullshit.

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Whats wrong with him? He's easy then his second phase provides a little challenge but it's definitely not bullshit.

As far as shitty DLC bosses go, he's got nothing on the 3 npc's boss fight, Nashandra clone that summons a literal Veldstad clone, or blue Smelter Demon.

I like Laurence. Cleric beast with a twist and scaled for endgame. Yes I wish they went for something more creative for Laurence but was still a good fight.

I find his half torso phase bullshit

If you've got decent BT then you can keep your distance and use the Bowblade. Same goes for Arcane builds and the Accursed Brew or MLGS's ranged swing. If you don't have good ranged options, face-fuck him and strafe left a lot.

You can bait him so easily though. And if you strafe left, he'll just circle around you leaving him wide open. Its really not that bad.

>Cleric Beast 2: fire boogaloo

Agree, OP.

He is almost 100% optional?
I think the dlc was pretty good and those Living Failures are filthy!

He is 100% optional. You have to go in there to get the Eye Pendant, but you don't have to go back for him unless you're a completionist.
That being said, his second phase is nightmarish the first few times before you learn the strats.

He ain't that hard but I was disappointed with his fight desu. I was expecting more from him because of the lore and crap, so meh.

idk why i beat lawrence second time but Ludwig took me about 5 hours or so. his second phase is easy af, what are your stats and level? I did this fight last week

It's just a cheap reskin and artificially pumped difficulty.

But he has different attacks and a new second stage. Am I missing something?

Honestly, it felt like a good fitting final boss (on NG+). I don't mind FROM trolling players by adding in belly flop moves into normal cleric beast attacks.

I guess my standards are lowered because of blue smelter demons, and double cat bosses in Das2.

Yeah a Cleric Beast on FIRE wasn't the most imaginative boss they could've thrown in there but I forgave it all because

A: It's Cleric Beast, which is hands down one of the best music tracks in the game
B: They remixed it, and remixed it absurdly well

I forgot to add, at least they did one surprising thing with it. I know I certainly wasn't expecting it's damn legs to fall off.

Well he does give you the werewolf mode rune, so it's pretty cool.

Yeah, the last phase where "lol the floor is lava" shit was pretty fucking gay.

I destroyed Ludwig on my first try on new game+, but that last phase on lawrence took me multiple tries since I couldn't seem to get near him.

Definitely the shittiest boss in the game.

Artificial difficulty is Micolash one-shotting you with Call Beyond the moment you fall down into his second fight area. Artificial difficulty is not leaving lava on the ground to trap you in, because you could make the same argument for Quelaag's lava if that were the case.
I'm assuming it's the second phase that's giving you trouble. If so, just stay right up on him and dodge left. His crawling attacks will circle around you, but you'll still have to pick your opportunities and not get greedy.

Or use the Bowblade and chip him out from a distance

He does, and you just reminded me of the Beast hunter fight by the river of blood. On repeat playthroughs, I find that hunter to be far more tedious than any boss in the DLC. His attacks take 3/4ths of your health off in one hit and he's got a metric fuck-ton of health. Easily more obnoxious than Laurence.

When I did my LVL4 NG+6 run I just AI looped him in both phases just to get over him. One of the bosses I just didn't enjoy fighting at low level at all.

Leveled up I find him really fun though, for some reason. The music is god like too.

Does anyone else feel like 1 handed r1 spam makes the game too easy? Just about every boss was a challenge using Ludwig's greatsword but half way through the dlc I switched to the 1 hand form and started parrying more and the game became a joke.

I beat Orphan in like three tries and went all the way back up through blood starved beast in NG+ and haven't even died once yet.

People found him difficult?
Why? All the times I've taken him on I've beaten him without dying to him once. What's so hard about him?

Don't level to much and you'll have far more fun. R2 becomes your main way of getting big damage and assuming you don't pump health you'll have tons of fun.
Doing a lvl10 run now and having a great time.

Actually I was more mad about the 1st part. I dont remember exactly why because it was a while ago but I struggled on it more than the 2nd phase.

A lot of the things in this game break it.
Leveling skill and using skill weapons lets you 3-shot bosses with viscerals
Beastblood pellets destroy literally anything because of their damage boost

If you don't find the game enjoyable when its too easy, then limit yourself like almost everyone does nowadays.

Laurence is unironically the hardest boss in the entire game. Orphan and Ludwig are a joke compared to that fuck.

He always does a big wind up slam when you first enter the arena, so dodge behind him on his right side. Stay behind him and wail on him. You can get his AI in a loop where he falls down over and over, effectively trivializing the first part.

>hardest boss in the entire game
Someone's never done the cursed Chalice Dungeons.

Cool ranch demon actually was pretty good since it mixed up the timing of the move sets to fuck with the player

>brings down

excuse me ?


Not him, but I've spent hundreds of hours in depth 5 CRF dungeons and Lawrence was far more annoying than anything in them...

>In souls games the enemies get harder when they lose their legs.

Shits sweet dude. Gives him a feel of desperation. Laurence in his 2nd is pretty tough.

Welp, he was the last boss for me on NG+, and i honestly couldn't beat him fair with lvl 90 cane character.
On NG+ his HP pool is insane, thats the main problem, in the first phase his attack patterns switch pretty often and he could one shot me from full health with ~40 vit.
I just couldn't beat him without Veltr and significant level up to lvl 140, so i would have more vit and about 40 bloodtinge for big chikage damege and bow-cheese tactics, when Veltr would inevitably die to lava.

did you forget the defiled hot dog aka "miss a circle press and you're fucking done" ?

Lawrence is far more annoying than a flame doggo that one-shots you with every attack?
You're entitled to your opinion man, I just wholeheartedly disagree with it. Laurence at least gives you room for error, the cursed dungeons cut your health and force you to not make a single mistake.

Defiled hotdog is a joke dude.
He is litterally
>bait bite
>bop nose
>repeat until dead

Do you really have trouble with him?

Flame dog has literally no threatening moves at all. Even the quick bites you can just walk away from or run to his side to hit his back legs.

What you should be complaining about is the Pthumerian Descendant in cursed chalices.

All you need for Orphan is not being a scrub, high level helps. Took me 2 tries. Fuck the Headless Bloodletting Beast though.

Yeah reread my post

See The charge attack was so telegraphed you have to take a nap in the middle of the fight to not dodge it...

Right, so basically the hate comes from everyone trying him out first on NG+. That explains it. I started a new character to run the DLC on regular NG when the game came out, then helped a friend run a character, by the time I fought him on NG+ I was well and truly used to his patterns.


Same and I like him.

Yeah that cheap bullshit pisses me off...

...almost as much as "the floor is lava" shit.

It's less about the individual bosses in the Cursed dungeons, it's more that you're at a severe disadvantage in every situation since your health is cut in half. You should strive to git gud, but you're forced to play perfectly and not make any mistakes or you're dead. When I say curse dungeons are more difficult, I mean the entirety of the dungeon itself. Flame doggo is easy if you take the time to learn the fight, but that argument is invalid because you could say the same thing about pretty much every single boss in the Souls series.

I have a level 30 twink rocking depth 5 gems.
I know well what cursed rotted and fetid dungeons are like.

Lawrences last phase was just shit.