Aaaaand here we go again

aaaaand here we go again

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it looks like a GTA mod


why dont you go pay to pay games on your sony paystation while everyone else has free for all fun on the nintendo switch

>tfw you may live to see a 3D Mario be mediocre/bad

Hold me.

No matter how hard you push it, you wont be right Brote.

Yeah, that's what I thought too. But maybe they won't fuck up as hard as Sega did with Adventure.

You lived through sunshine. You'll be fine

Exactly the same thing I was thinking.


It reminds me more of Sonic Adventure

Indeed. Not sure why so many people are only focusing on the city.

Which also sucked shit.

>retards coming out full force "HURRR SONEC OH SICKS"
>game is spitting image of unleashed
this shouldn't bother me

as goofy, shitty, and eerily similar it may seem, i guarantee Sup Forums is going to love the shit out of it, and it's going to be fun as fuck.

>e-celeb's shit opinions

It should because Unleashed was a pile of shit, just like every other non-Generations/Colors Sonic game in 3D.


I meant the setting not the gameplay.

But i'm pretty sure Nintendo will change it a little, the people must be placeholders.

nintendo is too concerned with the olympics to make a decent mario game. they are yakuza and need make money for nippon

>Sup Forums
>liking anything

The Sonic Adventure games are bad because of shitty controls and physics as well as the 2000 different playable characters half of which sucked shit
Mario Odyssey doesn't have the latter problem and because it's a slower-paced 3D platformer that they have 20 years of experience making it's unlikely to have the former
Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were bad for a lot of reasons but having realistic environments sometimes was not one of them

unleashed had better speed levels that gens. longer, actually challenging, and better looking. werehog, medal hunting, and fucking eggmanland ruined it.

Sup Forums likes sucking cock

Unlike Sonic 06 this has good gameplay

They have no involvement with the Olympics beyond signing off on imagery. They are not involved in planning, and aren't even a financing sponsor.

Also unlike 06 this is probably going to be a finished product. Additionally unlike 06 the story of this game probably isn't going to be edgy as fuck


How many of you are unaware that the theme of the game is Mario in fish out of water locations?

How many more of you even realize that it's just one level and not the hub world?

You know videogame discussion has really hit rock bottom when quality by association rules the day.

That Sonic game sucked because it was a bad game. They probably could have released this Mario game incomplete as it is right now and it would still be a more polished game than Sonic '06.

>Which also sucked shit.
>Proceed to post a shit video on youtube

Okay, user. Come back when you'll actually play the game and be able to do proper criticism instead of acting like a little silly bitch

There is a difference between 3D Mario and 3D Sonic:

Sonic never had a good 3D game.
Mario never had a bad 3D game

Easy as that

this is like, a more literal 'Super Mario World', isn't it?

>some youtuber is telling me the game is shit
>I take his opinion and use it as my own

No because SMW setting is only one world (Dinosaur island) while this one has many, which is why all the satges shown look so different


I was thinking the same thing

the forest part also looks weird

>Sonic never had a good 3D game.
Sonic Adventure 1 and 2.

Wow I wasn't the only one that saw it screamed 'this doesn't look or play like M 64 or Sunshine at all, looks like a reskinned Sonic Lost World'

Hope you guys won't play it undocked...

>The setting was the worst part of 06
Just when I think this board can't get anymore retarded

I can understand not liking the Adventure title because they were bogged down by some shitty playstyles...But for, real. What's the reason Colors isn't good? It's the half of Unleashed everyone liked, you only play as Sonic, and the plot is basically a classic Sonic game plot with the little animals replaced with little aliens.

Oh those early youtube vids of gta vice city with this mod.

Super Mario Sunshine took place in a city, and you didn't hear anything about that. Now it's just retarded youtube kids who take Arin Hanson and Pewdiepie's word as scripture parroting this 'Sonic 06' shit

The 2d sections in colors are shit and the 3d gameplay in colors is worse the the gameplay in the adventure games

Surely the worst 3D Mario, but nothing near bad or even mediocre

how did this clown get popular?

Reminds me of that Simpsons treehouse episode where Homer wakes up in a dumpster IRL.

I think it's going to be fucking cool.

>the parts of the game where you did things besides run (ie 3D platform, explore, and brawl) and a hard level is what ruined it

no. the day levels are better than generations levels however. and colors is a piece of shit.

There is absolutely no correlation between the two.

Hi, Miyamoto.

I think it will be great because the scenario with bowser is a good prelude to some good NTR fan art.

okay, tell me how sonic 06 looks anything mario odyssey

>implying there will even be a level half as beautiful as chun nan

The difference between this and unleashed is that unleashed tried really hard to capture the natural beauty of the locations it featured. Odyssey is half in with the idea and even then, is making everything more simplistic and cartoony

>more mario
>more zelda
don't nintoddlers get tired of playing the same old rehashed shit for the last 4 consoles?

Apparently the lead developer said that the levels were designed in a way that they feel foreign not just to the player but to Mario as well. That's why most of the shit we saw don't look like they belong in a Mario game, that forest looks downright spoopy you know.

You tell me Mr. 4 uncharted games over two consoles.

Also also unlike Sonic 06 it won't be a buggy unfinished mess
idk lol

>literally one of each mind of game per console bar the NES
Was this meant to mean something?

Super Mario Odyssey will feel fresh because despite being a 3D platformer its noticeably mechanically different to Super Mario 3D World in many new ways. Just because its in the same series does not make it a rehash.

>not unleashed

you had one fucking job. the concept is practically identical

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 had 10/10 movement physics and controls though. You have to be pretty daft to think otherwise. Both games are Super Mario 64 tier when it comes to precision and skill ceiling.

The problem was collision detection, level design and shitty alternate gameplay modes.

yeah those are two examples illustrating how Sonic never had a good 3D game

and another difference is that Unleashed sucked fucking ass


>donald douck

>a more literal
reading comprehension ain't your strongsuit, innit, bruv?

how can someone be eager to play the same shit they've been playing for 10 years?
idk man after 5 or 6 marios i'd be tired, but nintoddlers can't wait to play mario bros 300, mario kart 200 and smash bros 100

>it features the same character so it's the same game!
That's like saying pac man is the same as pac 'n roll.

>Implying both Mario and zelda don't look like great 3D platforming and Action adventure games even if they didn't had the brand names attached to them

>Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 had 10/10 movement physics and controls though.
Am I being rused?

The best part of SA2 was the rails

SA1 was better but it wasn't great


final rush, radical highway, and green forest are the only things worth playing in sa2


No, you just don't know what you're talking about.

You probably thought the controls and physics were bad because you were too shitty at the game to get a handle on them.

You're like the people claiming Mario Galaxy has better controls than Mario 64.

>The problem was collision detection, level design and shitty alternate gameplay modes.
And no Bounce Bracelet on Shadow.

I wouldn't put them anywhere near the same level as SM64 though, despite being very fond of SA2.

Everything is alien

For the new gens, yes, for the ps2, fuck no, it was great, loading times aside.

Ps2/Wii unleashed was a joke and you know it user

>You probably thought the controls and physics were bad because you were too shitty at the game to get a handle on them.
Dude, I 100%'d both games because I was a poor sonic nut as a kid and even then I knew the controls and physics were slippery ass.

Youre an idiot

First off no sonic game has bad controls, maybe secret rings or heroes is confusing at first

Slippery physics would be heroes and shadow

Anything multiplat on PS2 was utter ass.


don't forget Generations physics, modern Sonic has no concept of braking or accelerating properly, he's either walking on ice or being a bullet train instantly from complete stillness

Forgot about that, as i do frequently with the saturns existence. But yes theres a double whammy of slippery physics and bad controls. The overrated cringe soundtrack doesnt save it from jackshit either, fuck sonic r

Yeah i dont like sonics physics in generations either but theyre tolerable for the games levels. Unleashed and the adventure games have my favorite sonic physics

Why in god's name would they make all those other people have normal proportions?

What the fuck does that make Mario? Is he no longer from earth?

same here, I used to spending tons of time just playing with SA1 Sonic, everything about his movement was just so clutch. SA2 deviated a little from the precision movement, and after Heroes it all went downhill.

My theory that I came up with when Galaxy 2 was released keeps bearing fruit. Nintendo being a more conservative company than Sega does the same evolution at half speed.

SA1 - 64/Sunshine - Open games with lots of experimentation and looseness as a whole.

SA2 - Galaxy 1/2 -A more streamlined, focused and linear design. Introduces a popular one-off character.

Heroes - 3D Land/World - A retro callback in aesthetics and design to the old 2D times, but is actually an abomination. Brings back the popular one-off character.

Sonic 06 - Odyssey/?

I'm just saying. Also they talked about a Rosalina spinoff in the intervening years, but it didn't come to pass.

But hey, maybe it'll be good.

I know what you mean man, SA1 sonic had a bunch of quirks in the movement that let you use the spin dash in interesting ways

The only times i could do anything cool with the boost and the environment was unleashed, which is why i like it a lot too. The werehog actually has an interesting designs to, eggmanland really lets you use the stretchy arms to find shortcuts in the boiler room that seem otherwise impossible. Real under rated game imo and it along with the SA games are the only 3D sonics i love

>compare it to Sonic 2006 instead of Sonic Adventure

No. He's not. The point is that he's out of place. It's basically Mario: Dimensions or Mario: Multiverse. Every level is a foreign and alien world to Mario.

>be me
>have only PC

Exactly what I thought when I watched the trailer. This is legitimately the first time I've actually felt like a new 3D Mario game might be -bad-. I mean I wasn't very hyped for 3D World either but even that managed to be a decent game and it never even crossed my mind that it might be anything less than fairly good. This is different. I'm actually kind of confused and worried.

Did you close your eyes for everything that wasn't the city level?