So how do you think they compare?


Irrelevant. Nintendofags will buy the Switch for the same reason they always did: The Nintendo first party games.

>You will never be as asshurt as the people who make these comparison images

post your face when

?? But it's actually quite informative, everything there is factual with only 2 throwaway joke points, which to be fair were also throwaway joke games and feattures in the presentation.

At some point you have to grow out of Mario, surely?

> Sonyggers will never have Zelda and Mario

Stay mad, Keep crying

There's only one reason I bought the Wii and WiiU, and that was Monster Hunter. Mario can fuck itself, and I've never really cared for Zelda since OOT.

The funny thing is that the one monthly SNES game would be more worth your time than the indie shovelware you get on PS+.

well I hope you enjoy your 30 days with that

>gloating about Mario and Zelda
>2 of the most milked IP's in gaming history

I stopped giving a shit about Mario games after Sunshine and i was never thrilled about a zelda game ever.

But you could easily argue that I've played all those old SNES games before, the new shit indie games on PS+ are at least new but still shit.

I already have a PS4 tough, I'm not buying a Pro

That's the standard PS4 though, there's no mention of the Pro in that pic.

nigga, i have a backlog longer than the lifespan of the original xbox 360 on my PS3 alone filled with 1st and 3rd party games.
and when one of the first games I got on ps4 for "free" was DC Injustice.

What are you getting? Duck Hunt? and only for 30 days?

>still caring about mario or zelda

its like you fuckers dont get tired of the same shit all over again.

Wait no

You could also easily argue that, seeing as we're all on PCs and phones, you could just emulate the entire catalog of SNES games including ones that were never released outside of Japan.

Mexican bean counting toasters can perfectly emulate the SNES these days.

>sniper elite


I can milk cows on Switch?

Monster hunter coming 2018™

It's pathetic. Sonyniggers are always so butthurt.

Enjoying cinematic first person shooter action game #908790257423?

Man that's some hardcore butthurt.

News flash: Switch is releasing in 2017, going against PS4/Xbone/PC 2017 libraries. It doesn't live in isolation.

Oh don't worry, learnt my lesson. I'm sticking with 3DS and if they make more for it which they likely will I'm happy. I've always preferred MH on console though, I guess that dream died a while back.


>ethernet port sold separately
>not shit controller sold separately
At least I hope it will support any sd card and not be limited some overpriced proprietary garbage. That 32gb storage is a fucking joke.

>Baby's first platformer and the most generic bland fantasy saga ever created
wow you really showed him...
As mush as sonny ponnies are far up their asses about their 30 fps upscales, nintoddlers are on a whole new level, PC mustard race really feels great

PS4 has a stronger software line up and is actually the far more economical console as well.

Cheap + Good games + No gimmick BS

Yeah PS4 is actually pretty good. The wiiU had leverage over the PS4 with free online and when the market didn't really know its tablet controller thing was a gimmick but now we know.

You're being more dramatic than the picture is in about every way possible.

If only there was some way I could get both a Nintendo Switch AND a PS4

>That 32gb storage is a fucking joke.
I never understood this, they did it with the WiiU too. Is it so hard to just put a HDD in there?

I need an app to chat online and invite others? What the fuck is this shit?

so i didnt watch the conference but i have a general idea of whats going on.

2 questions

1) How much is the online?
2) What was their reasoning for making us pay for such a shitty netcode

Like only 3 on that list and most of them are shit.

Now you only have some overwashed plataformer and puzzles for retards the adventure game.



Why is Arms listed? It's literally ranged wii boxing.

The PS4 has a good price for what it can do. The Switch definitely doesn't, since the price is bloated by its shitty gimmiks (joycons cost 50$ a piece, docking station is 90$).

If you plan to buy all those games why the hell do you waste time being a retarded console warrior?

Why don't you get a PC then you fucking retard?

tales was confirmed for switch on japanese nintendo, along with blazblue and taiko no tatsujin

>Somebody so autistic made OP post maybe OP himself


Yup, want to play Splatoon2 and talk with your friends?

Well, turn on WiFi on your phone, put yourheadset there while the TV blasts the game's sound and you drain all of your phone's battery, because that's the only way to have a "in-console" chat system.

Oh and by "system" I don't mean a UI-based system where you can talk with friends regardless of the game they are playing, it's still a game-by-game thing, no communication between games or apps.

At this point having a laptop by your side and using Skype is still the better option.

>At this point having a laptop by your side and using Skype is still the better option.
You could literally just phone each other instead, or phone each other on skype

doesnt change the fact the Switch is an underpowered, overpriced, paywalled,, weak lineup mess.

>ethernet port for a tablet

are you fucking brain dead

Can we all just acknowledge that regardless of any other comparisons, comparing the lineup of launch titles for switch vs releases during the 3rd year of the ps4's lifespan is completely unfair? It's not like ps4 had a very impressive launch either Knack

We will win. And we will win. And we will win.

We're gonna win so much, you may even get tired of winning. And you'll say "please please it's too much winning, we can't take it anymore, Sony it's too much!. And Sony will say "No it isn't". We have to keep winning. That's what winners do.

>1) How much is the online?
No one knows. Nintendo (as usual) only talked about gimmicks and nothing that actually matters, like specs, which storage formats are compatible (they tell you in the website, but not the conference), how much is the monthly fee, or how their account and online infrastructure work. it LITERALLY says on the website that you'll have to wait UNTIL AFTER IT LAUNCHES to know.


>2) What was their reasoning for making us pay for such a shitty netcode
Once again no clue. Probably no reason. It's not like they will let you have a server with multiple GB of storage to put recorded videos on, like Xbone does, or put save files like PS4.
They didn't even mention their online would get any better in terms of download speeds and in-game latency.

I have one (?)

Sure, however there are no release solid release dates, only assumptions, read the rules in the image.

Question is then, what's the point of Switch? PS4 already has the games, the hardware, the price, everything. What does the Switch have in 2017? Nothing. Hell its best game is a Wii U game. Why would anyone bother with a Switch?

Nintengenerates will still buy it though.


Sme goes for PS4 launch


Same as PS4 and even worse the XBone launch


See above

>weak lineup mess.

Best Launch Line Up so far this generation

The Ps4 had fucking Knack and Killzone 4

>Sme goes for PS4 launch
Compared to the PS4 it's a whole another level of underpowered.

what was the point in owning a PS4 when it launched? Who the fuck knows, same for this.

Fair or unfair, it's the reality that Switch has to face which is why I'm so damn disappointed in it. I've been saying it for months now - this shit NEEDED to hit the ground running. The games it needs were announced - Super Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Fire Emblem Warriors, Xenoblade 2, new SMT, NMH 3, Dragon Quest as far as the eye can see, that shit'll do it. BUT IT NEEDED IT DAY FUCKING ONE and not shit like Arms or 1-2-Switch, and that's because the Xbone and PS4 don't give a fuck about letting the Switch butt in on its market share. They have the right ideas but they aren't doing it fast enough, not when the competition has a 3+ year long lead-in on them.

I know, it's beyond retarded.

OH! And chatting is behind the paywall, even Xboen and PS4 offer that for free users.

The only console that ever gated party chat behind the monthly paywall was the 360, that was 2 generations ago, over a decade ago.

Yeah it's pretty retarded to even compare them. The problem is the PS4 has already built up a library in the past few years so as a consumer why would I purchase a console that's literally just launching when you can have one with games to play?

But at the end of the day it's Nintendo, they're in a world of their own yet people still try and compare them to the rest of the console market. They're NOT in the same market, they're actually competing against nobody.

Why the fuck do you faggots compare a the game libraries of a console that's not even out yet with a console that is 3 years old?

NO FUCKING SHIT PS4 has more games to offer right now and in the following months than the switch.

They're the ones choosing to release at this time at this price point. Like it or not they're competing with the ps4.

Yeah, but with the PS4/Xbone you can at least get multiplats.
With Nintendo you're forever stuck with Mario #98 and Zelda #44.

This dumb fucking nigger homo tripfag.

>PS4 was underpowered in 2013
So what does that say about Switch, that performs way less than a PS4, that you thought was underpowered three years ago? What the fuck how dumb are you?

This shit is going to fail so hard. People with PS4s will find no reason to get this turd. And people without PS4s will prefer to get that console with more and better games, better hardware and cheaper price than Switch.

Face it, you're defending Wii U 2.0.

>2 launch titles, 1 isn't even exclusive
>$300.00 + Paid Online
>3 hours of battery life
>Requires a $60 ethernet add-on
>Extremely lackluster third party support
>No backwars compatability with wiiU
>No Virtual Console for Gamecube or Wii
>Offers nothing for non-Nintendo fans
>Runs multiplats worse than PS4/PC


>They're NOT in the same market, they're actually competing against nobody.
Don't they actually acknowledge this themselves ?

Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me.

they're talking about launch titles you stupid fucking double nigger.

go to bed

>is completely unfair?
Life isn't fair.
Switch IS releasing in 2017, that's a fact. Those PS4 games are also releasing in 2017, that's a fact. Switch doesn't live in a bubble. If They wanted a "fair" fight they should'nt release a console mid-generation and instead start at the same time as the others.

In fact, WiiU got a whole year of headstart over Xbone and PS4, yet that didn't save it.

spinning drive in a portable machine sucks

but upgrading to 64GB of NAND would've added like $5 to the BOM


I am legitimately curious as to how they're actually selling consoles and Mario/Zelda still? Surely the target audience is 30+ year olds who grew up with Nintendo and can't let go, but what happens when they die?

>Sme goes for PS4 launch
Even more to the Switch

>Same as PS4 and even worse the XBone launch
Even worse for the Switch

>See above
See above

>Best Launch Line Up so far this generation
>The Ps4 had fucking Knack and Killzone 4
Too bad we aren't in 2013, huh?
Switch launches in 2017, it's competing with 2017 lineups + their backlogs. That's how it works buddy.

They will declare for bankruptcy.
Unless a new generation of Nintengenerates grows up in the meantime.

Kekd hard at ice cube tech

They overprice the shit out of everything. So even if they sell a few thousand plastic toys, the profit margins are so huge they're allowed to keep going.

Also their expenses are non-existant. Just look at their first-party offerings. They got like three studios making games in comparison to MS and Sony that got about a dozen each.

>better hardware and cheaper price than Switch
This. But I don't doubt that nintendofags will buy it considering it will aslo replace the 3DS, not just the WiiU.

>They're NOT in the same market, they're actually competing against nobody.

Thats actually true, they have their army of loyal autists that will buy anything they produce.

>The PS4 was underpowered when it released in 2013 so that means it's ok for Nintendo to release a console that underperforms that same underpowered console in 2017


Then "why the fuck" are you so butthurt about it?
If it's common sence then why even bother replying? Just acknowledge it and move on.

It takes cartridges, that and SD format up to 128gb. Meaning your games will only take up so little space.

OH LORD, I completely forgot they never mentioned anything about an account system. There's no way they dodge on this again, there's no way.

Xbox guy and grew up with Nintendo. This makes me want to get a PlayStation. Why is Nintendo run so fucking retarded since basically the end of SNES?

I wonder what went through his head typing that. Not much I guess, considering he's defending Nintendo.

Can you charge the Switch out of the dock? So just plug it directly into mains.

You can, it will Switch Off forever though.

>This makes me want to get a PlayStation

I actually did buy one and preordered GR2. With RE7 and Yakuza 0 not far behind and TLG having just come out, I'd say PS4 stepped the fuck up in the last month. Shame about that paid online but at this point it's a matter of picking your poison. Still can't believe Nintendo went paid online. Fuck. Thank God I hardly play online to begin with.

>Why is Nintendo run so fucking retarded since basically the end of SNES?
This. N64 and GC weren't all that bad, but you could tell they've been going downhill since SNES. I fucking loved the SNES, I think it's still one of, if not the best console but could just be the nostalgia talking.

XB2 is supposed to be end of 2017, but it'll be tight.

Greed aside, why isn't it part of the dock.


>Greed aside, why isn't it part of the dock.
So they can pretend the console is cheaper, it's Nintendo's marketing ploy. They do it with literally everything, break items down and sell individually.

> There's no way they dodge on this again, there's no way.

They both have no games. So the PS4 having more memory doesn't matter.

You can, however It'll run on "portable" settings

Same as Wii u. You had to buy a fucking add on.

>Switch is 350€ in Europe
>PS4 Pro is just a few Euro more
How the fuck do they expect the average consumer to pick a shitty fucking Wii U rehash instead of a 4K-capable machine that has ton of games for everyone?

I'll probably do what I did last gen and get PS4 later (xmas or next year). Pc and Xbox already gave me enoughgames to handle ATM

XCX was announced very early on too, and only came out near WiiU's death

Monolith aren't trustworthy when it comes to a quick release date.

Dunno, will make judgement when everything is announced/released, will buy regardless cause I buy almost every sony-nintendo shit

Why are some retards on here arguing about the switch launch games and the ps4 launch games.

That is not the fucking point. This garbage console costs as much as a ps4. It has to compete with its current library of games.

This thing is doa. Once again Nintendo fails to understand it needs to broaden its userbase. The fuck do they do? Huurrrrr more of the same shit, only now its more expensive.

This thing will get no third part support (again). Normies will not buy this thing. The casuals won't buy this thing. The only people buying this shit are people who would have bought anything Nintendo shat out.

This company is doomed.

>So the PS4 having more memory doesn't matter.
Tell that to my 2TB storage which is at about 1.5TB from just digital games.

As some anons have already said, they're not even competing against anyone.