maybe the first time i prefer a burger cover
Maybe the first time i prefer a burger cover
Needs more piss yellow filter.
I always prefer burger covers.
I think they're fun.
the sky on the right actually looks really good
Which one's burger? I think right looks better. I don't pay attention to ratings.
Pegi is Euro, ESRB is NA
American tries too hard, as usual.
That's because it isn't slathered in gold shit.
>Light of the sun reflecting off clouds at sunset is now piss filter
>Blue and orange
Right is the better piece of artwork, but left fits the game better.
The fuck are you talking about? Right looks better.
>Non Burger looks like Link wants you to join him on his adventure
>Burger is edgy as fuck and will go on his adventure regardless of your opinion
I prefer Non Burger, to be honest. Looks more inviting, and captures the spirit of the game world better.
>caught cha mirin
>those blurry as shit birds right up next to you
stupid nip monkeys
Right is an objectively better piece of artwork, if you prefer left you're literally just following along with the "burger covers are always shit" meme.
>breath of the wild
>guy standing on a rock preparing for some super epic adventure
>only colors are brown and orange
>standing is edgy as fuck
Despite the meme contrast, right is better since it looks more heroic and adventurous.
>Dark shading
>Has his back to the camera with the generic "edgy action pose"
Seems pretty edgy to me, user.
The only thing I'm wondering is the difference between the wii u and switch versions of the game
>mfw they are on opposite sides of each other
Right is better because it reminds me of this
holy fuck they finally got rid of that piss gold shit
>Vibrant blue, contrasting hard with the green, giving it a fairly unique overall look at a glance
>side on pose of link is at least somewhat atypical
>gets across the whole "overlooking the land" vibe better which emphasizes the game's main selling points more
>generic soft blue & orange contrast with a mild transition
>hero front and center with the most average silhouette ever
>Actual details of any of the landscape in either the foreground or background vastly emphasized
However the American one is drawn better on a technical level. More, sharper details, link doesn't look derpy, etc.
tl;dr EU's better designed, NA's better drawn
you might be a bit color blind
>Wii U version runs at 900p and has frame drops everywhere
>Switch version runs at 900p docked, and is fully stable
That's about it.
If you don't mind going back to the Ocarina of Time days where the game struggles to stay at 20 FPS, then get the Wii U version.
eu one just looks like a place holder image
Makes sense. The features of the environment look like shit clay models on the left which really hurts when the cover is more land than sky as opposed to the right.
>edgy action pose
It's a determined pose while looking at his goal in the horizon. Don't ever call anything edgy again until you realize what it means.
Why so edgy, user?
burger version misrepresents the game as usual
Does anyone in the UK know where to find BotW for cheaper than £60? Seems steep, that's something like $100 directly converted
>Orange and blue
Can't be an American cover without it.
really wish they removed the sword from the logo.
the japanese one looks so much cleaner and better, the western one would benefit from not having it as well
I think they both look nice.
link looking back like a faggot. Nintendo really knows it's audience
I played a demo at a gaming convention and it was pretty MEH honestly.
I feel bad for Nintendo but do they have any common sense? They are sitting on fantastic IPs and they keep rerunning the same lifeless, plastic games.
I don't get it.
That's how the current rate for games is, m8.
I remember when new major release games were £40. Circa the start of this gun it went up to £50. Of course they're going to bump it up to £60 at this point.
I was thinking of this exact one
It's what their fanbase wants, ultimately.
Last time they tried to shake things up was with Skyward Sword, and we saw how well that went...
I like the left because it involves the watcher and is a tad less generic.
> blue and orange
> somehow still better
I want them to give Zelda a rest for at least 1 generation and pour those resources into something else.
Zelda hasn't be fun for a long time because they're always too afraid of taking risks.
>tfw burgers got good art for once
I had to google to find this piece of history.
On first sight I would agree. But I have to say its the edgy burger edition all over again. I like the more peacefull explorervibes in the Europoor one.
Both are good.
>le blue and orange background with the stoic looking protagonist- meme
It pulls all the burger cover memes. But yeah, it actually looks better this time around.
right is conquerer
left is explorer
decide for yourself
Very nice box art
oh shit this is new to me
The NA cover is better, even if I'm burnt out as fuck on the "dark character's back in the dead center against bright background" meme
I like right one.
Learn what edgy means
Mosaic when?
Autism at its finest
Both look great, but American cover does look better, I agree. I'd be fine with either, though.
>Beautiful painting-quality artwork showing the land of Hyrule in all it's glory
>Edge McEdgerson's Deviantart showing a bunch of brown-grey rocks
You know for people who eat so much you burgers sure do have no fucking taste
Europoor here, I think our cover is pretty shitty.
Burger cover is more striking and your eyes are drawn to link. Link is too close to the title on the euro cover and it leaves the cover without a proper center that doesn't catch your eye.
I think Theeht Zeez Birb is a lot cooler because it has 2 swords >:D
>two shields
Gonna have to go with Zeez this time.
here, I fixed it
What's the Jap cover look like?
>american cover Zelda is ready for action and he's looking towards his goal
>EU cover he's looking back at the player with a look of lust and you can see he's saying "Fuck me" and you can plow him in the ass on that field of grass
I like both
I fucking hate this color code bullshit. Persona 5 box art looks fucking ass with the PS4 cover, the EU cover here looks like shit aswell. And I'm not even going to talk about the xboxs puke green. Why not just have the platform on the fucking spine instead?
Literally the best video game cover ever
my nigga
Nintendo finally went back to their SNES/N64 colour of RED.
Good fucking greif it took them long enough.
I'm all in for Switch once the online bullshit is sorted out. I aint paying unless it's amazing.
Is that Mordor in the distance?
Now this one I actually want.
>euro cover
>craving my mcnuggies.jpg
It isn't region locked, so you can get the burger version if you feel like it.
Feels like not many people are talking about that aspect of the Switch.
>Miyazaki Movie: The Videogame
The pose in the left poster looks better, because it's a more active pose. The Right Link pose is stiff and knight-like.
This is a big culture difference between US and Japan; The idea of the Hero, and you can see it clear as day if you examine Links posing in both of these artworks.
On the right, Link is being viewed from a high angle looking down. Notice how his body is bending backwards, and if you take a thick red line and draw from his feet to his head, you'll see a nice red curve. Also notice that his shield is on his back and his sword is planted in the ground. It's a relaxed pose; a Comfort Pose. The Japanese idea of a Hero is Relaxed, intelligent, and Humble.
On the right, He's more rigid. Draw that red line again, and the curve is barely noticeable. His body no longer twists, just sits up rigid, sword and shield drawn, and looking outward into distance rather than Inward. American view of a Hero is strong, Adventurous, Ready to leap head-first and face whatever comes. Notice how he's leaning forward a bit, this just further cements his figure.
A good video game cover advertises it's contents well with just one image. Little timmy or Akita walking through Walmart seeing the case for BoTW needs to easily understand the gist of what the game is, before begging his mom to buy it for him
>user types all this out, not realizing the right one is used in both the US and Japan
user, what if I told you the jap cover and the american cover are the same
The right is fucking generic tho
2/3 modern videogame covers portray a guy in the middle showing his back to you
>even Europe's video game covers are fully of sissy subliminals
You'll get angry with me and say "Sup Forums" or whatevs, but after five minutes, you'll be able to list all twelve signs.
Still the burger version poibts the gun at you while the other versions just show their helmets
>The right is fucking generic tho
Generic > Shitty symmetry
>burgers are used to having guns pointed at them
Its called localization user
agreeable opinion
The jap version is different tho
Its much more zoomed out and shows the world instead of just focusing on links shaded back
This kills the user.
Sure, though that one actually just looks like a poster that comes with it. Still, it's taken from the exact same artwork.
All I could ever hope for a zelda. (fuck the dubs though)
I reallyreally dont want a switch but this Zelda looks so fucking magnificent good.
Why is Link brunette on the cover when he's blonde in-game?
Doesn't Europe have laws that say your advertising has to resemble the final product?
>graphics this bad
Since when?
Europe usually gets the artsy covers while America gets character renders.
I honestly hate the cover on the left. Looks fucking gay and kiddy (sorry for using buzzwords but that's what first came into mind).
this is literally nutshack-tier art
whats with the weird turn to look at the camera on the EU cover?
oh well, we had a good run of excellent cover art, maybe it's time for the US to get the better art for once