Disgaea thread? Disgaea thread

Disgaea thread? Disgaea thread.

Post your
>favorite generic
>favorite game
>favorite protagonist
>favorite unique skillset (e.g. Flonne, Desco, etc.)

>inb4 consolewar shit
Keep it civil, dood. We're all friends now.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Bought Disgaea 5 Japanese version
>Bought it again with all the DLC in English
>Want to buy it on Switch also
What the fuck is wrong with me? I don't even play it that much.

It's a pretty well-made game, user. Hell, I plan on playing through it again before I replay it once more on Switch.

>>favorite generic
Great Wyrms/Dragon Kings/Efreet/Whatever the fuck they go by now
>>favorite game
4 If going by Disgaea alone, Soul Nomad if by NIS as a whole.
>>favorite protagonist
Laharl if Disgaea, related if by NIS as a whole
>>favorite unique skillset (e.g. Flonne, Desco, etc.)
You posted both of 'em.



>Implying the job NISA does on Disgaea 5 won't brick your Switch

man, I feel sad for D5

it barely sold on PS4 because of the low install base and it's probably going to be the same on Switch since it's a launch title, it's niche as fuck and everyone and their mother is going to pick Zelda over it.

I just want it to do well.

>3 more generics in the Switch version
Who will it be? New faces? Oldies but goodies? Outdated classes you don't care about? Just the three DLC generics in a ruse? More Mass-Produced Desco and Kurtis? Place your betsw!

I hope the mystery item is Etna's stained panties

Considering its rather early release date and a severe lack of launch titles, I think a majority of people will pick it up on a whim regardless of their familiarity with the series.

>niche game
>do well
elaborate well
it didn't sold great, but sold alright on PS4. Seasons pass helped after that.
Switch version will probably help
I still don't get it. Will Switch ver has new stuff or it's just NISA shit at typing and meant it just all included dlc

>not eating sardines

Seraphina is best girl! She's pure and loyal!

since it's just called d5 complete with no new subtitle i assumed it's just an all dlc edition

Well, I'm not sure the main nintendo base knows what the fuck Disgaea is, only the rare browser of image banks among them would even recognize related. That means they will be relying on the core NIS fanbase, who are already balls deep in sony territory, specially since nobody expected a port after DD2.

I want it to do well too, but I can't say things look promising.


oh yeah. that makes sense.
shame, new side story would be nice

Why the fuck do they keep making the Kunoichi DLC?

Genuine concern. The DS port of D1 wasn't great.

It'll probably do well enough, at the very least some people might check it out because there's almost nothing besides zelda at launch
I'm only getting it for the portability

I mean I get that NISA is pile of shit of company, but let's get real here
Switch is not a DS, you won't need to rework whole game to work with 2 screens and cut out audio cause lack of card space

If anyone can find ways to brick a Switch it's probably NISA. I share his concern.

So. Now that Disgaea's got a more solid foothold in Nintendo territory, I suppose the time has come. Someone needs to become the agreed upon representative for Smash Brothers, and other crossover titles.
I think the choice is obvious.
Nostalgia? Check.
Main Character? The original!
Combat focus easily translatable to a fighting game? No question.
Another, sexier form for appearances in games with a different focus? Who else?
There's really no question here. Who dares to challenge the throne?

Was Disgaea DS even localized by NISA?

needs amiibo support

Did you hear about what happened to the Steam release? They patched it over a few weeks, but it was an absolute trainwreck, and it still isn't even totally fixed.
They can't make something work on PC, and various literally who's DIY'd their own fixes in a couple hours.
They literally do not know how to code.

Axel probably.

Okay. Legit contender. He shows up everywhere, fits a kid-friendly theme better, and has the power of rock. And isn't yet another sword guy.
Even if he doesn't make playable, I now need an Axel assist Trophy.

I'm not sure if they can even ask the original team at NIS-J to help since half of them quit the company.

Desco is easily adaptable to light hearted.
Plus, I can already see Desco breaking down into fangirl mode the instant she sees Bowser.



Disgaea already has a representative.

Hey guys. Nice thread. Can I join in?


I was sort of disappointed that Gordan and Jennifer seems to have disappeared from the series entirely. Weren't even in the D:D2.

Just finished the story for 5
Made the mistake of not bothering to raise innocents and only levelling one character
Carnage levels are wrecking my shit and levelling takes too long, everything is pain

Easily the worst part of D4.


cause PC was a mistake
Axel needs to be in each Disgaea game
Meanwhile those who stayed finished D5 and made Coven + Witch 2, while those who left made pretty bad Harada artstyle wanna be dungeon crawler about your dying waifus

Trainwreck? The game was stable as fuck I don't know what you are talking about


Don't listen to hem, he's a AMD cuck.


And that's what make her so loved.


Trillion wasn't a bad game and the concept is an interesting idea.
They tried to do something different and I'm glad they did, it's certainly rough around the edges and I can't say if that's because of budget, new office or just the game being too ambitious.

What won me over was the fact that she showed up in Phantom Brave and Makai Kingdom. It takes a heart of stone to not be moved by that kind of devotion.

it wasn't a good game either, just mediocre. And concept is too similar to ZHP to call it fresh.
but my main point that so called exodus (which is mostly known via badly translated from japanese few forum posts) didn't seem to affect NIS all that much.


Best girl.


Has there ever been any doubt?




I can't choose between Prier and Rozalin.
They're both too perfect.

>Asag will never get her game
>Diary was a waste of everyone's time


Flonne always looks so cuddly.

So I've been playing D2's PC demo and decided to run it side by side with my emulated copy of D2 and my conclusion is D2PC looks fucking crisp, holy shit. I never realized that everything in Disgaea 2 had this ugly filter on it until it was removed, everything looks 3 times better, it's like putting on glasses for the first time.
Here they are back to back, what do you guys think?

Axel is actually super popular in Japan. He's like one of the top 3 males in the polls. Would explain why he got a semi-important story role in 4.

Wouldn't be surprised if he got his own game before Asagi did.

japs have taste
considering Axel in sidequest literally stole main role from Asagi - that would be appropriate
I still can't deal with everything being crisp but characters being pixelated lowres. native PSP screen is only way

Top has a crisper look for the art and portraits but the sprites on the bottom look better to be honest.

I'm guessing the filter for the PS2 version was to keep the sprites from looking too pixelated. It shows once you remove it.

>just a port with all the DLC
>no new side story or scenario

Damn. Missed a chance for unarmored Goldion and playable Liezerota

This. The busts on the top set look better, but the sprites look better on bottom.

Is 5 that good? It's on sale EU psn right now i can pick it up and the season pass for under 30 euros with a.

with all the discounts*

I prefer top. Yes, the sprites are more pixelly, but they don't look too good with the PS2 blur.

Depends what you want from it.
The story is balls but the gameplay is good and if you want to grind item worlds it's pretty fun.

Well, Axel is my second favorite character from D2, I'm lucky enough to enjoy whenever he shows up.
I just don't know if he'd be the best choice for representative of the series. Maybe a second or third choice, but first?

Oh, well, it has an older res and old UI option here if you're into that sort of thing, I personally can't imagine why someone would use these though, zam.


I'll just play it on my psp, gozaru
>liking tink
so ...people like you exists, huh

5 is objectively the best gameplay wise. It fixes pretty much all of the problems from any of the previous games while still introducing some new stuff without any of it becoming too cluttered or overly tedious.

The only bad thing about it is they went full jew with the DLC. But since this complete version is coming out that's not even a problem anymore.

Gameplay is great. It's a solid step up, as usual. Post Game is a little grindy (even for a Disgaea game) unless you cheese most of it, though RNG is mostly eliminated.
Story is kinda bleh. It's kinda like if Disgaea 2, and Disgaea Dimension 2 had a weird, passionless baby. Red Magnus and Usalia are great, Christo is Wasted Potential: The Character, and everyone else is pretty much a write-off.
Upside, you can use the DLC immediately, and both Metallia and Zetta absolutely faceroll the main story.

How about old sprites with new UI?

Get it on the Switch, all the DLC and maybe some other stuff included, so you actually save money.
If this all happened pre-Smash 4, I'd say Laharl no contest, however thanks to the saturation of Fire Emblem, I think the general populace is sick of blue haired anime swordsmen, unless Laharl manages to wield all the melee weapons at once, I personally wouldn't mind another rep. Killia would be great, though I'd love Axel, but that's just personal bias.

So do I need to play the previous games to enjoy Disgaea 5 on Switch? I do have a Vita and I think 3 and 4 are on it, but are they worth it? My backlog is already huge so I'd like to skip them if possible, but if they're good then I might pick them up.


Tink's great. He just makes me smile whenever I see him, and his character never tried too hard.

No. The games all take place in the same multiverse so characters from past games and other titles by the company usually cameo and show up as secret/DLC characters, so you'll miss some references. But each game has its own self-contained story and aren't directly related to each other aside from the first one and DD2.

5 has a lot of strong hints to it actually taking place before 1, however. Though nothing has been outright confirmed.

Nah, I don't like the pixels being filtered that way. The sprites still look good after more than ten years, so the blur doesn't do it for me.

>The games all take place in the same multiverse
I actually like how non-Disgaea games by NIS also take place in the same universe.

You don't need to play the previous games to enjoy Disgaea 5 as the stories are all standalone, however, characters from previous games show up as DLC/postgame bosses so you might be out of the loop in that regard, but that's not a big deal since you don't need them to beat the story or anything like that.
3 and 4 are on the Vita and have a shitload of content. If you can only play 1 Disgaea game, make it 5, if you can squeeze more in, play 4 next, 3 isn't all that great save for 1 or 2 characters.

Enjoy 5 on Switch, user.


>yfw it's censored on the Switch

Solid point on anime swordsmen #7. While I'd like to think being a demon and an Overlord at that would be enough to set him apart from his non-meteor spawning competition, the field is too saturated.
So, Etna. Juat as many, if not more people recognize her, even if only as "that girl I see sometimes on the internet". Smash doesn't have a Spear user yet, it offers a way to weasel in prinnies for her moveset, and she's probably less scandalous than Bayonetta. Well, she might need a longer skirt.

Jokes on you.
They are censored on PlayStation already.
NISA loves censoring.

>since it's a launch title
It's TBD

No, but do not backtracking through Disgaea is hard. The gameplay always makes great quality of life enhancements, that make going back very clunky.
If possible, I'd recommend playing Disgaea 4 (Best recent story, will help you see what Disgaeafags truly love about the series), skipping the postgame, then moving on to Disgaea 5.
You won't know who any of the cameos are, but honestly we've all been there. It serves as an impetus to seek out other games if you really, really love someone.

nah, it's launch title in JP, spring in west.
already playable in EU

>already beat D5 and grinded a bunch of unstoppable characters to 9999, got a load of legendary weapons/armor and all that shit
>still want to get it on Switch

Why does Disgaea do this to me?

you can't get away from this dreamy series.

Really? The Nintendo page had no release date

It can't be helped.

>The gameplay always makes great quality of life enhancements, that make going back very clunky.
Here are some things you can do in Disgaea 5

>Throw anywhere within a radius, not just in straight lines
>Reposition a moved unit without undoing the entire action
>Exit a map without winning or gameover

It is a shame it won't ever receive an updated port.

I feel you. I've bought every game twice, sans Disgaea 1 which I've bought four times, and DD2 which I've only bought once.
I have beaten Baal on every single one of those he was available in.
In the time I have spent grinding through the Netherworld, I could have probably become a pianist or something. And I'd do it again.

>still no NIS-universe fighting game

Come on son.