Sup Forums suddenly hates Nintendo

>Sup Forums suddenly hates Nintendo

Where did it all go so right?

People have been shit talking Nintendo for years, you're either new or from redd!t if you're just now seeing it.

I don't hate Nintendo.

What they did was introduce an extremely shitty console with a weak software line up. I couldn't sugar coat it even if I tried to and believe me for the first few hours I did try.

It's inferior to the PS4 and PC in almost every single god dam way, that's the bottom line.

I fell for the Wii U meme and I'm not falling for their shit again. They can go an fuck themselves

It's okay when Sony does it

>The only good game they showed today was the one they took 4 years to make

Makes you think. It's gonna be a few slow years again.

Time to play the "Spot the nintendrone" Game

I think they're talking about the younger fans finally waking up.

Sonyggers became the most obnoxious and loudest fanbase on this board

So this is literally your first time here, OP?



> nobody cares about nintendo
> sales aren't that great
> even when they make something good it goes ignored same goes for good decisions like free online until they're gone

you mean the ones who only care for minecraft, they don't give a shit and never did

They haven't made a good console for 13 years

>the nintoddlers pretending nintendo was hated on Sup Forums meme

I never get tired of this one. Always playing the victim.

But I would say the literal Nintendo shills are doing a decent job of holding back the fact their new console is complete garbage

I remember there was a short period of time when Sup Forums was shilling WiiU hard.

>barely ever make games
>games they do make are either bad or not worth 50 to 60 dollar prices
>there games never drop in price
>took down one of the best Metroid games ever made because it was fan made
>Switch has another gimmick controller
>people already wanting to pre-order a Nintendo console and buy it day 1 despite Nintendos track record
The GC was their last hurray. Since it failed they decided to just go full normie and sell off nostalgia.

Its truly fucking awful

>barely ever make games
>games they do make are either bad or not worth 50 to 60 dollar prices
Why are you describing Sony?


>we can go back to shit on the PS4 for paid online
I wonder how that user is feeling right now.

>Iwata dies
>they put a fucking banker in charge
>the company turns into a jewish paradise of anti-consumer bullshit

>tfw parents are rich
>tfw own every platform but pit fanboys against each other in wild false-flagging manoeuvres
>tfw basking in the chaos of peasants who can't afford everything hurling shit at each other
>tfw you are the ONLY true winner

>tfw also rich
>tfw but also not a retard that wastes his money on inferior hardware and getting cucked by shit that should be free like paid online.

I've had enough.

I bought a Wii U when I was depressed to cheer myself up, and played a few games for a while, and the were ok.
The only games I got absorbed into were Mario Kart, Xenoblade Chronicles (replayed from when I had my wii), X and Bayonetta 2.
Everything else, I must have put 10-20 hours into at the most? Pathetic.
Their digital sales are a joke, everything is more expensive digitally than it is to buy a game physically here in the UK. Splatoon? eh, got fed up of it.

I have bought Nintendo shit for too long. It's just like how all modern blockbusters are reboots or treading the same ground again and again.

I'm open to new things, even the look of the new Zelda leaves me cold.
It's like they have this huge ego and don't look around at competition to see they're not top gun and haven't been for a very long time.

From a devastated ex Nintendo fanboy.

The only good thing about Nintendo is that their games tend to hold their value well second hand.

Hopefully I'll get a few hundred quid flogging my useless shite.