A Link Between Worlds is a great Zelda game that has a standard story with great gameplay that is fun and challenging...

A Link Between Worlds is a great Zelda game that has a standard story with great gameplay that is fun and challenging while also accessible to newcomers.

My only gripe with it is renting items. It takes away the feel of the genre.

Spirit Tracks is underrated.

I completely agree, user. It also is a huge fucking cop-out too. They sold it as having "sequence breaking". But that implies the world design accomodates it. Like things are hidden or hard to reach, or need some skill, like in the first Zelda, if you want to do them out of order. It's not at all. It's just the world is designed with a particular order and you can just rent an item if you want to forgo the order. No work, figuring out, or logic.

Super Metroid, has sequence breaking. Even Metroid Zero Mission, with it's more planned skipping feels more like sequence breaking because it's well hidden.

A Link Between Worlds is NOT a game with sequence breaking. You have to use very serious clipping bugs to do true sequence breaking.

Not nearly as underrated as Minish Cap.

Minish Cap has fans, doesn't it?
It doesn't seem to garner any hate at the very least.

I agree. It's just a way to make new players become less frustrated and minimize their chances of them getting lost. I honestly couldn't get much into Ocarina of Time (I'm not someone who grew up with the older consoles) because of how vast the overworld is with rather few things in it., and also because it's a very demanding game that requires a lot of attention and hours per play time, while I'm a rather busy person. Majora's Mask handles the overworld's size better but some might feel that it is a sidequest-focused game. I really enjoy the formula of A Link to the Past and this one (except for the item-renting system).

It seems that BoTW should have more stuff for you to do while travelling around with the introduction of the crafting system and all that, which is a good thing.

I've never heard anyone hate on Spirit Tracks, except for maybe the surface level criticisms of "hurr, trains r dumb"

Mostly what I hear is people expressing disappointment at how short it was.

I played it last year, not expecting much because Zelda's been disappointing me more and more since Twilight Princess. I was pleasantly surprised though, ALBW was pretty fun, the most fun I'd had with a Zelda since Wind Waker. The fact that it was a post 2003 Zelda that I really liked gives me a small amount of hope that BOTW can be good.

I never once felt challenged the entire time I was playing it

It's a Zelda game, they haven't been challenging since 1988, I don't understand why people keep bringing up lack of challenge in Zelda.

Zelda I and II were difficult as fuck, I think they realized a lot of people were discouraged

>"hurr, trains r dumb"
People said this shit all the time. I don't know what rock you've been living under.

Zelda games are honestly not that challenging, which is why the series's popularity resonates with even the mainstream audience.

That and also because of the hardware limitations.

Phantom Hourglass = Ocarina of Time
Spirit Tracks = Majora's Mask

Ocarina of Time didn't have complete garbage for music

Because it was a home console game. Handheld games always have worse soundtrack composition.

It's a really fun game for what it is. I wish there were just a little more to the story. And even though I would prefer the next handheld Zelda be completely original in design, I would play an ALBW-esque Link's Awakening spiritual sequel in a heartbeat.

I do wonder what they are working on in terms of the next Zelda game, actually. You think we'll get another 3DS game?

Except of course for Spirit Tracks.

A Link Between Worlds was the first Zelda game to not completely suck dick since the Oracles, so people mistakenly think it's great even though it's nothing special.

>I do wonder what they are working on in terms of the next Zelda game, actually. You think we'll get another 3DS game?

Probably not. I think Nintendo is going to start focusing on the Switch since it's a console/handheld hybrid. The 3DS is six years old now, I don't think it's got a lot of first party support left.

It's basically a modernized version of A Link to the Past so the story doesn't really go above and beyond to differentiate itself from the classic.

>You think we'll get another 3DS game?
With the upcoming arrival of the Switch + BoTW, I don't think so. The 3DS is already in its final years. I think they'll either give it a few more Wii U ports or try to introduce a few new IPs on it, like Ever Oasis, before it fades away in favour of the Switch once that system has more games being released for it.

I don't think it's anything special but it's a fun, fairly challenging, and friendly but not overly hand-holding Zelda game that doesn't require extreme dedication, which is perfect for a handheld title.

Spirit Tracks fixed some of the worst problems with Phantom Hourglass yet still managed to be just as boring and uninteresting of a game, if not moreso. I don't even know how you can manage that.

I had to force myself through Phantom Hourglass, but I couldn't force myself to beat Spirit Tracks.

listen to linebeck's theme, then the final boss music, and get back to me after.

One of the good things about ALBW and ALttP is that they have an actual good map. OoT has a shit-tier map with a huge-ass overworld that's boring and a chore to travel through, especially as young Link.

>One good track and its remix
Welp, it's something at least.