God, I hope Tali is in the new Mass Effect

God, I hope Tali is in the new Mass Effect

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I'm sad that geth probably won't be in tho



Andromeda is a soft reboot of the series. That's how badly they fucked up ME3.

She's probably dead at this point in time, alongside most other characters besides Wrex, Grunt, Legion and Liara. Also, Andromeda with /good/ callbacks to the older games? As if.




Nope. see They'll be in a different galaxy. They're trying to distance themselves from the god awful ME 3 and 2. They failed at making the combat any good with Andromeda unless they change things and i doubt the story will be any good since they've been infected with the diversity virus. They're throwing away plot and story for the sake of pandering. Noone cares that you're a gay trans space elf, tell me why the spitzoids believe the speghetti monster is their one true lord.

>wanting to cuck your Shepard

>at this point in time,
andromeda happens during the events of ME2

andromeda expedition left before reapers were defeated, so it's safe to say she won't be in.

use a spoiler before you give a man an insta boner.

>t. Man with an (unwanted?) erection

That sounds like the most dumbshit thing I've ever heard. Talk about shoehorning bullshit into the storyline.

>no romanceable female Turian to overcome your respective racial tensions with
But I'm sure we'll get entry-tier waifus flavored blue and purple or something. I suppose they could hardly fuck things up as bad as they did with Femshep in ME3, though.

i know it's prior/during ME3/before reaper defeat but i never heard it's during ME2 timeline

>still having hope in bioware

beaten housewife syndrome

why would you want to tarnish her legacy by having her appear in shit?


I am sure it was made in an effort to explain why you still have tech from Mass Effect 2 in your ``new & improved'' Mass Effect gameplay.

>jay naylor

Jesus Christ user.

You're making this no fap 2017 fall to pieces...

She was already in Mass Effect 3.

Why is mass effect 3 bad. I'll admit it's the only one I've ever played

furfags get out

Where is fur in that picture?

the artist is a known furfag who loves to draw fur in famous tumblr artstyle

Reminder: Jack is best girl.

You seem to have done your research on this person you hate

>implying she isn't fucking random krogan dick right now
Your Shepherd is dead, she's moved on.


Tumblr artstyle? I think it's a lot better than that. Some of the only furry shit that's good.

It's his fetishes that are fucked.

>Why is mass effect 3 bad
Are you free for the next few hours?

I couldn't be bothered, so just watch this as a tiny taste.

This. He's most well known for an ancient, in internet terms, webcomic full of middleschoolers acting as allegories for whatever weird libertarian political bug was up his butt at the time. Oh and the actual incest too, I suppose. Later, he gained more notoriety for his oddly overwrought cuckoldry porn.


It would be kind of neat if it could read your saves for ME3 and have intercepted news reports.



She won't be back. The VA refused to do same-sex romance dialogue for ME2 and 3, and these days Bioware won't hire VAs that won't do romance dialogue for every gender.

This is half correct: ME:A takes place in a different galaxy ~600 years after the trilogy, with characters that were sent aboard arc ships sometime around ME2.

Yeah. That was alittle cringey, I thought the main game besides the dlc was pretty damn good though

Jack's paragon romance is the best in the series.

No it doesn't. Andromeda is hundreds of years ahead

You thought very wrong. We complained about it non-stop for at least 4 years, you should have been here.

my bad

I made my opinion long before I heard anyone else's on here


You made your opinion wrong.

Wait just a fucking minute. Are Reapers hanging around every galaxy? If not- as that seems to imply- why isn't the Andromeda galaxy a few billion years more advanced than us?

If the Milky Way gets "mowed" every cycle but nobody else does, everybody else should be in the Information Era while you're fucking around in the late Medieval Era, trying to tip over their missile artillery with a dirty man on a horse.

To be fair, the reapers intentionally left the relays and the citadel around so that any half decent species that discovers them can quickly propel itself hundreds/thousands of years forward in technology.
But yeah if intelligent life in Andromeda went undisturbed, they should be fucking 5th dimensional cyberintelligence beings or some shit.

Am i the only one still pissed off they didn't make her look like the predator or Sil under the mask.
God damnit i even made my Shepard look like Ahnold just to romance her.

Maybe life took longer there. But considering the "an ancient evil awakens" I'm gonna go with Andromeda is also a pan-Galactic Post Apocalypse too or something.

Tali is shit

I realize Mass Effect isn't really one of those works that could've been written by Aeschylus himself, but I do hope they explain this.



Is this just bad bait or are you actually this stupid?

Why would you want for the most annoying, ugliest character who is actually a generic photoshoped human and the equivalent of a space jew to be in any game? I let her die on purpose in ME2.


But that's just an exaggerated bishoujo model. Besides the moment she pulls down those pants she automatically catches aids.

Technically her entire race has AIDS all the time, which is why they wear those suits in the first place.

Aren't there Mass Relays outside of the Milky Way like the one the Reapers retreat to after harvesting the galaxy?
It's probably like with the Omega 4 Relay where you need special tech to get through it safely. Without the proper instructions you can only travel Mass Relays in your own galaxy, but otherwise you can jump between other galaxies as well, making it possible for the reapers to harvest the known universe.

But they probably didn't think about it and simply ignore this inconsistency.

That's Sup Forums for you

Andromeda has its own big baddy.

That's hilarious.

Damn, that's progressive

so much white people. No diversity

They haven't checked their privilege.

Wondering how the soundtrack will turn out, thought 3 was a disappointment and pretty forgettable after 1 and 2 desu.

The second girl from the left looks so normal. As if she has yet to be tainted by the bitter, self-victimizing grasp of those counter-culture harpies around her. If only I could have saved her. But no. It is too late. It was always too late.

what's wrong with the second girl from the right?

>people are legitimately hyped for the next mass effect after this absolute shit show that was ME3

you people either have the memories of goldfish or are masochists

>what tumblerinas think they look like
>what they actually look like

I have fond memories of the multiplayer and am a fan of the gameplay, I don't really give a shit about the SP anymore, maybe play through it a few times just to fuck the ayylmaos, I just really wish they don't fuck up the MP

Nothing else like it out there.

the multiplayer handled like ass compared to gears and was shallow as fuck, doesn't even have pvp its literally just poor man's horde mode.
liking it is literally a meme I have never seen anyone like ME3 for its multiplayer outside of these boards.

I'm not hyped, but if I like what I see I will buy it


Quarian ass is the best ass in the universe. Locked behind wrapping you can't take off without serious risk to the gitl. But that doesn't matter if you rape her, blasting your hot human jizz in and all over her lithe body as she spasms in an allergic reaction combined with a mind broken orgasm.

okay? I don't see how your lack of contact with other people makes my love for the game a meme, but sure

What do you think her suit smells like?

because the game is so awful that liking it could only be a meme. now put your N7 shirt on and go sit alone in the corner you lonely virgin

Trying too hard m8.


From what I remember the relay to wherever the Reapers retreated was hidden inside the Citadel. I don't think there were any others.

Sweaty underwear.

Looks like it's time to post this again.

We need the Bioware forums back.

>expecting any decent character in Andromeda

Haven't you learned by now


I honestly can't think of any Asari in the original trilogy that is this ugly

>he doesn't know about the joys of anal
Oh, sweet summer child.

Wait, what?

The reapers destroys the milky way anyway? But I destroyed then on my ME3 playthrough

Will it import save files like all the rest and the things that happens after ME3 on the milky way will be defined by that?

Do you not understand the scale of space? It doesn't matter what happened in the Milky Way.

There was an image from their latest video that looked like they'd changed and improved her face a bit, might have been the angle and lighting though.

Should just bring back the Asari counselor desu.

There are actually 4 endings in ME3. If you tell the intelligence that you don't want to choose or go with the control ending, but shoot instead of activating it, you get an ending, where the reapers win the war and you see Liara's timebox in the next cycle warning them about the reapers.

Also it's not announced if save game import will be available. Since they left the Milky Way during ME2 they would probably only refer to actions from ME1.

I'm not talking about the scale of space. Of course I get it, and of course I know it doesn't matter, fucking nigger.

But I'm talking about shit going down in the milky way, this main line represents the timeline in which shepard fucks up and fails to destroy the reapers and the other ones are alternative timelines.

So, shepard fucks up anyway during andromeda? Or the timeline in which milky way is in (red, green and blue) during andromeda will be defined by some kind of save transfer? Because there will be a story hub in the main station of andromeda updated with stuff that happened in the milky way and it will probably talk about stuff that happened after ME3 somehow.

pretty sure that's just the 4th ending in ME3

>Because there will be a story hub in the main station of andromeda updated with stuff that happened in the milky way and it will probably talk about stuff that happened after ME3 somehow.

The fuck are you talking about?

People in Andromeda aren't going to know what happened in the Milky Way, they left behind. That timeline is from the Pathfinder Initiative, on the website, it won't show up in the game. Your save file from ME3 wouldn't have any impact, fucktard.

If they were sane and decent writers, I'd agree with you, it would be better if they only refered to actions from ME1 because space and how fucking centuries it would take for information to travel between the two galaxies

but this is modern, pandering shitty bioware we're talking about so I presume, since they're building a new mass relay in Andromeda, they will approach it like this:

>you transfer your ME3 save to MEA
>"Oh look this new relay we build, we're able to communicate with earth instantly, isn't it funny? Here, have a motivational letter from shepard to you (if you picked red or green ending)"
>story hub is filled with post ME3 stuff