The great debate
Zelda on Switch or U
I think it'll be fine on U, but have framerate issues on U
The great debate
Zelda on Switch or U
I think it'll be fine on U, but have framerate issues on U
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I'm on the fence honestly, I don't think that the game will perform that bad on wii u, but the switch version will probably be smooth af, which is appealing.
If it doesn't have frame rate issues on the wii u they will make them
How it runs on the WiiU vs switch is the only thing that can make me buy a switch day 1.
im just going to play it on my WiiU and get a Switch with the inevitable MariOdyssey bundle
I'm playing on Wii U. I don't like anything about the switch.
>900p with framerate issues
>900p docked, 720p portable, stable frame rate
The real question is, is a stable frame rate worth $360, not including tax?
WiiU will be objective best version to PLAY, but not performance wise.
Dual screensetup makes it instantly best for gameplay. All that new inventory and crafting and major map importance now will make WiiU gamepad shine in this game.
Switch will feel like a step backwards after playing WiiU version imo
WiiU so I don't have to pay for it
No I don't think so. Especially if you already have a Wii U. Which I got for cheap 2 years after launch.
100% this.
+ Free
+ Dual screen
- Lower resolution
- possible framerate issues
+ resolution
- $6000
The Wii U version is going to run 720p
Wait, I thought the consensus was that WiiU version > Switch version?
After all, the game originated as a WiiU title and it wouldn't be surprising if it was optimized for that. Additionally, the WiiU doesn't have to fit into a tablet. Is the switch more powerful than the WiiU?
>One is on a dead console
>The other on a dead on arrival console
A shame really. It looks amazing, but the Wii U is a chunk of shit, and the Switch seems to be more of the same.
Guess I'll just wait for decent Wii U emulation...
If so, then goddamn the game must be a total bitch to optimize...
The Switch version runs at a higher resolution, and without the framerate drops present on Wii U. The people who told you Switch was weaker or the same as Wii U were lying.
>not already playing Mario in 4K
All the footage and screenshots of the game taken up until today. It is 720p on Wii U, with an unstable framerate. The Switch version is going to be the definitive one.
>900p 30fps for docked Switch.
Why do you care so much about resolution? Even the best version isn't amazing.
Just enjoy the game for whatever it is.
Runs better and looks nicer on the Switch, plus you can play the handheld mode if you want. On the flipside you don't have to spend 300 extra dollars to play it on the WiiU.
I'm going WiiU at launch and if the Switch has some good games next year I might pick it up again
I need to know this about BotW.
We can clearly see from every trailer, Link is sporting a blue top, and a new shield design, etc.
Will he, later in the game, don the classic gear? The green tunic/hat? The Hylian shield? Pegasus boots? Titan mitts?
We c;early see him pulling the master sword, but we knew that was coming. I need to know if he's gonna get the classic look back at some point. I NEED to know this.
And shut the fuck up Pat, no one wants Link to have dialogue. Everyone else can, but Link should never, ever have it. Ever.
How can you enjoy a game with such a shitty resolution and frame rate?
I really hope CEMU stops being shit. I just want to play a 1080p 60 FPS version of BotW.
wasnt twilight perfectly fine on gamecube, just a little uglier and with better controls?
nintendy doesnt try to jew you in this situation from past experience
I can only afford to get one game with my Switch. Since I can pirate Zelda on Wii U, I'm going to make that one game something else and play the Wii U version.
Calling it now. Link will be silent until the very end of the game.
I'd rather play it with a smooth framerate and the potential option to take it somewhere, which I probably won't do, especially given the pure shit battery life but it's possible. Of course I'm getting the Switch version.
>How can you enjoy a game with such a shitty resolution and frame rate?
Is this a serious question, or just hyperbole for the sake of shilling? If you can't enjoy games because they're below 1080p, you probably don't have much fun with video games.
the game has complete clothing armour customisation, the green tunic will turn up but it'll be just a standard bit of clothing
we've seen footage of him wearing full blown armour
>Enormous, sprawling bright green landscapes
>Give Link a bright green suit
>Shit where'd he go
the thing is, the WiiU allready does the "portable" thing anyway. If all you're doing is using the switch for portability in the home, yuo may as well just stick to WiiU unless you do want to take the game out with you
I think the WiiU version will be fine, I think better because of dual screen controls
choose one
Twilight Princess was better on GameCube even though it didn't have widescreen support.
Unfortunately footage has demonstrated framerate drops in the Wii U version that do not occur on the Switch.
i dont give a fuck about the resolution
if its not at least 60fps tho, i don't consider it a game
>if its not at least 60fps tho, i don't consider it a game
The fuck are you doing in a Zelda threads then? Shoo! This is an entire series of 20-30fps games. Why would you even want to discuss Zelda?
bloom killed the wii version of tp
made the game ugly as fuck
My thoughts too
it will be a single screen experience on both systems
I was thinking of getting a switch... since i want to play UE4 games on it...
And besides... i think playing Zelda on the switch will be optimised as fuck..
>yfw he pulls a "I'M GONNA KILL PRAXIS!" on us
Cool your autism. Twilight Princess Wii and GC have no graphical changes whatsoever, save for the addition of widescreen. If you recall, the Wii has the same hardware as the Gamecube. They changed nothing because they could change nothing.
ill be playing on CemU 1440p 144fps
He's talking about the map and inventory. If you've played WWHD or TPHD you would understand.
It's not much of a bonus to the Wii U version, but it's nice to have them open persistently instead of having to pause.
so the bloom killed both versions of tp
You're retarded. The WiiU version has all the map and inventory and such stuff at the bottom.
That's the point of the WiiU you dolt. They did this in Wind Waker and Twilight HD.
Of course the game isn't rendering the actual game on "two screens" you fucking dolt
kek. CEMU isn't really playable right now, but this in particular is never going to happen no matter how much further development it gets. Rest assured, BotW will be capped at 30 while emulated.
The Wii U will not be able to run the game at 900p
720p with stutters is the only way to make msuch a huge overworld with this draw distance seen in the trailers
I guess? The effect is only applied in the twilight realm, and it's not a conventional bloom effect. It's actually a bitch to get working correctly on dolphin.
I don't mind if it's an afterthought or not, I just want it there.
Also, source on the green tunic/hat being in-game? Screenshots?
I always thought that Skyward Sword would've ended better if Link had a single line of dialogue.
You beat Demise, he curses the land, he curses your bloodline, he curses your girl. He says that he will always come back and Hyrule will never see the last of him.
Link: "And I will always come back to stop you."
That's cheesy as fuck, you gay nigger.
CEMU with locked 60 and upscaled textures
>only applied in the twilight realm
no, it's everywhere.
every fucking place has a shitty bloom burning my retina.
Framerate can be unlocked (it's even more easy to do this in an emulator, I've made some 60 fps patches myself for lot's of games). I don't really care about the resolution, but on the Cemu this don't seen to impact the performance in any way, so it's good to have options.
You would have smiled, fucking frog.
from my link:
“We realized that having something on the GamePad and looking back and forth between the TV screen and the GamePad actually disrupts the gameplay, and the concentration that the game player may be experiencing,” Aonuma said. “You have your car’s GPS system on your dash. If you had it down in your lap, you’re going to get into an accident!”
>Framerate can be unlocked
Not easily. It's typically hard-coded, and may be tied into things like physics. We only achieved some game-by-game framerate unlocks in Dolphin two years ago.
>I've made some 60 fps patches myself for lot's of games
Doubt. Those kinds of patches make the news on emulation sites. I would probably have heard of you.
you see? it's right there
the ground and mountains are glowing like hell
How much do you visit sites about PSP or PSOne emulation ? There are lots of patches and cheats that enable 60 fps. I've finished games like Silent Hill 1 in 60 fps using a cheat + CPU Overclocking without the game running above the expected speed (gameplay wise it's a miracle, seens like a new game), You can do it yourself too, just learn about how the frames are updated in a certain system and edit the memory until you've the results. It's not hard, but is very time consuming when you discover how to unlock it but must find other memory regions to change when it goes above native speed.
Where are you getting 900p from?
It's definitely 720p for Wii U, and it's likely to be 1080p on switch docked due to double the performance over portable mode with double pixels to render.
>900p 30fps for docked Switch
So the dock it's only an expensive charger.
I probably won't have the money in March for a switch+game so I have to buy the Wii U version. I'll buy the switch at the end of the year with Mario, Splatoon 2 and Zelda.