Breast physics in a nintendo game

>breast physics in a nintendo game
>a first party zelda game no less

Why the Fuck is this allowed?
>alienate the female audience
>sexualizing women
>kids will be playing this

Didn't Skyward Sword have breast physics?

That's a pretty conservative amount of jiggle considering the size of those bazookas.

I know, right?
Its like the 90's have returned!

Don't worry it will all be censored in the western version.

better version of the webm
has a better thumbnail

Good ol' times.

Aw come on OP. What's a Zelda game without an uncomfortable Great Fairy scene?

I love the Great Fairy.

Great fairy is right

>a slight boob wobble will cause the western world to collapse

If it makes you feel any better, rumor has it Link is revealed to be a FTM transgender in this game.

Twilight Princess did, and it shoved the biggest titties in your face several times

>death by titty smother never

Zelda shower scene...

No more censorship!

I can hear the outcry now by SJWs, and how that would be the "wrong" kind of trans because Link would still be "male" and thus "changes nothing"

> implying girls that aren't shrieking problem glasses harpies don't get a kick out of comically oversized heaving cartoon bosoms
flat is nice too. All boobs are nice. I wish everyone had boobs so they could embrace the happiness that is boobs.

Are you saying the breasts are not subject to physics in the real world, and therefore all implementation of physics in games is sexualization?

Are you that stupid?

>people actually get triggered by jiggle physics

>"kids" mentioned last AND after "alienating womynz"

every fuckin time

Do we have real SJWs on Sup Forums or is this a ruse or bait or something?

>kids will be playing this
Kids will have seen more breast physics on their first day than is in the entire game.

Kids do not react inappropriately to sexual content, only when adults react inappropriately by treating it as shameful.

Also the rest of your greentext is rubbish as well.

Nintendo has gone full Sup Forums. Fuck them.

Looks like that tranny Rupaul.

Dick status: Guilded Sword

how do you set thumbnails for webms?

Mostly trolling but there have been actual attempts to disrupt boards and even compromise the site staff by actual SJW yes. Most of their efforts have been directed at garbage heap boards like Sup Forums and /lgbt/ though.


We need to go bigger

>Zelda shower scene...

It's a bath scene you retard. Know the difference, it could save your life.