>he pays for internet
>he pays for internet again
Nintendocucks will defend this
>he pays for internet
>he pays for internet again
Nintendocucks will defend this
No need.
Sonyggers and Microsuckers have already defended it enough.
>He pays $300 for most underpowered console on market without storage and no gamepad
>He pays $60 more for gamepad (b-but it's just a rumor nintendo will never do this! i heard yesterday multiple of times from nintoddlers)
>He pays $120 for microsd cards to able to play games
>He pays $30 every month for privilege to play our childish games
>900p docked, 720p undocked, 30fps, horrible ps2 graphics,
>B-but gameplay matters, due underpowered specs devs will never create worlds they intended to do so gameplay will hurt too
>Also forget about any dev besides Bethesda to create games for this garbage you will left only with 1023th episode of Zelda, Mario and weeb trash like single player mmo xenoverse.
Nintoddlers will defend this and buy this piece of shit like they did with WeeabooU, you must be either total braindead manchild who wanks to furry and horse porn or are just nintendo fanboy who also didn't grew up and your parents will pay for new console and games in your 20s/30s/40s.
I'm not. I think it fucking sucks ass and I wont be getting the system for that reason.
Xbots and sonyggers however have been defending and gobbling that up for years though.
>MFW I hate multiplayer in every form, so I get to watch people who actually enjoy it bitch about subscriptions
Nope, Hate it and won't be buying it because of it.
Like this guy
>Xbots and sonyggers however have been defending and gobbling that up for years though.
You got a superior online service on Xbox Live, PS+ isnt great though.
But this switch shit, holy shit.
I hope you will enjoy microtransactions in your "single player mmo grind games" like xenoverse or new zelda
>You got a superior online service on Xbox Live
Yeah, when the original xbox was released. Their online service hasnt been anything fucking special since the fucking 360. But because of that, Sony also picked it up and now the cancer is just spreading.
said toddler-user in his 20s/30s/40s
>Microtransactions in Zelda
Man, whatever crazy reality you're living in sounds like fun
i mean Xenoblade
but too be honest, the Nintendo fans are super pissed too.
That has never happened and will never happen though
>talks about cucks
>posts e-celeb shit
It's called amiibo.
I don't give a fuck about specs. I don't give a fuck about multi-plat 3rd parties that are on fucking steam anyway. I just want some good fucking exclusives,
If all the games I wanted were on PC, I'd never buy another console again.
But they aren't, they're on Nintendo platforms.
Because Microsoft only has dead rising, and Sony only has Uncharted: MUH GRAPHICS.
Now that Disgaea 5 is on the switch I have literally no desire for a PS4.
Just like paid online service?
top kek you nintoddlers are so naive
You are not paying for internet again: you are paying for machine time necessary to run servers that the company uses to host the multiplayer sessions. Which are entirely different thing than the infrastructure necessary to maintain connection between you and the server itself.
I'm not saying it's OK by the way, or that it's a good business proposition. I'm just saying that dressing up the argument that you are paying for the same thing twice is wrong: you are paying for two different services to two entirely different companies having entirely different expenses. It's just that the second service used to be provided for free as a bonus for players, and now it's not.
It's basically like if you complained about having to pay for on-disk DLC (which is a reasonable complaint), but then claim it's bad because "you already paid for the computer, so why should you pay for playing on it some more".
The only online I've ever paid for is PS Plus, and it was so my little brother could play FIFA because I don't play any online games outside of my PC. But the amount of enjoyment I've received from the free games they offer every month (plus my bro's enjoyment of FIFA) has more than paid it off. In Sony's case I haven't minded it, but we'll have to see what Nintendo has to offer in terms of benefits (probably not much considering their track record of doing tight ass shit like charging people a couple of bucks to play their Wii retro games that they've already paid for onto their Wii U).
Wait, Switch has a monthly fee?
Holy shit Nintoddlers, you are just as bad as Sony posters now.
No we won't, because we berrated xfats and sonyggers about it for years. I have standards.
I'll get Switch but I won't pay for online. Or, I won't get switch if they absolutely refuse to at least make the online thing competitive.
If I'm paying for online on a ninty console, I expect like 10 snes games a month or something
>boohoo he posted a reaction image I don't like
>let's bitch about it
No i'm not. I never defended that bullshit when it also came out for the playstation franchise.
is right tho.