Tfw Nintendo made me Switch to PC

>tfw Nintendo made me Switch to PC.
Who else is gonna just play the roms when they come out?

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Did they died?

i already made the switch to PC when i paid full price for pic related. taught me a good lesson in life, that it did

I play free roms on my PC and android...

I will not be a fag that will pay a golden subs just to play a game i could have gotten for free

It's mind boggling, honestly. I'd rather get a Wii U than a switch after that press conference. I'll probably wait for that fucking emulator to be finished.

There is an 3DS emulator in the i guess a WiiU emulator is on the way too...

>Nintendo made me Switch to PC.
How the fuck did a console that's not even 400 bux made you switch to a PC that costs at least $800 for a build that can play modern games in 1080p on ultra at 60fps?

>console costing only 400
>not taking into account the cost of the house, couch, and landscaping

Pc only needs electricity and monitor thats it. You would save money by buying a pc.

The paid online turned the switch off for me
It was the only good thing about Nintendo consoles

You can do more things that gaming on a PC
Also, emulators

Lets hope Valve doesnt become money hungry and makea us pay Steam subscriptions...

>t. the exact person this business practice is designed for
congrats, you failed to realize that youre being massively ripped off by how expensive the games and the online are

>paying for online renting roms service
fucking hell guys wake up

>he doesnt know
bayo 2 already plays flawlessly at 4K 60fps
just the sound is fucked so you have to mute it
they're working on it
check youtube my negro friend

>Only just switching to PC now
While you're back there in 2001, maybe warn everyone that the jews are going to cause 9/11

It already exists you know.

I am not black.. but il accept the invite

Emulators on PCs and phones are fucking garbage

I'd much rather play emulators on a hacked wii or Wii u. The only emulator I use on PC is Mame and PSX and PSX sucks so bad I'm just gonna buy a PS2

PC emulation of anything that isn't 2d is trash compared to hacking consoles themselves

Let's not forget Dylan and Eric who played Doom on pc


Guess you grew up on a windows 98 machine then

You're right, playing in 256 times higher resolutions with aa and proper controllers is fucking trash compared to godlike 480x270

>the textures
>the polycount
I wish I can go back to 2005 again

Are you fucking retarded or are you just pretending to be one?

I have the WHOLE PS1 game library downloaded on one of my hard drives
I have the WHOLE Nintendo NES and SNES game libraries downloaded on the second

I literally have thousands of games to skim through whenever I feel like it
Each and every ROM works flawlessly, and I there's still other console emulators I could install any time

You're full of shit, niggertard.

Read his post you idiot. He said 2d worked fine.

Yall need to calm your shit