I can't believe one character can make me dropped an entire game

I can't believe one character can make me dropped an entire game.

But Rose is the best character!

yeah that spirit faggot got on my nerves as well. fucking japs


Switch port incoming!

Baba will spread the Rose love to Nintendo fans! Rejoice!

>get your 3D waifu to voice your 2D waifu and forcibly bend an entire game around her

Baba may be complete scum, but he's done what many only dream of doing.

>dropping a game because he can't handle the best girl

Titty elf made up for it though

Rose is easily the best character in that terrible fucking game.

Indeed, I would do it too

Yeah, Mikleo's such a little literal faggot that I couldn't pick it back up.

At least Baba hired a pro

That one VA in Black Rose Valkyrie though..

you mean worst. not just in the game but entire Tales franchise. not even Graces MC is this shit

would not say that. the game had many problems but she was also one of the biggest reasons.


Everything about SO4 was bad. Even the combat wasn't great.

Goddamnit Baba!
You literally warped the fucking narrative around the inclusion of a minor character with a retarded gimmick.

Fucking hell, I'm still mad.

>Fans get angry
>Try to use 3D waifu as a shield.


Rose, the Poochie of videogames.

I don't understand the hatred for Zestiria.
yeah Rose is awful, Alisha is a thousand times better. BUT Rose being awful doesn't mean the game is shit.

Surprised Sup Forums the dirty pedos don't move passed Rose and think about Edna.

Personally I thought Lailah was best girl.

You listen to me, user.

There is no one worse than the entire cast of Abyss, and of that cast no one is worse than Anus. NO ONE

so why do people hate her

and is this game worth a pirate? assuming it doesnt have denuvo

Well the gameplay wasn't exactly outstanding either.

You're all wrong.

I think people are complaining about the battle system too

It was the first tales game I've beaten, couldn't manage to finish Xillia 2. I thought it was okay

>Alisha is a thousand times better

I disagree with this too. Rose was shit, but Alisha was also pretty bland. Though to be fair that's because they game refused to let her develop at all and kept kicking her while she was down in every scene.

>Rose being awful doesn't mean the game is shit

The game has far more problems than just Rose.


It's weird. In Japan she was pushed pretty hard as the obligatory cute girl during all the events. But she never really caught on. Probably because of the Rose shitstorm.

The hate for Zestiria comes from how goddamn broken the Armatization with Mikleo was, you needed nothing else even if it turned into a battle of attrition.
Just keep spamming that.

Then you learn about what the game should've been had Baba not ruined it with his waifu faggotry.


>the gameplay is a butchered version of graces F
>terrible camera
>customization is awful and to complex for the sake of it
>forced to use fusion to do any form of damage
>most customs are DLC
>looks like an early ps3/360 game even on the ps4/pc
>its not vesperia ps3 version.

>not liking Luke's development
>not liking Tear's assets
>not liking Jade's everything

Confess, Sup Forums! You like Alisha only because of her booty shorts!

Fucking Baba ruined Alisha

I can't believe one character can make me dropped an entire show.

Not really, I like Alisha because she's what could've been.

Somebody remind me why Rose didn't lose her eyesight when she made Alisha her squire?

Nigga really should've rethought that, at least if he dogeza'd then he's showing he owns up to his faggotry, but making his waifu do it makes him scum incarnate

Before the game actually came out a different character was revealed as the main heroine and is portrayed as so all the way up to release. Come release, it turns out that Rose, who was one of the last characters to be revealed, is actually absurdly important to the plot and pretty much replaces Alisha, the other girl. It's revealed that Baba, the director of the game, was a huge fan of a certain VA and managed to get her to voice Rose, so many people think that he created Rose and forced her into the plot solely to have the VA voice her.

There's a lot of evidence that point to Alisha being planned to be in the party and be more important to the plot than she is in the final game and that she was removed at the last minute.. There's trailers and screens of her in late game areas and you can still find equipment and weapons for her in late game dungeons. Rose's on inclusion into the party feels incredibly forced, and the game comes up with a lot of bullshit reasons as to why she has the same powers as the MC, even directly contradicting several facts that were established earlier.

When confronted about this, Baba tried to run damage control by saying things like "b-but we never said alisha is the main heroine", even though on official material like trading cards and websites she's literally listed "main heroine". They even go so far as to re-release the cards and edit other material, removing anything referring to her as the heroine to try and justify it.

If that's not enough, during a fan event for the series Baba refused to appear in public out of fear of backlash and possible violence from the fans he pissed off. Rose's VA instead gets on stage and apologizes for him for the way the game turned out.

since im bored i am going to drop a code for tales of zestiria 1 letter at a time every 5 mins

what kind of faggot watches television?



Not to mention Baba also contradicted himself by saying that they revealed characters in order of importance. Alisha was the second character revealed right after the MC. Rose was one of the last.

The hatred is there because it's a huge downgrade from past 3D Tales games.

It doesn't have the content other games had, it ripped off Graces' combat system except did it worse, the combat limits you at all times, it doesn't have the freedom and experimentation of anything like Vesperia, Xillia 2, or Hearts R. The equipment system is shit and makes the gameplay suffer for it. The story goes absolutely fucking nowhere too.

Zestiria did a pretty good job with the seraphim characters, but that was about it.

i did not think this through on how much time i have to waste posting the code

>Rose's VA instead gets on stage and apologizes for him for the way the game turned out.

apologizes is an understatement

poor girl

once my patching is done ill post the rest of the code

Edna isn't a loli so it isn't pedophilia at all

I like Rose so far in the anime, but I like Alisha more

What ever the little fucker was at the art museum made me drop the game.

I was having a great time till I ran into that little fucker.

Maybe I'll pick it back up on my day off this week.

I felt the same way. I was like "oh great, the obligatory annoying mascot character" at first. But it turns out he leaves the party right after that dungeon and you only have to interact with him for a sidequest from that point on.

Still, not like the game gets much better after that anyway.

Well that's good, I just fucking hate characters like that. Same reason I drop a lot of manga, because they add that shit to appease to the larger Japanese groups.

I liked the characters in this game, but the story and pacing were so boring I literally fell asleep playing it on multiple occasions.

She's a bro in the anime though (so far), admittedly I haven't played the game yet but I heard she's a worse character in there.

I hate that little bitch too. Shit fake loli

What was the game supposed to be?

>hating best girl
Ya nah, you can burn in faggot hell

>Awful gameplay
>The story goes full retard 1/3rd way into the game and keeps getting more retarded
>Equipment system
>The gameplay

Rose is just the final turd in a shit cake.

The game is broken. THe camera doesn't work, the open-world is useless since there's nothing to find in it (everything that could be a cool extra is just sold as DLC), the battle system is shit, since it limits you to 5 artes and forces two party members on you because of yet another shitty linking system and the game has no end-game content to speak of

>That one VA in Black Rose Valkyrie though..

wasn't that because the character designer knocked her up?

Alisha was supposed to have echo artes for one.
The story wasn't supposed to have pure people basically sociopathes and Healdalf was going to be much more active.

We tried warning you, faggot.


Source on that?

>Play Berseria demo
>Can't stop punching shit with based Eizen
>Knock something out and he can fucking breathe dragon fire on it

I can't wait for the full game. Also Magilou is such a smug cunt, she's the best.

I think because Slash would possess her from time to time so that caused her to have the near same amount of whatever Sorey had.

I've lost the page, finding it will take some doing but I know I have it somewhere.

But Sorey had more of it and he still nearly went blind when Alisha was him squire.

I picked this up on the recent steam sale, and it might just be because it's the first Tales game that I've put any time into, but I'm really enjoying it. I guess it's all uphill from here, huh?

That's a man

fuck off Baba.

Daily reminder that Lailah's VA (JP) has passed on.

RIP Lailah.

>trying to pander to anyone but the Meeaboo fujoshi audience

Zesty made a mistake

>Hating the cast of abyss out of anything

Jesus christ

Rose is the best girl in the anime

Damn low budget ufotable