Girlfriend was a bit too hyped about he Switch reveal. To keep her grounded, I had her hold the "reminder" box

Girlfriend was a bit too hyped about he Switch reveal. To keep her grounded, I had her hold the "reminder" box.

Other urls found in this thread:

Probably best to save that money for a nose job.


She looks like Anita

why? beaks are hot

why does she have a wedding ring on if she's your girlfriend?
are you a cuck?

>Heh, here, take this box, I'm ready for the upboats
>Hold on, hun, let me apply the make-up

fuck off

>not appreciating beautiful Semitic noises

Your girlfriend in profile is a scary sight lad #justsayin

Maybe OP is the one doing the cucking.

I wanna fuck that oven dodger


Sup Forums will say mean things to you but shes cute and thats cute

she looks like an autistic elf

I don't believe this post one bit. No way does anyone on Sup Forums, especially not a Nintendrone, have a gf or wife that hot.

fuck all of you

damn that's an ugly nose


No they're not. They've been associated with ugliness for centuries. Stop trying to ease OP's shame.


>down turned nose

You are in bed with the Jews, user.

based fellow redditors

>an actual reddit post


>that nose

>you play video games user? HAHAHHAAHHAHAHHAHA!

Post your face then, Brad Pitt.

according to who? an edgy austrian or dumbfuck christians? the aquiline nose was also associated with beauty and nobility for centuries, way before those newfags, kid.



Top gek

/his/ here and lol no it wasn't.

>implying you wouldn't rail the Wicked Witch of the West

Adorable af desu oni senpai

All /his/ is good for is Eastern Roman Empire and Crusades memes.

> that nose
> sweatingguy.png
please user tell me who is she??

>"user, why are you handing me this box?"
>"U-Uh, r-reminder of possible failure. R-Remember how hyped you were for it?"
>"user, you bought that g-"
>"N-NO! I bought it for you as a gift remember? You wanted it so much..."
>"Can't say I ever did."

OP is a fegola.
>"O-Oh, Okay then. Just remember..."

You can still judge people while being ugly yourself, my face doesn't get in the way of my eyes

Post your face then, Brad Pitt.

Is her kid doing ok?

this right here.


damn anita looking fine

>white women
Not even once


>paying money to fix such a minor imperfection that some even consider a quality
I fucking hope not