>HD Game
>3DS Game

SMT Switch title confirmed multiplatform

Feel weird to call a 3DS version an "unannounced project"

Why wouldn't you just say it's a 3DS title aswell?


please be on vita

They're both tie-in games for SMT 25th aniversary, 3DS is probably a separate game from HD

Oh, one less reason to own a Switch then.

The number is currently at -1

Technically it can be if it's for PS4 with remote play

>Doi Odin

Oh no

why's that mask have the exact same color as the demonica?

>The superior design for the character
>oh no


>Yfw SJ2

I'd rather get an Etrian Odyssey game on the Switch. SJ is overrated as fuck.

They're referred to as separate projects, so I can only assume they're different games.

It's going to be a musou isn't it?

Most likely; though both will probably relate to the SMT sub-franchise. One'll be a spin off.

>3DS project
>Citra development is slow as tits
I'm actually going to have to buy a god damn 3DS now, won't I?

yea but the point is that they would have just called the HD Game switch project if it was exclusive

Don't forget Soul Hackers

While SMT might be multiplatform, this is pretty tenuous reasoning.


They would be retarded not to make smt for ps4 seeing as they got a ton of new hd assets thanks to persona5.

>SMTV on switch
>SMTDS3 on 3ds

if u just want it for a couple of jrpgs man hack a 2ds

this kind of inconsistent wording almost always proves true and you know it


>Citra official development is slow as tits
Fixed that for ya
Try look for unofficial build like this one

Sega involved so probably be multi-plat unless Sony or Nintendo is footing the bill.


>unofficial build
Wha? Why would those be better?


How does it run?
How are cutscenes? Audio?
Any crash-heavy areas?


Official build is for all the 3DS game
While unofficial build focus on some specific games

Is that devil summoner or devil survivor? Fuck Devil Survivor after 2, and especially after Record Breaker.

I dont play with audio on so I dont know about it,but it doesnt have any problem cutscene and doesnt crash

Didn't SMT always go on the highest selling systems like DQ? But I think Switch got a free pass with DQ this time

>Shin Megami Tensei IV: Dancing Under Masakado

Strange Journey 2.
It's time.

>sonyggers this delusional

SMTV has as much of a chance getting put on PS4 as Persona 5 has being put on the switch


I kind of hope they are the same, so that I can just buy the Switch version. If they're separate games I'll get them both.

It also went on where Atlus thought most of their audience would be (which would mean the game should've gone on the 3DS)


Also, personally I always thought that was some excuse from Horii, I think he's a nintendo fan. He only pushed it off Nintendo when it was just too unreasonable to do otherwise.

You mean Devil Survivor 3

You mean Raidou 3

Fuck off vitafags.

You mean If... 2

Why do you hope to obtain 1 game instead of two? You don´t have to buy them the same day if you don´t want or don´t have the money to

I hope they're separate games... Anyway I love playing Apocalypse so I am psyched there's another 3DS SMT in the works. I didn't even know until now.

I thought that as well, but would a Devil Survivor announcemeng be on the main Shin Megami Tensei site?

I found SMTIV:A highly playable (much moreso than Pokemon and I love Pokemon) so I feel like it will be another game in that style.

No one did, probably because it's one of several anniversary projects

>they didn't even bother to pose the demons in the trailer
>they just played their idle animations.


Nah, separate games.

I'd love a Strange Journey 2 or something in a similar vein, but I'm honestly half expecting it to be just SMT1+2 packaged together. Maybe with a face lift.

Not that I'd mind, but I can see them doing something like that.

I can see that somehow...

Question, I´ve completed both SMTIV and Apocalypse, and I loved them (they were my first SMT games). I want to continue playing on 3ds, but I´m kind of lost with the rest of the 3ds games, which one should I continue with? Which is sequel to which?

>FE musou
>SMT musou

Is that soul hackers?

Thats 4 mouthbreather

play strange journey if you want more games somewhat like that. delete your 3ds and download a ps2 to play nocturne if you want to play smt 3

I have the money, time is the bigger obstacle.

And if they make one game it means development time isn't split, which usually results in a better game.

>atlus got away with showing mara and ose on the big screen

>Love Zelda & Fire Emblem & SMT
>Hate Musou
pls no

Back then SMT was on everything including shit like the GameGear.
Since the PS2 they have become budget titles who only release on the most popular consoles, though.

The rest of the 3DS games are standalone , like most SMT games.
the only sequels in SMT are: SMT 1 and 2, Persona 2 IS and Persona 2 EP, Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2, Raidou Kuzunoha 1 and 2.

>Seperate game on 3Ds

>Different game on Switch

Nintendo multiplat yes

They're all different games. The Devil Survivor games are their own series, Soul Hackers is a port/remaster of the Saturn version, and Persona Q is a EO-style spinoff to Persona 3 and 4.

>kamen rider """"""""""""artist'"""""""""""""" is back



>3D Doi humans

Bet you fags can't name them all

Doi isn't the Kamen Rider guy.

what's with people saying this? if you really like a game then you shouldn't care if it takes you four months to finish it incrementally. I used to worry about how I'd finish so many games within a certain time frame but then I realized that line of thinking goes against the point of playing games in the first place.

epic SMTbro simply epic...

nope. HD Game is multiplat.

Jack looks so fucking retarded with the glowing eyes

I can only make out a couple.
Jack Frost, Hua Po, Pixie, Leanan Sidhe (I think?), Sarasvati, and Nekomata are the ones I recognize the most.

I think I see Metatron with the green glowy eyes, as well as a Principality.
I'm not sure but I think I see Thor's mask. Mara's outline I can vaguely make out as well.
I think David's on the far left?
I recognize the urn guy behind Jack Frost (thanks raidou) but I forgot his name.

The rest I just can't make out.


Isn't OP main pic one of kamen designs? I'm almost sure of it

is it weird that I play these games but barely remember demon names? I recognize them but I can't remember most names for the life of me.

>yfw HD is Switch and ___Wii U

>we are growing stronger

stop putting retarded ass power rangers into mainline.

You mean SMT Pinball 1

No OP is Odin from Apocalypse, which was all Doi

No, the new designs in SMT4A were made by Masayuki Doi, who has been with Atlus since Persona 2.

The guest artists that worked on SMT4 have nothing to do with Apocalypse outside of having a few of their designs redrawn by Doi to look less awful.

I don't like to ask since I'm usually more than capable of finding things on my own, but could you perhaps spoonfeed me to a download link of the build you're using?
The only unofficial build I've been able to find seems to be a tad outdated with a lot of negative comments surrounding it.

SMT specifically refers to mainline games in japan, the overall franchise is called megami tensei or megaten, so it can't be one of the sub serieses. My guess is the 3ds game is a port of one of the old games but I wouldn't bet on it

It's a mish mash of just about every culture mythology, including extensive long dead ones. There's no cultural logic to follow for naming, and pronunciation can change wildly depending on where it's from. Unless you're a buff of mythology, you'll probably only remember the guys you always use.


>gabriel has her old kaneko design back
>meaning the rest of the archangels do too
>the fuckawful guest designs are gone most likely
>doi satan in 3d
>when switch emulation comes out we get doi satan in 4k hd


That's what I hope, it wouldn't make sense to announce a new smt game on 3ds so soon after smt4f and right alongside what is 90% going to be smt5.
(remember they specified that the HD project is a brand new title, and SMT does not refer to the franchise as a whole in japan contrary to what the retarded western marketing would have you believe)

Odin have the new design though, i mean it was bland a bit before but goddamn these new designs are just awful abominations from a sentai series

You missed Silky who is next to mitra

>a presentation of a console aimed to kids
>includes a literal penis on it

based Atlus


Made me kek harder than it should have. Or maybe I'm just happy that SMT is getting an HD release with UE4 models

Odin new design is fucking great compared to his old one
The old one is the one thats bland

It's probably a remake of SMT 1+2.
Something quick and easy they can put out for the 25th anniversary.

Don't forget a closeup of OSE bulge