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Hmm, I think I'll save up for my next PC instead.
dont forget you actually get a game bundled with the ps4
+70 for the real controller
Nice try Nintendickgobbler!
You can get a PS4 PLUS Uncharted 4 for $249.99 already.
Nintendo went full retard.
+60 for game
>all that plastic
is nintendo aiming for the fisher price audience?
>PS4 PLUS Uncharted 4
where do you get that price? buying it from a van in an alley?
It's 375 usd in my country. Still cheaper than my gpu. I'm okay with this.
the dualshock isn't that bad
Now look at Switchs line up.
At least they give you the fucking charger this time
you faggots will buy it anyway
Yet, Zelda looks way more enticing than Uncharted.
The PS4 could at least bundle a good game like Bloodborne.
You think this is ridiculous? It's literally £400 over in britbongistan to get the switch, a controller and a game. That is -literally- the price of a gaming PC. Hell, you could be an idiot and get a gaming laptop for that kind of price.
>that catalogue in 3 years
>comparing with a system it is not even out
>tfw I impulse preordered switch on amazon
>Seriously rethinking things the more I look at ps4s library
>Docking station is 90$
>Joy-Con grip is 30$
>One Joy-con is 50$
You can't make this shit up.
A lot of those game aren't even exclusive. Who makes these images?
What if I have both?
The Switch will hopefully be better. A few years in and Bloodborne is still the only game worth buying a PS4 for.
>a controller
The console comes with one though. You slide the joycons into the grip.
I could watch it on YouTube and get the same experience
Zelda isn't exclusive either
Stop it, sonygger
Wait, so the actual hardware is only worth 79$ ?
While I find zelder and a new bomberman tempting I cannot deny the thing doesn't hold a fucking candle to the PS4 right now. It's disgusting dude. It feels actually kind of bad that they would put a price like that. It's even worse for yuropoors, 329€
No one but you wants to play with those retarded joy-cons
Who /PS4 Switch PC/ Here?
Fucking this. The PS4 is a Bloodborne box for me at the moment. I did grab digimon on the store, but that's about it until persona 5 arrives.
Switch getting a real SMT is the real shot in the foot as well.
Nice lineup
Zelda isn't even Switch exclusive, and that's 50% of its launch titles
I'm a good goy /everything/ here
>leaving out Mario, Spla2n, Arms, and Fire Emblem.
it had those bundles over Christmas all over the country.
you would have noticed if you actually gave a shit about video games and got outside your basement once a year to smell the ashes instead of spending your time shitposting here 24/7.
I'm sorry, famalam but Zelda looks like smeared, butterfiltered gimmicky Minecraft minigames Skyrim wannabe shit. Should have been named "Been There Done That".
Also BotW is also coming to the Wii U, so not an argument for the Switch-to-Sony.
On the contrary, it's an argument for the Wii U, at least that console has more games than the Switch-to-Sony will have in its entire lifetime, because that piece of shit Fisher Price tablet is DOA even more than the Wii U.
Yeah, in 2019 when it has games
In the official site the console SMT is listed as an HD project, probably not even an exclusive since they branded the portable version as a 3DS Project directly.
Morpheus should be holding the red and blue joycons
How can you justify the Xbone?
it is not the PS4 Pro uncharted 4
you wrote the PS4 PLUS uncharted 4
what the fuck man, are you trying to jew me on this. that price is expected, being the vanilla version
Cheapest 4K bluray player on market and it came with all the Halo games in the bundle.
>299$ in America
>This somehow translates to 329€
Let's see, I have a PC right now. I'm going to look for the kind of stuff that I would grab for each.
RDR2, DQXI, FFVII (if it's confirmed not to come to PC), Bloodborne, Persona 5
BotW, Odyssey, DQXI, Arms, Super Bomberman R, SMT V
Well shit.
Exclusively not on Switch
fuck this sonypony thread
Reminder that the Switch doesn't require a display. Reminder that the Switch comes with built in local multiplayer. Does local multiplayer even exist outside fighting games on the PS4?
So really, we're looking at $300+$500 mediocre TV + $60 for another controller for the PS4. Switch stays at $300.
HAHAHAHAHAH literally no games
id rather add 6tb of storage to my computer
Are you trying to paint the PS4 losing exclusives as a good thing?
>Switch stays at $300.
are you dumb? switch has no controller so you have to pay $60 + $60-120 for microsd cards since that piece of shit console don't have HDD, plus switch starts with no bundles so you have to pay $60 to even play anything
Why the fuck are these so expensive ? They make more than 60% of the console's price.
It comes with a controller, dipshit. Two of them.
each joy-con includes a battery
they are basically size-reduced wiimotes
>save up
Holy shit, being poor must suck
People expected like 60 titles at launch
This ain't the fucking dreamcast (though it might kill nintendo still)
The PS3 had what at launch? Fucking killzone nice graphics and knack? Then a whole year of nothing but bloodborne? 2016 is the first year of PS4 being worth a shit, don't buy the switch now like a bunch of retards
>$60-120 for microsd cards
Where the fuck are you buying your micro SD cards?
>no controller
It has a controller which works for portable and TV mode.
>microsd cards
The games are on cartridges, so they never need installing.
>no bundles
Unless you actually want Uncharted 4, you'll be buying something like Bloodborne anyways.
Switch comes with a controller, idiot
Also the whole rent a room meme is stupid too. The website says you just get a select nes or SNES with newly built in online play for a month. It's that extra online play your getting, not a trial of game that's gonna be on the VC for five bucks anyway
>no controller
>60-120 bucks sd card
talking about being desperate to shitpost
>the switch has no controller
Geez I wonder what they joycons are
You're comparing a PS4 with a tablet... The Switch IS the tablet, not the dock. I see the Switch like a powerful portable
>have an alright PC that plays everything I want
>have a PS4 that I play all my weeb games on
>can get a Switch easily and will be doing on launch since the first few months have enough to interest me
But with the playstation I cant play Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild TM while i take a shit.
Those are launch titles
Man I'd love to play at someone else's home without bringing the whole fucking ps4.
I'm so glad I went with a PS4 Pro instead of waiting for this. Here's the games I can play at 1080p+ with it:
-FF7 Remake
-Kingdom Hearts 3
-Death Stranding
-God of War
-The Last of Us 2
-Horizon Zero Dawn
-Detroit: Become Human
-Persona 5
-Yakuza 0
-Days Gone
-Red Dead Redemption 2
-Knack 2
I can just SWITCH over to my PC with Cemu if I want to play BotW. Feels good man.
>since the first few months have enough to interest me
Same position as you but what is coming in the first few months looks interesting to you? Did you buy a wiiU by any chance as well?
>PS4 pro
>paying extra to not play blu ray disks
>paying extra to burn down your house
Unless every single game is guaranteed to run at 60fps at 1080p, pro is a waste of money
>Counting Knack as a legit game
Man, I bet you defended Haze on the PS3 as an exclusive worth buying before it was out
To be honest, Near Tomato is the only thing I want there. Nioh looks great and plays great from what I've seen, but my autism wont let me buy a PS4 because I cant play as a girl.
They only had to add $10 (not including mass production price reduction) to the total cost to add in a 4K bluray player instead of normal one. The projection of how a company wants the future to move is not a valid reason to purposely not include a simple feature.
>4 years of PS4
>still only good game is Bloodborne
how can you defend this garbage?
The online subscription is the worst thing about the Switch in my opinion. It offers no reward worth a shit. Online SNES games? Let's see how long it takes for them to do that crap, and which titles. Bring fucking gamecube online games, not that.
Haze was a Halo killer. Don't you remember?
Man it's sad when you think about it. Having to fight against a mediocre FPS and failing at it. The PS3 got good but it took a whole 3 fucking years to be worth buying.
shittendo fanboys are literally brainfuckingdead, if you want actual playable and comfortable controller you need to pay $70
>Not mentioned: more tflops, more RAM, better GPU, 500GB HDD, etc. on the left
...or use the grip like a normal person
which is also included btw
Sonyfags really are reaching tonight.
There's a reason you get two joycons, so you can put them into the grip.
I'll get one when Bloodborne gets a Pro patch
>330 Euro on Amazon in Euroland
lol fuck that and fuck Paid Online. Shit is probably gonna be region locked as well
>no screen game is Nintendo's answer to VR
>only two games confirmed at launch
or maybe break your hand trying to play 15min of any switch game, after half a year you will have to meet a doctor since you get pain in your both hands
delusional nintoddler
Ah, finally all our bored NEETs in desperate need of a console war to waste their worthless time now have had their prayers answered.
If (for some odd reasons) you want to know how much Switch will cost in Russia: 22500 rubles (about 350-380$), BoTW will cost 4500 ruble (80$), Same as Pro Controller, Joycon stand will cost 2000 rubles (~35$) ((American dollars)). For comparison, Ps4 Slim 500GB costs 25000 ruble (1 controller) , and Ps4 Pro 1Tb (can't find with 500Gb) 46000 ruble (1 controller).
Yeah, if only the Switch could have launched with blockbusters like Knack, then it would really be lights out for Sony.
those joys are really trash it will break after week, you will need to buy pad to even play games just for $69,99
>Doesn't understand the concept of putting money towards something more expensive rather than blowing it on the first thing you see.
>weebshit everywhere
What the fuck happened to you Sony
so never?
nice proof that you're just a troll
That's a lot of movies for one console.
>that motherboard
>that CPU
You're definitely a sonygger trying too hard
Nah man, I wasn't born trying to break my left thumb to adapt to this abomination so I don't think I'll have trouble with it
Why did splatoon 2 look like shit?
how in god's name could they have it looking worse than the first game?
>break your hand
Have you even seen the grip. It's literally a standard controller shell that you slide the joycons in.
Your palm and fingers will be wrapped around a shell that has the same contours of a standard controller.
>look at me I'm a pc master bait