Treehouse event today
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How long until it starts?
remind me when it starts, comrade
3 1/2 hours
3 and a half hours from now, I think. 2:30pm GMT
>treehouse SJW cucks
No thank you.
I swear if they play 1 2 switch the entire fucking time...
Not like I was going to sleep anyway. It's 30 fucking degrees celcius.
I may as well watch some neat footage for games that I think look neat that will only further compound my disappointment over paid online.
DESU, whats it even going to have?
2 of the Treehouse flailing round like a "best of Wii failures" youtube vid?
Look all I want is more Zelda.
They aren't going to show off Mario until a later date splatoon is more Splatoon and everything was kinda meh
Will they show a zelda dungeon? Because if not, i'm sure it's going to be a bunch of dumb nintendo humor stretched over a few hours with no footage of anything.
just buy it for the wiiu
theres literally 0 point of buying a switch at launch
just wait a year or two for an upgraded switch with longer battery life and it might actually have some exclusives
I'm not buying the version of the game that runs at 12 fps
Zelda on Switch, ARMs probably, how to actually play 1-2 Switch.
Will Sam the cute Jew be there?
Ono is coming to show off Ultra Street Fighter 2
Who else /stayedupsincemidnight/ here?
Starting to feel tired but have a Red Bull in the fridge. Going to drive over to my local Gamestop and preorder the Switch and then come on back for some comfy Treehouse.
>implying those are the same faggots I fell in love with in 3 years ago
fucking aussie give me your temperatures
This is the only thing I care about
Will it be just them streaming more Zelda? or 5 hours of fucking ARMS
Take 'em.
I fucking hate the heat.
So I guess you're not getting the game at all.
i stayed up for the nintendo conference with no heating in winter fuuuck
Let's not get carried away, ARMS looks pretty neat.
It seemed like a good idea at the time but I'm starting to regret it. Classes end at 1PM so I can just nap after that.
I should have just gone to bed before the Direct started, it was a big disappointment.
>Curl up in a big pile of blankets and quilts with a hot cocoa.
Sounds comfy.
my circulation is shit though
im wearing 3 pairs of socks and my feet are still cold
What's the point when there's nothing worth showing?
i wouldn't mind a closer look at ARMS, that shit looked pretty cool
I would expect so.
>want to sleep
>less than 3 hours away
Nintendo hates employed people
>conference when I'm supposed to be in bed
>tree house when I'm at work
Fuck off
No one?
no thanks. after that fucked up presentation I think I will pass on any and all future nintendo viewings.
So anyone else a bit disappointed?
I'm a pretty big Nintendo fan but I don't think I'll get a Switch on day 1 right now.
>330€ while it's $299 for Americans
>only launches with ONE game I'm interested in (Zelda, duh)
>no unique or limited bundle
>no Pokémon Stars or Monster Hunter on the horizon
I feel like at this point I'll just wait for a cheaper and/or better bundle to come out at a later point. Hopefully one with Pokémon or Monster Hunter. Or a new Metroid or what have you.
The launch lineup just seemed really weak to me. Having Mario Odyssey or Spla2n at launch would've helped a lot. Even the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe remaster is not there until April.
>Paid online
This was the deal breaker for me.
Splatoon 2 looks great, Mario Odyssey is exactly what I want in a new Mario game, ARMS looks great but the paid online leaves such a bad taste in my month that I considering skipping the console altogether. Especially when Nintendo are offering a paid online service that's even more scummy than Xbox and PS4.
For fucks sake, you have to use your fucking Smartphone just to use party chat with your friends on this paid service.
And you know they'll make it seem fun. You can't stop it. You'll hate yourself for not having the friends to play a party game with IRL.
for a moment I thought that was a friend of mine but it's actually an uncanny lookalike
Paid online isn't even the deal breaker for me. While it sucks, keep in mind it'll be free for the first year and after that probably like 5 a month.
If that means they have an actually amazing online system on the Switch then I'm willing to do that.
On the plus side it has no regionlock.
Day 1 preorder. I would buy a ticket to Washington to get the milk from the source itself.
>330€ while it's $299 for Americans
considering current exchange rates and VAT that's the fairest console pricing between US and Europe has ever been
>An Audrey clone exists
So let's say you go to ebgames or gamestop and it says $299
What DO you Americans actually pay in the end?
This is my second night without any sleep now. Fuck, sleep deprivation sucks ass with warm temperatures.
no thanks
>buying anything day 1 ever
I don't know why people do this. Unless a system was guaranteed to be the only version that would ever release and have a fuck ton of games right at launch you're always better off just waiting 6 months to a year or maybe longer.
Wait for the games/hardware improvements.
>3 hours of zelda, 3 hours of ARMZ
>just a long enough stream t o convince me to cancel my preorder
Why didnt they just push this shit out until whenever mario was ready?
while e.g. germany has 19% vat included in the price, in the us it varies by state between 0% and something like 15% that gets added on top of the $299 at checkout
>Had low expectations.
>Still ended up disappointed.
Because it can be fun to be "there" from the getgo.
Also, if you already know that stuff you definitely want is on the horizon, then you might as well get it early and play other things until those arrive.
For example, if they had said a new Monster Hunter and Metroid is coming on the Switch sometime in 2017 then I would have an easier time justifying a day 1 Switch buy so I could play Zelda for example while not being worried because I know more is coming before long.
Hopefully we will see zeruda. If there is no graphical improvement I don't need the switch for a while
This is what I'm concerned about. If the graphics/performance aren't significantly better, I don't see why I should get a Switch until Splatoon 2 comes out in the inevitable summer bundle,
I honestly don't want more zelda. I'm going to get it anyways, don't spoil me for even more of the game.
I remember Aonuma saying that BotW on the Switch will be 100% the same game as on the WiiU.
Is there a link yet?
If that's the case, I don't see why anyone would bother with this system yet.
Well Zelda on the switch isn't exactly marketed for people who have a Wii U, they are trying to get the rest of the playerbase that skipped the system entirely
I probably won't get one until at least in the holidays when the new Mario comes out, I guess one should at least wait until E3 to see what else they have in store for next year.
maybe they'll flip the game world as a goof
He'll probably appear at some point during the presentation, yes.
Probably just /nintendo on twitch.
It will start later
Canadian preorders don't start till 8 am, and I can't wake up before noon, so I've pretty much been forced to do this.
Can't wait to see Allison!
Why buy it on day 1?
Not even shitposting just legitimately curious why you feel like it's worth it to buy this right away instead of waiting a few months for a better bundle.
Xenoblade 2, FE Musou, and NMH Switch back to back announced sold me on the thing, and Bomberman furthered it. Screw paying for the thing at launch though, I have far better things to spend my money on and I show very little interest in the new Zelda game.
Here we go.
Yeah but literally none of those 3 games will be there at launch, some might not even happen til 2018.
I want to play Zelda on the toilet.
>just buy a used wii U for 100 dollars
I'm going to want to play other games on the Switch eventually, Unironically looking forward to ARMS.
Hence why you don't buy the system at launch, literally who does that? You're just dooming yourself to a nogames paperweight. It took PS4 literally 2 years to actually make it worth a purchase.
>tfw the game you're most interested in seeing will likely get ten minutes and nothing else
Although I do already have the Japanese game, I just want to see more of it in English. Hopefully a better hearing of some voices, and if any name changes happened. I am pre-preemptively getting myself used to Dark Prince.
Honestly I'm pretty tempted because I'm getting tired of my 3DS and don't like home consoles, but then again the Switch is not looking all that good so I will probably wait.
This, give us a link
Hope there's something to do with MH at this event.
Why would there suddenly be MH at this treehouse?
anyone have a link
It's just about the shit we've seen right? But I would hope there are some games we haven't yet seen about.
during e3 they did announce some games on the treehouse
There is ZERO chance they would have NOT shown Monster Hunter at a fucking live event held in Tokyo if they had one
That's not what he said.
can't wait to watch more shit like this
Thank you!
No problem, m8.
Paid online is trash, but that new Zelda looks like one of the best launch titles ever.
I also assume they're going to be announcing more games soonish, and would be shocked if Monster Hunter wasn't one of them.
My state has 8% sales tax, which is somewhat high I think.
>but that new Zelda looks like one of the best launch titles ever.
it's also a multiplat
Twilight Princess was one too, and only 15% or so of all people got it for the GC (a console with over two times the WiiU's install base)
Wii was popular and had the motion control gimmick
people bought Wii U's for BOTW though, it was marketed as a Wii U exclusive for most of it's development
I've been up for 24 hours straight now, and I just sat an exam a couple of hours ago.
> wanting the inferior version
Zelda already makes it worth it
I might also try the new Mario Kart if it has all the dlc
Those people are as dumb as the ones who bought a PS3 for kingdom hearts 3 or Vs XIII
Would you buy the Switch at launch if it came with a monthly nursing handjob from Audrey?
She's got an ugly face, skank make-up, ugly whore eyebrows and worst of all HAS NOTHING INTERESTING OR INFORMATIVE TO SAY ABOUT VIDEO GAMES.