Is it just me that doesn't understand combat in this game? Only been playing 10 hours but when I right click it never counter attacks and dodging never works haha
Witcher 3 Combat System
Other urls found in this thread:
>right click
Use a controller if you're on PC because the key bindings are ones of the shittiest I've ever had the unprivilege to lay my eyes upon.
If you're on consoles then you're just shit.
The combat is shit either way but dodging and blocking are easy to do
Now I understand why people say the combat sucks, I played it on console and I thought it was serviceable. Not too deep but satisfying and you died quick enough if you fucked up to at least keep you on your toes.
It's a joke. People keep saying that combat in TW3 is similar to Arkham or Assassin's Creed, and OP is pretending to be confused because it's not, actually, like Arkham or AssCred at all.
Hillarious, see? Comedy gold.
The combat is a piece of shit. It's not you being bad. It's the game having awful mechanics.
Do I have to fucking point out to you that nobody plays the game on M&KB and yes the combat is exactly like in Arkham series you fucking faggot
Do you like physically enjoy humiliating yourself in the public? Does that get you off?
I really wonder why large amount of popularity attracts mentally severally ill people like you. Can you shed some light on that?
>Bloodborne manchildren STILL haven't recovered over witcher 3 winning GOTY
>that combat in TW3 is similar to Arkham or Assassin's Creed
It is though. I have trouble keeping my playthrough going because it's too boring, and yet you need to fight at every corner in every fucking quest
How to spot people who never played the game, but really, REALLY need to be part of some grand circlejerk.
Don't get me wrong, the combat isn't particularly interesting, nor does it have particularly much depth. It's... servicable, better than 90% of all existing similar RPG's - but still pretty dull.
It's absolutely NOTHING like Arkham or AssCreed though.
And this is what really bothers me. What IS actually wrong with you people? You may not be enjoying the game (well, one out of hundred who posts here that actually also played the game and isn't just repeating the same circlejerk bullshit that he heard here from other retards and trolls) and that is fine.
But WHAT ON FUCKING EARTH is actually compelling you to lie about it? Is "I don't enjoy it" not enough? You actually actively have to go and make up a lie that anyone who had actually played the game will immediately see through? Why?
Its souls idiots pushing that game's combat system up a pedestal as a way to discredit Witcher. Every. Single. Time.
Can any of you be more specific?
Is it unresponsiveness, lack of i-frames, lack of control over the attacks or some other stuff?
I doubt that. It's average Sup Forumstards being retards because they obsessively need to be part of the big boys club. Souls fanboys can be obnoxious, but it's stupid to blame everything on them. The spite for TW is far more extensive and far more pathological. It's just people who need to be cunts because that is more-or-less the sole source of identity they have at this point, and the sole sense of companionship they'll ever get.
See He is complaining about lack of counter-option and the fact that Geralt does not does counters, takedowns and dodges automatically the same way characters in Batman and AssCreed games do. It's a joke.
>there are people who play the game without this mod
>someone who never played the game
Except I have you retard. I'm stuck to level 19, arrived to skellige, and back to Novigrad to finish all the level 12 quests on my list because I'm an austist who likes to complete everything.
>it's dull
You're right
>It's absolutely NOTHING like Arkham or AssCreed though
It isn't a carbon copy, but it does feel similar in the sense that it's -as you said- dull an repetitive, where you unlock skills as you go, and feels more like an action game rather than a fleshed RPG.
>muh circlejerk
Why are witcherfags so fucking insecure
Also I'm complaining about the frequency of the combat. Let's take a mediocre RPG with a horrible combat system: Skyrim. I have more fun replaying this shit than TW3 and you want to know why ? Because I can avoid the combat if I want and do some other shit. In TW3, EVERY quest you do needs you to beat the shit out of mobs all the fucking time
>people forget about the shit that is the witcher sense
>Except I have you retard.
Makes all the more disturbing that you actually go out of your way to lie about it.
>It isn't a carbon copy, but it does feel similar in the sense that it's -as you said- dull an repetitive
That is like saying that Serious Sam and Call of Duty are the same (or similar) because you found both boring and both play in first person perspective you god damn idiot. They are entirely different on base mechanical level. Hell, this whole thread is A JOKE ABOUT HOW FUCKING STUPID IS TO COMPARE THEM ON MECHANICAL LEVEL. Not only that you actually got sucked into it, you are so god damn stupid and biased and completely, utterly dishonest that you even agree with what was supposed to be the satirical claim here.
Fuck me. Talk about insecurity you god damn piece of shit.
>Why are witcherfags so fucking insecure
Says the person lying about a game to be part of the popular opinion? Yeah: You might not want to tell other people they are insecure when unlike you, they are actually capable of adressing both the negative and the positive about what they like on an objective scale.
I don't LIE about Witcher 3: whenever it feeds into my personal feeling towards the game (I like it, but I'm not going to pretend the combat is particularly great).
You go out of your way to LIE about it. So yeah: what the FUCKING FUCK does give you the right to call anyone else insecure?
What? I played it on PC just fine with a mouse and keyboard. It's not remotely hard at all. Literally just use dodge, block and roll like you should be doing and it's painless.
>You can beat nearly all fist fights on death march by spamming heavy attack over and over
Bear was just dodge, attack, repeat. At least there's a few multiple enemies vs player fist fights.
Calm your tits, little sissy. Just accept the fact that TW3 is a game with a shitty gameplay and mechanics which only saving grace is having a cool world and characters.
And as a previous user said, witcher sense only makes the similarities stronger, and the combat, even if you don't seem to accept it, is closer to Asscreed than let's say dragon age, which has a satisfying RPG combat, or Souls, which is more action.
You're not timing your counters correctly.
I'm also not sure what you're having trouble understanding.
>go into menu
>apply hangman's oil to steel sword
>pop a decoction if you want
>exit menu
>run up on whatever you're about to engage
>keep enemies in front of you
>continuously hit ALT as they attack to avoid their attacks
>SPACE to roll away and create distance
>Quen if you really can't avoid getting hit
>Yrden to slow them
>Axii to stun
>SHIFT+M1 to heavy attack
>M1 to fast attack
>stay spacially aware
>"omg dis combat is so bad lolamao"
You have 0 i-frames if you dodge too soon after a previous dodge or attack. This is never explained in game and the dodge animation is still the same.
There's a talent perk that adds more and more damage reduction until it reaches 100% to your dodges.
I don't understand, the combat isn't bad. In fact, I liked the whole idea of having to prep for whatever it was you were about to fight when it came to contracts. You read the bestiary, read their weaknesses, planned accordingly, and played accordingly.
If you guys are complaining that combat is dull, maybe not play on easy? No idea. I play on Death March, and it's mandatory you get good at dodging, rolling, and countering / parrying. You can't brute force enemies, because you'll die in 2-3 hits, and groups force you to change your style up and use signs some times.
It's probably dull and boring because you play on Easy, and can just fucking M1 spam your way through the entire game, ignoring alchemy, signs, and just dumping your talent points into damage talents, instead of other shit that is pretty useful if utilized correctly.
Seems like another example of Sup Forums being awful at video games.
More like it's easy as hell even on death march.
>You can't brute force enemies, because you'll die in 2-3 hits
Good thing Quen exists if you manage to get hit despite the incredibly good dodge.
The big different for me between difficulty levels is you lose being able to refill health to full from meditating. Sucks a lot at low levels when you haven't got a lot of potions yet. I always try to upgrade Swallow and White Rafford's as fast as possible
My biggest problem was that the strafe speed was so slow that it was better to just dodge for 100% of your movement. This system did not reward careful positioning and made encounters feel spastic.
Use this mod
It even allows you to sprint in combat.
Not fitting the pace of the game, I find.
It's a combat system made to deal with encounters that are supposed to be rare, slow and methodical. That's how and when it bests works as you yourself showed.
And then you can barely play 5 minutes without a fight.
Rebounded very hard that game. Very troublesome - failed - integration of the various systems at play into a cohesive working whole.
Shame I didn't know about this during my playthrough because I'm not gonna play it again after a 150 hrs.
>not using instant sign cast mod
>not using softlock disable mod
It's almost like you're all a bunch of retarded faggots.
>I liked the whole idea of having to prep for whatever it was you were about to fight when it came to contracts
Are you talking about the oils and potions ? That's fucking nothing. I was really disappointed by the contracts and how it only consists in
>talk to NPC
>go there
>scan area with witcher sense ans follow trail
>prepare oil and potion if you don't have it
>fight like usual
Also the balance of the game is fucked. Early game is a fucking chore, and you always become a god later on.
>still no mouse movement or aiming in TW3
into the trash it goes.
>EVERY quest you do needs you to beat the shit out of mobs all the fucking time
No you don't idiot.
>ever using the mouse movement in TW1
Unless you are a one handed cripple it is plain stupid.
>Skyrim. I have more fun replaying this shit than TW3
Nice argument
99% of the quests, yes