So, how long do you think it'll take until we get a *NEW* Nintendo Switch that supports 4K and VR?

So, how long do you think it'll take until we get a *NEW* Nintendo Switch that supports 4K and VR?

You can't tell me that Nintendo isn't going to do this at some point.

Seriously, why buy a Switch now, when in a year or two, you can get a better one?

They've never really done that with their consoles

So it could go either way

It's called every fucking DS ever

fuck drumpf and fuck white people

Yeah but this is a console/handheld hybrid and they've never done the Lite/XL/Micro/New/SP stuff with their consoles

So it could go either way

>On a 6.2 inch screen

That sounds like a terrible experience.

But yeah, I expect we'll get a better Switch SKU in a couple of years. Once the PS4 Pro and Scorpio have fully taken off, Nintendo will have to do SOMETHING to stay relevant outside of their gimmicks, so I could totally see them doing this.

They have released better versions of their handhelds and since the Switch is a merger of that market you can better bet they will likely do the same.

They did with the DS, and since Switch is both the WiiU and DS successor, it can also happen now.

>You can't tell me that Nintendo isn't going to do this at some point

They won't.

Because the console will be a massive flop thanks to paid online and shit specs.

Mark my words. The Switch will be as dead as the Wii U after 2017 is over, if not beforehand.

Im kinda tempted to buy a 3ds instead of the switch desu

If I could find an xl one not selling at 300+ that is

honest question, how long did the wii u take before it was sold out after launch? Just want a point of refrence

I think the improved sku will just be form factor and battery life.

I'm actually thinking about trying to nab a New 3DS and wait out the Switch Shitstorm a few months---if not a year. Is there any reason to pay for the "New" 3DS over a regular XL? I'm naturally CFW-ing the shit out of it.

Wii got a revision.

The same.

Artificial scarcity, my friend.

Just because the system sells out of its extremely limited quantities doesn't mean it's going to be a huge success.

The Switch might have been if it didn't have paid online, but Nintendo decided to fuck up the one chance they had.

Not that user but I never ever heard of any Wii U shortages. I managed to pick mine up on launch night at my local Wal-Mart with only a line of like three people.

NES, SNES and Wii all had second versions

>never really done that with their consoles


Didn't the Wii get a redesign pretty late in it's lifespan?

Yeah but that one was a straight downgrade.

The NES 2 was a pretty big improvement over the original toaster.

New has improved processing power. Any games from the last year or so benefit greatly from it.

I just hope we get one that has better battery life

Don't forget me

>Still believing the "it's going to replace the 3DS" meme
>2 1/2 to 6 hours battery life

Christ it's over user, your dream is dead

DS never replacing GBA was also a meme?

Just look at all the exciting 3ds games we have to look forward to this year!

The was zero scarcity. Literally stacks of them sitting in Best Buy across America. GameStop was trying their damnedest to sell through stock of them to no avail. It was a pitiful launch and a major disappoint after the Wii, likely due to very confusing marketing and an unclear message about what the product actually was.

If you unironically think 4k is the next big thing on consoles, you are actually retarded.

It's obviously VR.