So instead of making Super Mario Galaxy 3, they decided to make this shit?

So instead of making Super Mario Galaxy 3, they decided to make this shit?

I'm so done with Nintendo

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Why? It's doing things like 64.

yeah man, the stages are even just as tiny as 64

This. I loved the open levels of 64 and Sunshine. Galaxy and World were ok games, but I didn't like the linearity of them

>Levels need to be entire worlds massive or no buy
64 sized levels are fine

So they're not padding the game and stretching things thin? Good.

>World were ok games

What is this garbage?

>implying this memes aside doesnt look baller asf

Im fucking ready for SM64 style gameplay

>this s considered acceptable for 300 bucks in 2017

you can't tell from that screenshot dipshit

This game looks fucking amazing.
Hopefully people can stop pretending to like 3D World now.

>300 bucks
You are not even taking into account the price of the game user.
If you are gonna shitpost at least do it right.

people pay money for alpha status games ?

Huh, this actually does look like N64. I'm beginning to be interested in this.

My problem with the trailer was that the running mechanic seemed to be the one from 3D World, where you have a dedicated running button, rather than your speed depending on the way you tilt the stick like it was in all other 3D Marios. So I assumed the level design would be like that aswell.

Looks good.

It's too bad they oversaturated 2.5 and even the concept with Land before making World. World was the 3D Mario game they would have made first if the technology at the time let them easily reproduce the NES and SNES era gameplay style. From a conceptual standpoint I do like it but it would never be an acceptable substitute for the likes of 64, Sunshine, or Galaxy.

Meanwhile at Sony city..

>mfw I find out this is what Nintendo came up with

>implying there aren't invisible walls keeping you in the play area

At least Nintendo doesn't try to fool you with cheap visual effects to make the world look bigger. If you can see it, it's part of the level.

Too bad it's just a decoration.

The game might actually be in alpha right now. They have at least a year of development to go.

Super Mario Galaxy was gimmicky shit.

I'm ok with that.
It's like a mix of 2D and 3D mario without the godawful fixed camera.
Also more acrobatic movement, which 3D world lacked.

are you funnin' me son ?
this game is litteral corridors


>Miyamoto is kept away from Mario for 5 seconds
>It's suddenly gold with new ideas, a new art-style, and a re-inventing rather than a retreading of classic mainstays

Sure 3D World was good but it also suffered from the generic NSMB art style and conventions. Miyamoto needs to be fired, pronto.

>300 dollars

>you can play bloodborne on a ps4 for 199

oops, beta picture

>Miyamoto needs to be fired, pronto.
Agreed. That old fucker is like the death touch these days, he's totally lost the spark

I played Bloodborne and hated it. I'm also an idort who already owns a Ps4 so fuck off shill, the new Mario looks fantastic.

>Also more acrobatic movement, which 3D world lacked.
Really? Like what? Can't remember much from the trailer, but then again I was half-asleep.

>Bowser in top hat and tails

that's all I care about. This is the year he marries Peach and gives Koopa Jr the mom he deserves.

nintendo is finally learning bros

Quadruple jump shown while jumping on the car, a rolling attack and that fuckery he does with the hat to turn it into a platform.

>throwing a hat is innovation

just make galaxy 3 you fucks

3D world is one of my favorite games of all time, it's just a matter of taste in my opinion.

okay we get it you like Majora's Mask, I do to but I dont understand comparing it to mario games

galaxy is nu nintendo garbage, Mario 64 changed the industry forever and deserved his worthy sequel, now it's the time.

>throwing a hat is innovation.

It is when they manage to get both an attack and platforming out of the same move.

It's actually paying tribute to one of the most underrated SNES games out there

The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang

Surprised the eyes don't look like this to preserve the M

As someone who holds the Galaxy games as second only to 64 itself, fuck you. Galaxy 1 and 2 are more than enough, if anything you should be bitching at Nintendo to port those games upscaled to 1080p already so we don't have to go through shoddy-ass emulation for it.

No one really wants Galaxy 3.

>doesn't make a 3rd part of a game that already exists
>comes up with a new game
>muh no innovation

Why can't there fucking be a game that's actually this big? It's all about grafix and gimmicks. Even Nintendo has never tried to make a world on that scale.

Who wore it better?

Hopefully this thread is more civilized and not full of racist circlejerking

your mom (wario)

>Dapper Dinosaur versus Carnival Clown

>dimension hopping allows for all kinds of new level design, themes, music, and visuals
>let's just do another SPACE game

so instead of jumping and using a spin move for an extra hop, you get a hat toss

if the hat can fly, why not just use it to fly around the level?

They really are. Odyssey is pretty much FFVII remake territory of "FINALLY"

Throwing the hat is such a nice little gimmick compared to goddamn water jet packs and cat suits and bee suits and shooting fucking meteorites by assuming at the screen.

I seriously hope they get rid of the babby waggle spin shit. Please. Make it pure.


>mario around the world

so the middle east will be filled with bob-ombs right

> playing ratchet ass skank
can you actually traverse all that or is it just for decoration

I hope we'll be able to destroy building by rushing in it with explosives and yell Yahoo!

this, so many more options become available with this

Looks like Sonic Adventure 3! Nintendo did it again!

Nooooo! He's a legend! This board is practically made because of him. He was the one responsible for gaming today, you should thank him!

If you put the same amount of effort creating a linear or open game the amount of unique substantial content should be the same. The bigger you make a game with the exact same ideas and effort the thinner the content will be stretched. That's why a lot of open world games either take years too make and/or are filled with filler copy-pasted content.

Just because you choose to make a big game doesn't magically grant the game more substantial content.(e.g. No Mans Sky) and if a company seriously made enough content to fill a game 3-4x the size of a standard game they couldn't charge $60 for it. Instead most developers make 0.5 game worth of substantial content in an open world and just advertise it as the biggest game ever and charge $60 + $40 season pass.

You will buy anyway so what's the point?

>if the hat can fly, why not just use it to fly around the level?

Why doesn't mario just piss in FLUUD

Joke's on you dumbass. I love games with stages that are not much huger than Mario 64's worlds.

Holy fuck my cock.

I genuinely believed 64 and Sunshine style was gone for good but they fucking did it.

Nintendrones blown the fuck out
It's gonna be like this?

If they can create a moment in the game that captures the feeling of when you first get the wing cap in Mario 64, then they'll have the GOTY.

I get what you mean but fursuit power-ups started in smb3.

Come back when you're 18. And take Galaxy with you.

this looks way better than super mario galaxy. I would be surprised if it isn't the best 3d mario game


>Complaining about the hat move in Odyssey but dicksucking Galaxy and it's shit-tier Spin move.

Yeah, don't ever let nintendo hear your stupid fucking complaints.

Stop falseflaggin, no one can get this butthurt about a stupid joke which isn't even funny if you don't share that particular idea of people anyway.

>advertised as not being linearshit anymore
>this is a bad thing
I bet you liked 3D World.

yea, this shit looks fun

too bad I'm not getting a switch unless it miraculously gets fzero

Kek. I'm a sucker for alliteration, so have a (you).

Same, I'm still waiting

So instead of making Super Mario 64 2, they decided to make this shit?

I'm so done with Nintendo

>too bad I'm not getting a switch unless it miraculously gets fzero

If bomberman can return surely so can Captain Falcon in a 3D action game developed by Platinum

Because it's spinning, you dunce. It's not actually flying.

Did Kimishima put a gun at Konami's CEO head?

>not wearing a suicide vest to the negotiation table

It looks so good

Meh, I agree to a point. I've actually been thinking about open world design a lot lately(kind of hard not to, considering pretty much every game in every genre has fallen for the meme) and come to the conclusion that they way they're doing it is a massive cop out. It's not because they actually want to make something huge and ambitious, it's actually the opposite -- they're not confident enough in their mechanics and level design to actually make anything mandatory, so it's all just filler/side stuff.

Games(and other media too, but that's a different subject) work best when all of their elements intersect with each other. Mechanics and side quests that are COMPLETELY independent from the "main" objective are essentially excuses to say "well, you didn't like X? No problem, you can just skip it!" Instead of actually trying to make good mechanics, you can make a bunch of shitty ones and deflect criticism by saying "yeah, well, that's just this ONE little small part of the game"

Mechanical refinement comes with experimentation. Because of the insane production values of modern games, lack of vision/leadership, and generally uncritical community(it's either great or shit without any actual analysis or discussion), there's been almost zero innovation in the past two generations at least. We're coasting on the depth established by earlier generations, and yeah, that's not enough to sustain the realistic, "ambitious" worlds we're now creating.

>this is the same person that would say galaxy 3 is just a rehash and that Nintendo is lazy