how is your steam profile look like, Sup Forums?
How is your steam profile look like, Sup Forums?
Steam is pure consolefaggotry, you can fuck off and die in a fire.
You shouldn't be so rude, user. Why don't you post your steam profile? I'm sure you could make a friend or two.
>having a massive description of random shit and chat logs
I hope you guys don't actually do this and keep it simple instead
I put a smiley on my profile.
It's cute.
Plain. I have a one sentence jokey description and my favorite game as a showcase.
jesus christ kill yourself you fucking degenerate
>hates consoles
>doesn't use steam
tell me, do you even play video games
A sentence stating I'm king of the bees and a bunch of achievements about getting lodsemone as my showcase
Puffy vulva
Reddit cancer
This profile looks like a 15 year olds
>tfw no Tomoko gf(male)
Doin good.
what wallpaper?
>this fucking guy
Noise SD from a game called "Space Distant"
thanks user
>He has to copy someone else and cant be original
I'm marking you down as "terminal case of thirteen years of age"
i was just curious, i have a private profile anyway
Welp sorry, im shitposting since nearly 2 days without sleep and my mood is really pissy
Go to bed.
>putting anything more than a one-liner in your description
You're there to play games, not social fucking """media""".
>77.8 hours past 2 weeks
You're a neet yeah?
No, I work and pay a mortgage. NEETs don't play games because they loathe their eternal boredom and have exhausted the reward center of their brain. My usual number is 85-90 but I've been tired lately.
I don't need online friends
>mfw when this is completely true and I have been a NEET for 1 year in the past
It is what it is m8.
"Get a job" isn't just a wageslave meme. I often can't play games for 6+ hours a day when I have too many days off, it becomes a drag. But as soon as I go to work, as I'm forced to be in a place I don't "want" to be, I begin savoring the moment I get to go home and boot up some vidya for another jam session. Because I want to reward myself for my productivity and self-sufficiency.
What it really boils down to is palette cleansing. Steak is delicious, ya? But you can't eat steak every meal, every day. You need a contrasting taste to cleanse your mouth to make steak as delicious as the first bite all over again.
That's why they give you a small portion of pickled ginger when you order sushi.
>m-muh food analogy
posting pc specs on your profile is cringy shit man don't do it
Yeah the hours on CS are sorta gross
It's not for bragging just for info
its empty and my profile is set to private
fucking steambook and shit like OP is cancerous as fuck
holy shit, did you run a gmod server at some point?
Maybe it's just me but Hitman is too much of a waiting game to bang out all those achievements. Although I only bought the first episode and got tired after ~18h, I really didn't like the Paris level at the end of it all. Maybe I'd like some of the others.
No recent activity. Pathetic
I think I held a small one for me and my friends at some point.
All though it's like that for every profile so it's probably just the extension doing it.
I'm not a neet anymore. I mostly play Overwatch with friend or JBA:EoH on my PS4
>xD :p :d
Fucking always
r8 m8's
keep it up
i r8 8 m8 since this is b8 at 8
cute doggo
Kill yourself, faggot.
i also jack off to anime girls with huge cocks
I know, it's shit.
I'm not a weeb, I swear.
I don't like clutter but I think that meme I done here is funny
not me but look and laugh at this schitzo
I ended up in a game of something with this guy once
whats the diagnosis
i'm sorry for the autism
um it's a little thing called piracy? Maybe you've heard of it???
I knew this was going to be posted.
Where's that skele from?
I've seen him around so much lately
Let It Die, a PS4 game.
It's from Let It Die.
its too late, we already Let it Die
I've seen maybe 5 actual annoying Jojo fanboys on this site, but I must have seen over 100 "ironic" Jojo shitposts complaining about them
Looks like this.
r8 my profile
let it die is fucking sick dude
I love jojo but was just being ironic
that is one stale meme
> 8< year accounts
>steam profile
do people unironically fill that shit up?
I'm pretty plain; too busy playing co-op vidya or at work.
it just has a link to a music playlist I have
What, link the playlist and we'll judge you on that then
you look k.
Okay but there's like 500 songs in there.
it's not Christmas anymore, take your fucking santa hats off your profile pictures
Thanks. That's not at all the response I expected. If I may ask, why do you say so?
You have a really strange mix of super mainstream music and underground stuff, 8/10 would go on car rides with.
Is ok
i havent played a game in months
I dig the artwork shenanigans
If your profile doesn't say "No information given," then fuck you.
>1122 screenshots
My way to vent my autism away
And all the fears you hold so dear
you seem to like fighting games and ram. I can ignore the vanser friendship
I just like music
>you seem to like fighting games and ram.
I'm bad at them though.
3 days ago.
I don´t know why i find that shit amusing anymore. Is nothing compared to 3.1k hours tf2. 950 ain´t that bad
>No longer accepting adds from anime avatars
no bully
hate scammers like this