Why don't they design characters like this in the west anymore?
Why don't they design characters like this in the west anymore?
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Any games similar to this? I don't want to play diablo or something that requires too much. Shame the sequel never made it to pc
>Dark Alliance.
Ahh, my first boner.
Dwarf Warrior is best, Bull Rush was fun to use.
emulate it you fat nerd
its not even hard
champions of norrath, bard's tale
Because in the west, left is apparently more beautiful than right.
Why do they always have to mimic the mistakes of Sweden?
Vitun vittu
the nigger is of course ugly but desu the left would be nothing special without makeup either
the least they could have done was get a nigger that looked half decent
Because this happened
To be fair, those poses the Id guys are pulling are cringeworthy.
And all the criticism against her is just racism, of course. If you mention Miss Helsinki 2016 in a bad way, you are labeled as a racist in an instant.
Yeah but at least they look like they're having fun.
In the right picture those two look like they were just told to try to no look pretentious.
Seriously, the guy looks like he's trying to stare the photographer down.
fuck your lies
I really don't think the guys on the right are being serious with that pose, they're probably having fun too. They still look like complete idiots, though. I'm not defending them.
This is Sup Forums. Of course everything race related is an extreme exaggeration or a complete lie.
Maybe but the just look too serious, like they take the whole "games are art" thing way too seriously.
On a different note, what's he holding?
>Maybe but the just look too serious, like they take the whole "games are art" thing way too seriously.
I think that's the joke. I could be wrong though.
it doesnt have to be
but i see there are some malevolent individuals still lurking around this board
retard alert
looks silly
>Malevolent individuals don't make up a majority of 4 chan
I want reddit to leave
The photo of the ID guys looks like it was taken during a get together while the right looks more like a serious photo taken for important business. I could be wrong, but the two look like different circumstances.
Holy shit when I was a kid those tits were the thing of dreams.
That girl actually looks rad/hot. Would fuck, shame she's a fucking feminist.
>looks more like a serious photo taken for important business.
because nothing says serious business than a shelf full of alcohol and/or a guy holding a bbc
go to an european mcdonalds, all the big-titty blondes are concentrated there
>miss japan is half nigger
>raised by single mother
>criticised for being a nigger and not japanese enough to represent miss universe
at least japan is honest about the left
What's funny is that she didn't even look bad. I mean, I would be fine with a nigger winning if she didn't look like a fucking Abo as with the Finland competition.
She's a lesbian and Gone Home is an autobiography of her lesbian experiences.
>Insinuating that this is not still the case.
She is the hopes and dreams on mankind.
She's miss Helsinki, not Miss Finland.
Actually it makes sense they had the nigger win, otherwise nobody would have paid any attention to the competition. Now international websites are talking about it. Lots of publicity for free.
The west is cucked,what's new?
Because they no longer like money.
This. All the previous winners have been fucking ugly and thats how they keep the ratings up.
Its easy to pull racist-card eventhough the nigger looks like a fucking baboon.
Yeah, /v is already obsessed with brown ones and traps
having big tits because you're morbidly obese is like having a fast car because it's falling off a cliff,
>drdisrespect goes undercover and spots 3 guys looting
no really, the mcdonalds cashiers in europe are usually hot as fuck high schoolers
To be honest Romero showed his true colors after Trump got elected
Shut your fucking mouth or i'll kill you
yous a busta, that was last year
i get that you live in a 3rd world shithole where blond and blue eyed people are only ever seen in television but that's not the case here in denmark
I'll fucking kill you for implying that a blonde woman isn't special without makeup. They're already superior in mind and body to any other girl. No suprise a nordcuck would think otherwise. You are a part of the problem that needs to be eradicated.
And even then she is a fucking sjw since she commented on how conservative Japan is bad and should embrace "diversity". So she isn't even culturally Japanese.
Not him but neck yourself for having such bland taste. Muscular women are fucking god tier women.
>a blonde woman isn't special without makeup
and i'll stand by my word, because blond and blue eyed and non-fat women set my standard. just because rest of the world is fugly isn't an excuse.
Beauty contests are just a progressive circlejerk at this point,didn't they elect a transgender as Miss Canada two years ago?
Degs needs to die. You are why women are "empowered" and the male nature emasculated.
>lets sheboons win beauty pageants
>attempts to change societies view of beauty
>Nogs still straighten their hair
>Nogs still prefer lighter skin toned nogs
They know they are inferior, we don't need to give out pity trophies
Not as bad as electing a lesbian midget like Norway did 3 years ago. It's getting out of hand.
>lesbian midget
but it is. unless you got your left and right confused.
Because we have moved past designing characters solely for you to jack off to.
It's true. Just ask Sup Forums, they're the last bastion of raw truth.
she's definitely the prettiest out of those three, not that that's saying much
> she commented on how conservative Japan is bad and should embrace "diversity"
And she is right, let´s make Africa japanese
>Thinking toned muscles aren't hot as fuck with well defined back muscles.
I know i'm in the minority when it comes to thinking muscular ones are better than average chicks but seeing how people think from the other side is weird.
>government and intellectual elite doing its best to push and further integration so that western economies and culture can continue developing
>lowlife redneck proletariat continue to get buttmad and stubbornly insist on fighting progress and make this period of integration as slow and painful as possible
What a time to be alive.
And we arrived at the point where they make characters for SJW to fap to
To be honest French nowadays are German rapebabies and the German genes made them ugly.
Beurettes are the way to go.
>since she commented on how conservative Japan is bad and should embrace "diversity"
this isn't wrong
try living in japan as literally anything but japanese, they're fucking retards
That's not toned, that's just muscular, and one that women only get from male steroids. Enjoy your trannies
How is she a lesbian if the developer of the game (the guy) is her boyfriend?
I wonder who is behind this
desu, first place looks like a mexican hooker.
look at those ham-legs.
>It's another "Sup Forums comes a month after every other board have eaten the latest outrage cake to slurp up the stale crumbles" episode
At this rate, even reddit will be ahead of you when it comes to dumb outrage.
Do you also get mad that your soccer team buys the best players even when they're not natives?
Do you not believe in nation's having its own culture and heritage?
Finland YES!
so progressive!
blanda up!
Jesus, you really love the taste of nigger semen huh?
>Gone Home
probably the worst "game" i ever played.
seriously, if you found the sister hanged in the attic, at least it would had been decent ending.
and basically the message of the game its: Run away from your problems.
Is CoN emulatable yet?
>tfw we will never have another Dark Alliance/Champions of Norrath style game
Why even live..
At least i don't think and talk about niggers all day long. It's like you have some sorta complex or obsession with them or something..
When did you ever give a single fuck about miss anything? Oh right, never, until they appealed to your outrage addiction.
Liberal elites are hardly "intelligent".
Yes, because it shows that the soccer team isn't nationalist.
Yeah wtf happened to western games. I remember tons of babes in western games when I was played on PS2. The same thing happened to movies I guess.
>try living in japan as literally anything but japanese, they're fucking retards
Sure blame them not yourself. It's your job to integrate not the other way around. That bitch is a prime example of not doing it right. American export this shitty attitude wherever they go just read the comments of expats on JapanTimes articles.
There is a reason why all the dysfunctional/retarded people become liberals
>>raised by single mother
Every time.
>"no ur dumb"
>But statistics show that...
Never heard about a liberal redneck.
>calling importing thousands of illiterate criminals into western countries "development" and "progress"
>implying it isn't just another step to further mongrelize and destroy europe to lower the average IQ and making it ready for a NWO slave-state.
wew lad
The other two on that pic aren't contestants though.
>doesn't think about niggers everyday
Must be nice to be a liberal who lives in a 99% white community. As someone who lives in a predominantly black city, not worrying about niggers can get you killed.
Exactly, that is why immigrant needs to go full stop at the moment. The people who are coming into western nations don't assimilate into the culture they're going into and some people aren't even suppose to be there.
What is the fucking logic in letting in people that don't share the same values as you?
>Republicans in a nutshell
>But also democrats in a nutshell
>And conservatives, liberals, white power, black power, feminists, mra, facists, communists, dogs, cats
Fuck it, just erase earth. It was a mistake
Rednecks are smarter than your average liberal in America sadly
Liberals will just argue that statistics is pseudo science.
But i'm a scandinavian living in the big inner city. According to your intellectuals, this country is overrun by niggers and muslims. Make up your mind.
I'm not here to start anything but may I ask why you hate niggers? What did they ever do to you?
>I don't want to offend anyone, so I offend everyone
stfu you nihilist-hippie.
Sure thing, Clyde Billy Bob. Don't forget, condoms aren't the devil's trap, in case you want to fuck your sister again.
Bull-fucking shit, nobodies dumber than rednecks besides nignogs.
Of course, i am pretty dumb too, as evidence show. But science and proof is dumb too. Meaning i'm not!
decent taste in alcohol at least.