Paid online worries

Now that nintendo is doing paid online aswell, is there any chance this could happen on PC?

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no because we control the means by which we connect to the outside world, which is one of the fundamental differences of consoles

No chance. PCs cannot be cucked by a single company.

You already pay for online on PC retard. It's called your Internet provider.

Steam could. They will one day.

Yeah, on consoles you don't need internet to play online.

No they couldn't. If Valve charged a subscription fee to use steam it would die over night.

yes, I wouldn't be surprised to see shit like gta online starting to cost a monthly fee to use now that nintendo has made it acceptable

Origin and GOG are gaining marketshare every year. Steam is already being counterbalanced

who's gonna charge us? steam?

Only reason to pay extra for online on consoles is multiplayer shooters and Overwatch isn't on steam.

Not to mention microsoft and their store could easily wrestle control of steam if they tried that shit

In any case, paid mods being stopped dead in their tracks already settled it

Thats not a difference. The publishers can still lock it behind a paywall as they have done previously.

It wouldn't be for Steam. It'd be for online multiplayer through Steamworks

Valves biggest money pot is a free to play game
do you really think they will start charging for it?
Plus only a valve games uses official steam servers

Perks of being an open platform with no owner

Of course the counter is that you have less retards who blindly throw money at the latest cod rehash

I wouldn't mind this shit so much if it didn't cost as much as a fucking new game for online play every year.

I mean shit in just 5 years you've spent as much as you did for the fucking console itself just to play the games you already bought online.

>is there any chance this could happen on PC?
Yes, it's called paying your Internet bill.

A single company can create a pay per connect service to one of its systems (say, a MMORPG, or a moba like LOL) or even all of them (say, Activision or Ubisoft)
Then what? PC is an open platform, we have plenty of internal competition.

Remember paid mods shitstorm?

What could they even charge us for? Servers? We could host our own. Voice chat? We have P2P programs.

It already happened on PC.
GFWL required XBL Gold in the first few months.


>Valve, EA, Microsoft, and GOG all meet.
>Discuss having paid online.
>All do it at the same time.
>PCKeks get in uproar.
>They don't change.
>PCKeks are forced to just deal with it and bitch.

Gotta make the bait less obvious



Pretty soon we'll have to pay for not only Steam, but GeForce updates as well, too!

>gaming on AMD

No chance at all.

ONE company would have to go back on this, and the others would be FINISHED.

Also I think price fixing like that is illegal.

>cuck $36 billion dollar industry
>PC gaming dies over night
>Consoles can't support the influence and weight the PC held
>2nd market crash, ending the gaming industry

Not to mention
>EA and Valve cooperating
No, just no.

There is always that chance. Say Steam charges $15 a month. They then use that money to sweeten relations with publishers/developers that way they gain exclusivity for their games. Growing companies like GOG would not be able to compete, so the fact that they don't charge monthly wouldn't help stop Steam.

Keep dreaming console cuck

>healthy publisher introduces a lightweight drm platform
>its only purpose is to make end users pay to be able to connect to the game servers
>loses credibility and userbase
>doesn't feel well - DIES!
many such cases!

What I don't understand about Nintendo's online service is that one, if you're purchasing a Switch then it's more than likely for its first-party exclusives and two, the only exclusive this year that's a straight up multiplayer title is Splatoon 2. So, am I supposed to pay the monthly fee at launch up until Splatoon hits and continue paying all the way into 2018 with no other games that make use of of the service? I'm just throwing money away at that point unless I'm an actual faggot who is buying this console for Fifa and crusty old games meant to take advantage of the nostalgia fags. I could just purchase the subscription monthly, but that'd mean I'm dropping $50-60 on Splatoon 2 and another maybe $10 per month just to actually play the thing. I personally feel you can get away with owning a PS4 and never subscribing to PS+ so Nintendo coming out with this additional fee comes off as such a blatant cash grab to fuck over their fanbase.

This, this why lots of competition is necessary for a healthy market, you shitposters wanting company X to die is borderline communism.

I wish sega came back but they are literally retarded handling money

You act like companies don't do this shit all the time. Like, these big, giant corporations aren't all buddy buddy behind closed doors.

Don't you need an intenet provider to connect your console to the internet? Or just the Xbox gold membership? Don't have a console but I'm considerin getting an Xbox one.

No they aren't "buddy buddy" because they're all separate, competing companies who are only in it for money.

Xbox live doesnt pay for your internet


>considering buying an xbox one
>welcome to nu Sup Forums

Nintendo just loves money. They just want to milk people however they can be milked. It doesn't even matter if only like 10k or so people pay them for multiplayer. They'll still deny people free online just for the satisfaction of it, just like they deny tons of people the ability to play say FEA or Kid Icarus just because they don't want to play full price for it.

Even if they tried something this fucking stupid it would just give rise to other platforms to replace them. They'd lose billions overnight it's kind of the perks of being an open platform not beholden to a single master like consolecucks.

You already pay to use internet

lol we'd just have to make private servers. Even then there are other competitors to these four you know. It'll be their time to shine.

Oh, that's mean no problem since no games use that ancient API for multiplayer

So then don't you still need an Internet connection as well as the Xbox live membership?

to be fair, we're at a point when xbone scorpio is a far better investment than a ps4 pro doesnt' even deserve a mention if you don't want a nintendo console
honestly, switch seems like the only console at the moment that isn't a COMPLETE waste of money

yes, thats why its shit
pay to get what you already paid for

Can someone please confirm whether one needs an Internet connection to play online with consoles if one has a membership?

What the actual fuck

OK thanks. I thought maybe console companies had a special arrangement with isp's to provide Internet through their paid memberships.

Wanting a company to die is not communism but an expression of the free market. Consumers should be smart enough to abandon a company that regularly fucks them over leaving it to drown in financial losses. The thing is though that we live in some kind of bizarro world where consumers do not act responsibly and care more for their chosen corporation than their own wellbeing.

Why wouldnt Steam, and Origin come to an agreement to have paid online if they knew they could get away with it? PC may be an open platform but steam and origin make upabout 98% of PCs games.

youre being duped good buddy

You require the normal internet connection, that your computer/phone uses

IN ADDITION to this, sony/microsoft/nintendo charge you to play mutliplayer (compulsory for most people). ps4 call it ps plus, xbox call it xbox gold.

PC doesn't have this, and up until now nintendo didn't either

its not even been a day and already this meme is getting really fucking old

Yeah I know it sounds like a stupid question but a couple people were saying that pc already pay for online play so I figured their point was that you only have to pay for the Xbox live membership for the equivalent.

You're either retarded or under age

No they won't you dingus. The second it happens the internet will implode on them again and gaben will be on reddit asking for forgiveness like last time.

people are not perfectly rational, don't have perfect access to information, and can't process all of the information available to them. the bizzaro world is expecting people to behave according to a model that assumes those things as a given.

Thanks man.

Literally the only PC games that you have to pay for online are subscription based mmos, but who the fuck cares about those. Otherwise, no, PC does not have paid online.

Kek. Its adorable how you think multi billion dollar corporations give a single fuck about the law. They would murder children on live stream if it gave them good PR, and/or increased their profit margins.

They quite simply couldn't do it. It would cause such a massive shitstorm, people would move to a alternative store straight away (there is more than just steam and origin you know).

>a couple people were saying that pc already pay for online play

from what e-sewing circle did you get this nonsense from?

If steam tried to charge for online access I would demand a refund on every game I have purchased.

Thats fine m8

I'm 57 and retired a few years early and have just now started to get into gaming. Sorry if I asked a dumb question.

Yeah and those other platforms tend to have shit games. Theres a reason steam origin and gog are the only ones anyone cares about.

Developers would sell their games on the other platforms since no one would use the paid online one's.

This really is a NEVER EVER situation.

This is how it works. Consoles don't give you free internet for paying the fee as a standalone. You need working internet. The sub is just a wall so you pay to access online it does nothing.

Steam already makes mad cheddar for providing a marketplace. They are the deface standard for PC game delivery yet they have a relatively small staff. Why would they risk alienating their customers when there is no need to? It would be like ebay charging you a monthly fee to view listings.

That's what I heard most GFWL games migrated to from GFWL when it died

so youre retarded

>Why wouldnt Steam, and Origin come to an agreement to have paid online if they knew they could get away with it?

Because both of them are American own businesses and that shit is illegal here.

This would be a good argument if they hadn't ruined all their credibility already by whoring out their games to the marketplace and loot crate craze. They clearly care about nothing except their bottom line at this point.

>Why would they risk alienating their customers when there is no need to?

they are already infamous for their awful customer support

Good to know that retired=retarded I your mind.

>They clearly care about nothing except their bottom line at this point.
Which is why they wouldn't charge for online play.

nice to see you think being in your 50s is an excuse to not understand the internet despite it having existed your entire adult life

Just because someone's retired doesn't make them retarded. I never even mentioned the internet so wtf are on about?

No the just look at the windows store. Its basically identical to XBL even uses the same servers but its free for PC players because even Microsoft knows people would not pay for it.

This post makes me happy

He's looking to bitch about nothing.

In theory it's illegal but in practice they all do it

It's physically fucking impossible for them to do. For PC to go paid online not only would all these companies have to come to an agreement, so would every other publisher and developer producing multiplayer games for the system. Anything that even attempts P2P on the system outside of already established, long-standing MMOs fails miserably so attempting paid online would be completely fucking idiotic to boot.

I can see Steam going for some sort of a paid premium membership soon, that gives you free early accesses and special hats for TF2 and other bullshit like that. But no, none of the existing services would be crazy enough to go full pay to play online route.

Cable companies/ISPs do it frequently and get away with it that's why they can charge for outrageous shit like data caps.

no, you are retarded because of your lack of knowledge, and now youre also retarded for trying to hide behind your old age like it grants you a pass for being a fucking idiot in the first place.

user why are you so mad holy shit


First of all, they would also need the agreement of all publishers and devs involved.
Then, well, there's many others party and competitors who would profit (GoG, uPlay, GFWL, Hb....)
Third, it's still an open platform, any attempt for exclusivity cannot be enforced: anybody would be able to develop competition

Lack of knowledge doesn't make one retarded, just ignorant. And I admitted to being ignorant on the subject of Xbox live memberships. I thought they provided limited Internet in partnership with ISP for their online servers. Reason I thought this is comments in the thread that made it seem like their was an equivalence with pc gamers paying their internet.

Not hiding behind my age but you commented on my age not my lack of knowledge. Again, being retired does not mean one is retarded. The fact that you think so is just immaturity on your part. That or you're angry with dad or some other authority figure.

Damn. A youngin bringing down the law.

>Not hiding behind my age but you commented on my age not my lack of knowledge.

scroll back up and read it again.

you offered your age/retirement as an excuse for not knowing something after being presented with the choice of being either underaged or retarded. you, having eliminated being underaged as a possibility, left me to assume that you are just retarded instead. at that point, you made the (incorrect) inference that you were being called a retard because of your old age, rather than the retarded things you have been posting.

so now, i have yet another piece of the retard puzzle that defines your existence.

This. Capitalism is about profit AND loss, success AND failure.
If you save or bail out all failing business it starts a disaster.
It's like having the divine comedy without Hell: wouldn't work at all

dis gon b gud

Why are you 57 and on Sup Forums?

I brought up my age because you thought I might be underage, not as an excuse for my lack of knowledge on the Xbox live membership. I didn't realize you just failed to comprehend the context therfore I assumed you were taking a dig at my age. In my experience when someone behaves so aggressively towards an otherwise benign situation, they usually have a big chip on their shoulders. That's why I'm assuming you just have a problem in general with older people and/or authority figures ie daddy issues.

user confirmed for being diddled in the bum by his 57 year old dad desu.

I have been doing extensive research on gaming since a week ago when I retired and v came up as one of the best places for getting friendly advice on video games.

>friendly advice
>Sup Forums
You are definitely in the wrong place. Everyone on Sup Forums is an asshole to rach other for fun. I know people usually say this as an insult or something but I actually think Reddit might be better for you.