Atlus doesn't know whether the new Shin Megami Tensei for Nintendo Switch will head west

>Atlus announced a brand new Shin Megami Tensei game for the Nintendo Switch, but it doesn't know whether it'll head west.

>Atlus USA sent a note to press saying it has no information about a localisation for the new role-playing game, which currently carries the placeholder name "Shin Megami Tensei Brand New Title". But it wanted to present the details from the Japanese reveal to the western market, anyway.

>"A formal announcement will be made later for this title if a localisation gets confirmed," the note read.

I want a translation, not a localization anyways. Fingers crossed for a new demifiend.

people who don't know japanese language don't deserve to play this series
if you want to play it, just learn japanese

what's the point in being a "weeb" if you're not going to go the full way? if you play japanese games without knowing the language, you're just a chad normalfag who pretends to like them

>I want a translation, not a localization anyways.

>Being retarded on purpose.

>Learning a dead language for video games

Then you don't really have any right to complain about the game not getting localized.

>flagship title
>lets pretend were not bringing it over


Nah man.

Not an argument.

Well duh, it's Atlus.

Atlus JP does not care about west

>Then you don't really have any right to complain
Sure I do, faggot.

Go jack off to Mitsuru-san some more, gaylord.

Who cares? No more region lock.

They're probably going to get a new translation team considering the fuck ups they have now

Not everyone can read Japanese, weeb.

Scared off by kowashitai sales?

>get the HK version
>get japanese dub and english subtitles
Wow that was so hard.

Fan translation.

I like the demons, its combat system and its setting, doesnt mean Im a weeb, for that id watch k-on, play nothing but neptunia and 100% orange juice and eat pocky por someshit, but I have standards and dont do either of those things, dont see why being a failure is or should be required to play a game.

>knowing more than one language is being a failure
Americans, everyone.


>HK versions
Hello, Demi-fiend I am. Meet you pleasure it is.

>Reading a webpage while I play games
Fuck off, Namco Bandai

End your life.

Why would they know yet? the game is years off..

I remember when they said this about the SMT IV games. Remember for months where there were many posts on Sup Forums afraid that we'd never get SMTIV:A? Don't react to nothing.

Euro actually, I have better shit to do than waste a month or more to learn 3 alphabets used by a irrelevant country outside of videogames.

If you use it for work, good on you, but I wont ever need or have any will to learn something so complicated only for a game.

Which game is this guy from?


has there even been an SMT that was never released in the west in the last 10 years or so?

Good. SMT4A was a joke

Hey guys :

Switch doesnt have region lock so you can import like you did with your weeb trash on Vita


Good old smt3. He was a good physical demon too, worth getting imo.

He's from the original, but that design is Nocturne. It's Ose.

I'm pretty sure everything in the past decade has came over here. SMT IV games both sold well and Atlus will probably even take Persona 5 sales into consideration when deciding whether or not to bring it over. It's obviously being localized.
I want you to end your life.

Thanks guys

That's just business talk to "we don't yet have publisher for this game in west."

>Persona 5 sales
PS4 game really has no bearing on a switch/3ds game

Oh noooo I'm so worrrrieeeed

Wait, no I'm fucking not, because even god damn #FE was localized.
This is just the tripe they say until Publishing green lights it. Same shit for IV, Apocalypse, #FE, Persona 5 etc.
On top of that, same for franchises like AA DD and SoJ, until the day after the initial announcement where publishing greenlit it immediately (though to be fair, AAI2 and The Great Ace Attorney never got localized)

Didnt Nintendo helped with SMTIV games on west?

Not the smt4A is shit guy, but the friendship was forced a lot and the whole "we are all best buds, lets go kill record scratch" was noticeably forced in.

>Doesn't have a publisher

Oh, we'll get it. Have a little faith.

Wonder what the rose petal thing is about.

Mainline? No. You haven't gotten a couple spin offs brands like Devil Summoner 1 or Persona 2 EP on the PSP but that's about it.

More like
>we haven't gotten approval from Sega yet
And even if Sega denies it
>we haven't gotten approval from our in house publishing team yet
And even if their in house doesn't green light it
>we haven't gotten approval from Nintendo yet

It's inevitable.

Female protagonist confirmed

>Wait, no I'm fucking not, because even god damn #FE was localized.

Man I sure want to play a censored game.

tokyo mirage sessions sold almost nothing tho
i wouldnt use it as proof they'll do it again



SMT IV and Apocalypse are the proof they'll do it again. Massive profits from both.

lol smt HD is coming to ps4 too buddy

>Muh vaginabones

>it's serph

You mean like how SMT IV came to Vita?

You (MC) losing your demon virginity.

Considering the player-base on Wii U it did good enough to expectations, plus the merchandise on that is selling enough concerts are sold out.

>100k for a Wii U JRPG in NA
this is bad how

If you think SMT being on UE4 engine and now being owned by Sega isn't a confirm to multiplat I dunno what to tell you senpai. PS4 and Switch both use X86 too.

I dunno, if it was just the hd game, then I'd agree, because they never said exclusive, but with the 3DS game, it could be their way of covering their backside, ala DQ11, but then DQ11 is coming to PS4. Still atlus seems to have sided with SMT being nintendo.

why isn't Persona 5 on Xbox one and switch?

Switch uses arm. Not that it matters.

>If you think Persona being on UE4 and now being owned by Sega isn't a confirm to multiplat with PC I dunno what to tell you senpai. PS4 and PC both use X86 too

Persona will remain PS exclusive
SMT will remain Nintendo exclusive

This is how Atlus stays on very good terms with both manufacturers and has them offer to help on localization / publishing.

>Persona will remain PS exclusive
>SMT will remain Nintendo exclusive

>tfw SMTfag AND Personafag

I fucking hate this.

Originally a ps3 game.

>This is how Atlus stays on very good terms with both manufacturers and has them offer to help on localization / publishing.
But neither Sony nor Nintendo help localize or publish Atlus games, save for #FE because Fire Emblem

Apparently the game has just started development so it's not surprising AtlusUSA hasnt started the localization yet

why isn't it on Xbox 360

*tips fedora*

Why aren't P3 and P4 on xbox or gamecube?

Eh, I'd own both Playstation and Nintendo hardware regardless, so it doesn't affect me that much.

Nintendo helped with advertising quite a bit.
They even threw them a huge bone with that "if you buy Fire Emblem Awakening and SMT IV you get $30 on the e-shop" thing they had going.

thanks Atlus

Persona Q was on 3DS. SMT Nocturne was on PS2. Atlus seems to do what they want. I think the only reason it's like this is because Persona sells better than mainline, so they place it on the more popular system.

P4A and P4AU are on 360

>Eh, I'd own both Playstation and Nintendo hardware regardless, so it doesn't affect me that much.
It only bothers me because I'm currently both poor and still assblasted over the Wii U.

Who gives a fuck? Apocalypse makes Nocturne look like a good smt game.

There's no trend.
They've just always worked with Nintendo, except gen V and VI for some odd reason.
They also almost always make their games exclusive because they develop with the hardware in mind.

360 architecture and ps3 are completely different. The power of the cell makes multi-platforms generally much harder and costly since you have to re-code tons of things. To say nothing of the development hell 5 had, or that the 360 is dead unless you're an shootemup or idolmaster boy.

Arcsys made those and developed them for Arcade release first.

Nocturnals please fuck off, there is no part of the SMT fanbase that likes you.

>flagship title

Persona is coming west tho user

It'll be fan translated for sure, right?

>There's no trend
business doesn't work that way. there's a reason why they put certain games on certain platforms. Sony probably paid for some persona exclusivity or something.


Exactly. And SMT4A is even a worse game.

But their close ties with Nintendo are why they keep making exclusives for them. Nintendo in turn gives them lots of advertising.

People who hate Nocturne are not a part of the "SMT fanbase".

>Nintendo in turn gives them lots of advertising.

It worked great for #FE.

>Only for a game
>A game
Yeah, it's totally not like you have 50+ years of life ahead of you, you could use that language for. Like more games, anime, some movies, 2ch, other forms of communication, newspaper and more.
Go ahead and stay in your monolingual bubble, I won't stop you.

You misunderstood his post.

Everyone likes Nocturne.

Nobody likes Nocturnals.

Considering the concerts continue to sell out
It did, in Japan.

It's not about people hating Nocturne.
It's about people hating Nocturne babies that go around calling all other SMT games shit. Nocturnals aren't even fans of SMT, they're fans of Nocturne.

It did though. All the CD's and concerts still sell out. AVEX can turn anything.

Why would someone who knows the language care if it gets localized? The people who don't know it are the only ones who get to complain

All of those are lame and gay.

Nah, Nocturne changed enough some people legit don't like it. Agreed about Nocturnals tho.

Persona is their flagship

>Considering the concerts continue to sell out
>It did though. All the CD's and concerts still sell out. AVEX can turn anything.

Something is wrong when the fucking music is more interesting than your game.

So I guess this means SMT4 and Apoc sold like shit?

no they sold well. empty words to create news stories.

No dummy. The localization process doesnt start this soon

I didn't see the conference, did they say if it would be exclusive or not? I really don't want to buy a Switch for one game.

It's more about no one who is going to these concerts even owns a Wii U for the most part, and the fans that got the game are hitting up like every single concert near them.

Apocalypse isn't even released in Europe I think.

the game is a gloried advertisement for AVEX so it's kinda to be expected, especially considering the potential playerbase the game could have anyway on Wii-U. It was always going to make it's money back on the extended merchandise over the game. It's a merchandise title. That's what they were banking on, and it worked.

The process doesn't have to start at all for them to Know whether it'll be localized. This is like Nintendo saying they don't know whether the next Kirby game will be localized.