Time for Sup Forums to make a formal apology to the PS4. Don't be shy. It's not too late

Time for Sup Forums to make a formal apology to the PS4. Don't be shy. It's not too late.

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I'm so.... so sorry. you have to understandu!! I thought the presentation was going to be different! So very different.

Only 4 or 5 of these are actually good.

I'm sorry PS4.
I thought the Switch wouldn't stoop so low after the Wii U

Only one of these is actually good


>Sonyggers will NEVER EVER get SMT V
>Sonyggers are already on suicide watch


>when the SJW hellhole that is NoA is finally getting burnt up
>when Nintendo shills desperately resort to Jones memes for validation when they're failing just as hard as Shillary did
Loving every laugh

And thus the Persona vs SMT wars continue.

>you can count the games Sup Forums would consider as good and are not multiplat on one hand
>this is the line up after three or four years


>Sonyggers are in panic mode because Horizon is about to be comletely BTFO by Zelda

It's Down the road, not across the street :)

>post an image of shitty games and multiplats

PLAYSTATION 4 нe имeeт игp
플레이 스테이션 4는 어떤 게임이 없습니다
بلاي ستيشن 4 لا يوجد مباريات
יש פלייסטיישן 4 לא משחקים

I literally shitposted the PS4 all throughout 2013-2015 until I bought one. I do apologize fucking kek. Best console line up since the PS2 hands down.

Sorry PS4. I know we have been bros since the beginning. I remember when you were sitting on my doorstep for hours on release day as I was waiting to get off of work. I remember all the times I put you in my backpack to bring to my hotel rooms. We've had such good times together. Now I have your younger brother Prometheus, so now I will be Switching you with a foreign exchange student who hails from the same country as U. I know the new guy will have a rough start, but that is what your younger brother is there for. Hopefully your new home will be as loving as your last.

There, I apologized user.

$0.01 has been placed in your account. Thank you for participating in the Playstation MVP program.


>you can count the games Sup Forums would consider as good and are not multiplat on one hand
well duh
this is nintendogaf

red dead 2 is a ps4 exclusive?

It is a pretty good catalogue. I'm still holding out for Kingdom Hearts III though.


You can only deny reality up until a point. My wiiU served its purpose, a distraction until PS4 finally got a good game a.k.a Bloodborne but after that it just kept getting games. Best line up since the PS2, sorry it flusters your ass.


I would buy a PS4 if I knew which games are:
>real exclusives not timed you pieces of shit
>over 70 on metacritic
>not literal weebshit
>not remasters/re-releases etc
>good singleplayer

Sorry based Sony.


bloodborne,uncharted,ratchet and clank, the last guardian, dragonquest builders, world of final fantasy, tearaway unfolded, digimon cyber


So sorry, Sony. I've said so many mean things about you in the past years.
C-Can I still join? After today I have nowhere else to go.

>C-Can I still join? After today I have nowhere else to go.

Please buy a PS4 man PLEASE

So Bloodborne?

Ace combat 7, hnnngg

I'd even say there are actually more Nintendo Switch games announced that PS4 games I'm interested in.

>He doesn't know DQ Builders is coming to Switch yet


>He doesn't know DQ Builders is coming to Switch yet

Source? :)

What about only-console games?
Im obviously not even considering an Xturd

Also on PC

Wait another two years, maybe then it'll have enough games to be worth buying.

It think youre confusing it with DQXI little man

Nice try, delusional Nintendiddler.
Never ever.
It's some brain damaged Nintendrone who has been spamming this for a couple days on Sup Forums. He pulled it out of his ass.

lol whut, where did you hear that?


Coming to Xbone. PC always inevitably follows :)

I apologise I'm never going to buy you. I'm sorry I made fun of you for being retarded.

>all those games exclusively NOT on Switch

>impying DoA 3 didnt get that shit score because of butthurt cucks

Since when the fuck did PS4 become beastmode? Sorry I don't browse here too often. Is this picture real??


Gundam Versus fucking WHEN

I mean, It's honestly not a very good game at all. The only fun minigame is volleyball and that's not even multiplayer or anything. Other than that it's literally just grinding to unlock swimsuits and then grinding some more, only with a different girl. Tons of RNG too.

It's great for your dick, but sucks as an actual game.

Yes it's real. It happened. Shouldn't have doubted Chad Warden. Sony always wins baby.

I dont like it either. I never even played any DoA games. But it's clear the "MUH SEXISM" thing was also an influence

I'm interested in maybe 10 games on there, and I haven't even checked about exclusivity. They'd probably retail somewhere around 50 yurodolla on average, so I'd be looking at a 750 yurops for 10 games.

Or I could buy like 50 games on steam.

>Ecumenical News

Top kek. Sonyggers are this desperate.

I'll try to trust Sony then, because those games look pretty awesome I must admit.

Is now a good time to get a PS4?

I don't know about now. But during Black Friday you could get one for 230 bucks with Uncharted. That's really fucking cheap.

pls respond ;_;

What do you mean by that, 99% of that list are console-only exclusive games or exclusive to Sony period

Am I supposed to know who these people are?

This post AND console-only games

Dqb is coming to steam any moment now...

nah, 50 games more and it would be actually worth emulating