Nintendo Switch presentation

So let's recap:
>2.5 to 6 hours battery life
>recharing everywhere with standard usb, no need for the dock and no more proprietary charger
>new vibration gimmicks for new wagglan games that casual love so much
>both controller can fully work alone and are also basically a wiimote
>new splatoon for them crazy splatoon fags
>Super mario odyssey looks amazing, hat tossing and all
>Xenoblade 2 doesn't really look as amazing as the first one
>New Fire Emblem announced
>New Dragon Quest games, no word on porting out of jappoland
>New Shin Megami Tensei, in Unreal 4 in 3d does that mean more interaction with demons?
>Squeenix Octopath traveler looks like a final fantasy tactics/roguelite vibe with (thank god) Amano artstyle
>Skyrim... again, for the happiness of bethesda casuals
>Suda51 with future no more heroes shenanigans
>EA sport shit games for them sport casuals
>Sanic, Mainkraft telltale, Rayman, DB, Disgaea?, dancin gaem, Bombaman, Mario Kart
>New Zelda still looks amazing

All considered this has been a great presentation, Zelda and Mario surely being the main games that will sell the console with the minor contribution of the wagglan and the other casual games, pretty much like it happened with the Wii.

>The console is less powerful than PS4
It was fairly predictable, it has been since the Game cube that Nintendo hasn't released a console more powerful than the competitor, their target is obviously not the kind of gamer that only care about HD and 4k and "MAH GRAPHIX".
It hasn't been so since the Wii that outsold everything in its time, proving that you don't need the most powerful console on market to sell millions.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Splatoon in summer
Welp, Guess I'm getting a Switch then, Paid online is really going to be a bitch since I only played my Wii U online a few times a month.

>>The console is less powerful than PS4
I wonder if that means it'll be easier to emulate.

What I don't know is how did they make a launch with such a weak lineup after what happened with the WiiU.

I'm not feeling it - I *love* the hardware, and almost want to buy it on its own, but what would I even play?

Also how the tits do you charge the joycons wtf it has no contacts

Backwards compatibility?

>Super mario odyssey looks amazing, hat tossing and all



on the joycon grip i think

shitty games for a shitty console

Also, 0:33, the NPCs disappear closer you get to them. Great draw distance, Ninten-can't-do-anything-right.

>The console is less powerful than PS4


No disk drive so just VC

>"but those NPCs!"
Stop that shit already.
Who cares? Talk to me when it looks like this when the game is released.

I don't know why he's making No More Heroes 3, I can't recall any substantial heroes from the last 5 years.

Doomguy and... uh, Velvet Crowe? What heroes are there to make fun of?

I genuinely wouldn't be surprised that the 1,2 SWITCH gimmick game will sell the thing like hotcakes if it feels as good to play as it looks, with haptic feedback and everything.

They should have bundled it ala wiisports, to be honest.

>Who cares if it's not powerful, it's Nintendo lol

Except it's $300 with a monthly fee for online play
It's not acceptable that it's weaker than the Nvidia Tablet from 2015, which also had a 1080p screen & was only $200

No fucking excuse, they are being so greedy

and how do you charge the joycon grip?


i honestly doubt especially with the introduction a paid online service. theres gonna be something down the line

t. autism

So what about online does it only work with W-Lan and do I need a adapter for ethernet?

Xbone is still more powerful, By a nice margin too.

Clock Speed: 853 MHz(originally 800 MHz) Shader Cores: 768 Peak Throughput: 1.31 TFLOPS [6]

but it's plastic too

Usb-C charger

>share button

if this was Sony, nintenshill will be on shitposting tirade about how Sony ripped off Nintendo.

to be fair his seems a problem just for the NY "gta" section of the demo, all the other levels look amazing but it's too early to judge, we'll have to see in the final game how it's going to be.

by putting the ac adapter into a port in the back of the grip?

mario odyssey genuinely looks like the sonic '06 of the franchise, not just because of the new dong level but that is a big part of it.

You forgot:
>$300 console
>$70 pro controller
>$110 joy controller
>$60 shovelwares
>$70 AAA games

>>new vibration gimmicks for new wagglan games that casual love so much
I am pretty sure the Rumble will also be used in classic games to and give you different feedback depending ow what weapon you are using.

it's not just a tablet though.

Talking about that though, did anyone remember any mention to touch screen?

It's pretty much a buffed up Wii U
It doesn't even have Next Gen shit like Aysnc Compute, it's very much a Gen 7 Console

>Dualshock button layout


And PAID online

>Xbone is still more powerful
How much does that really matters when it has no games?

>nice margin

shit and shit belong together

How is it great?

They didn't even bring up streaming. This thing had a change at $200-$250 to attract the streambox crowd big time.

Why anyone would pay $300 for this over a PS4 with the Uncharted bundle that costs the same or less doesn't make much sense.

The camera seems too low.

Underpowered overpriced hardware with paid online and bullshit gimmicks. Shit lineup.

Nintendo is dead to me. They've gone full jew and can go fuck themselves.

Probably, since it'll have an ARM CPU.

Will any Wii U hardware be compatible or can I safely sell my Pro Controllers?

that comes with one nes or snes(not both) game, which is only available for that month

what a steal


He said (((generally))) no region lock.
If jap publishers want to lock down their shit, they can and will.

Holy shit, it's literally BING BING WAHOO
I thought you guys were memeing

They did mention it, but it's not coming until later. Screenshots are day one. Possibly Treehouse will show things like that later.

This literally reads like a shill post.
>let's recap
>by trying to spin everything as a good thing and not listing negatives at all
How about overpriced outdated hardware and wagglan sticks plus paid online?

It's going to sell like fucking hotcakes. They're hitting it out of the park whether you like it or not. It will hit near Wii levels of success.

I will buy it if they change the cow udder to futa cock.


You forgot about
>paid online

>Except it's $300 with a monthly fee for online play

Wait, the launch lineup is literally 2 games. Zelda has no on-line, so wtf

Nintendo has really gone full retard with this one. I expected the to go retard, but this is even worse.

Compared to this shit, Wii U is brilliant.

Don't fucking jinx it. I just want it to sell around the 3ds sales at least.

>Paid online service

Watch, now Nintendo fans will say that paid online wasn't really that bad all along.

>Will any Wii U hardware be compatible or can I safely sell my Pro Controllers?

It seems Nintendo has gone full retard, so no.

Wow, I mean
>paid online, although there are not even online games in the launch "lineup" (rather joke)
>overpriced hardware
>crazy prices
>no backward compatibility anymore because fuck customers
>system designed for 3rd parties, who will leave in 6 months
>but not powerful enough
>almost no 3rd party games announced
>design is worse and backwards when compared with the Wii U
>audacity to make a Zelda special edition for this fucking thing only, Wii U version doesn't seem to get one - I guess it's har har those fucks will buy the Switch one har

Wii U was a masterpiece compared to this shit

Yeah it's almost like it's still in beta still or something

when he said it 'looks amazing' he was talking about the gameplay you bellend. how the fuck people can still be graphicsfags in the context of a conversation about nintendo is beyond my understanding.

>almost no 3rd party games

>New Fire Emblem announced
>New Dragon Quest games, no word on porting out of jappoland
>New Shin Megami Tensei, in Unreal 4 in 3d does that mean more interaction with demons?
>Squeenix Octopath traveler looks like a final fantasy tactics/roguelite vibe with (thank god) Amano artstyle
>Skyrim... again, for the happiness of bethesda casuals
>Suda51 with future no more heroes shenanigans
>EA sport shit games for them sport casuals
>Sanic, Mainkraft telltale, Rayman, DB, Disgaea?, dancin gaem, Bombaman, Mario Kart


>It's going to sell like fucking hotcakes. They're hitting it out of the park whether you like it or not. It will hit near Wii levels of success.

Then tell me who is the fucking target audience for this shit?

Wii U owners?
Oh yeah, those surely want to play THE SAME GAMES THEY ALREADY PLAYED in worse versions and buy them again for full price.
Other people? Why would they buy this shit, when they didn't buy a Wii U for those games?

According to prices, it seems hipsters are the target audience. And that will fail.

Hell, the launch lineup is a joke compared to literally every other console ever made.

take out the paid online and you just described the Wii

Hope Wind Waker is in the library, never bothered with Wii U.

>pay a separate fee to access half your game

but then it's not like the Wii had any online game at launch

>nobody knows how the fuck this thing works
>preorder it anyway

have you never seen mario before? fucking hell

has been since the Game cube that Nintendo hasn't released a console more powerful than the competitor
Just want to say you are slightly incorrect: the N64 was the last time Nintendo made a console more powerful than the comptetition. The GameCube was faster than the PS2 but the Xbox still had far more brute strength.
But if you meant they had not made a console that was dead last in performance terms since the GameCube, then yes you are correct.

>mfw paid online is a $5 yearly fee

>muh realistic grafix in a mario game

This honestly looks abysmal for Nintendo, this will certainly fail. One thing that you don't seem to understand with the inferior power of the console is that it will again lack third party support. No one is going to make games for Nintendo yet AGAIN, and this has been a plague Nintendo has had for fucking YEARS, back when they first released the 64.

This is Ouya levels of fucking bad, the Wii was successful because of the novelty of its motion control gimmick, and it's clearly run out already.

>wasn't dead last

Skyrim, (((EA))) shit, new From game, SEGA, Suda 51.

wew lad

.5 to 6 hours battery life
This was the translator fucking up, the Japanese text said 3 hours and no other source says "2.5 to 6 hours".

>>almost no 3rd party games
>lists a handful games, most just being announced, and some even just planned
>lists ports of Wii U games
>lists Mario Kart

you are actually proving my point.

Let's look at what Wii U *got* during launch:
>AssCreed 3
>Arkham City
>CoD Black Ops 2
>Chasing Aurora
>Darksiders 2
>Epic Mickey 2
>EA FIFA crap
>Just Dance 4
>Mass Effect 3
>Ninja Gaiden 3
>Rabbids Land
>Scribblenauts Unlimited
>Sing Party
>Skylanders Giants
>Sonic All Stars Racing
>Tekken Tag Tournament 3
>Transformers Prime
>Trine 2

the Switch is a FUCKING JOKE.

Look at the n64 (emulation is still pretty faulty), the ps2, xbox, xb360 and the ps3.
Emulation has to do with the system architecture even more than it's raw power

I'm pre-ordering one today and BoTW along with it.

Zelda alone is enough to take up my time till other things come out.

Fire emblem was on my list of instant buy.

So can you buy Wii U games on the online store and play them on the Switch? Because that will basically decide whether I buy this or not. The Wii U still has a ton of good games and I'm sure as hell not going to buy one now.

Not preordering it until they confirm dual audio.
Otherwise I'm importing it.

t. autism

The price for the console and its accessories kills it. A good price could have given it some advantage over the other consoles, but Nintendo went full jew with it.

what's the pricing? missed the conference

Buy online a year at a time, becomes a total non-issue

Five hundred and nintey nine US dollars.

Stupid question ahead:

How are the controller-parts charged?

>No one is going to make games for Nintendo yet AGAIN, and this has been a plague Nintendo has had for fucking YEARS, back when they first released the 64.
This!! I don't know what the hell they are thinking. They KNEW this is was killed the longevity of the Wii and they promised it would not be the case with the Wii U. Then they make the Wii U with criminally underpowered CPU and a GPU that was incompatible with new engines. And guess what? They got dumped by third parties, again!
And now they are pulling the same shit yet again!
It's like they HATE money. Yes Nintendo, if you want to make money you better fucking allow the CoD's and the GTA's to be released on your consoles.


The amount of stuff they DIDN'T show was staggering. They needed to show way more games and like Kinda-Funny pointed out it seems like they are "saving" so much for E3. That is insane when you are launching your console in March. They can't afford right now to hold back. Show your cards Nintendo. They even said there are over 80 games at least IN DEVELOPMENT for the console yet they hardly showed anything if we're being honest. Barely any Western 3rd party games and nothing on some of the big rumored games. Where was Beyond Good and Evil 2? RE7? No big shooters. Sure all the games they showed look amazing... but I want a Nintendo console again that gets ASS-LOADS of content. You can't hold back now Nintendo!!! And the pricing of the accessories IS INSANE!!! They spent so much time showing off the joycons being used off the tablet and yet we find out it's no less than 80 dollars for a set? That's crazy. And the pro controller isn't 50 dollars.... it's SEVENTY DOLLARS??? WTF Nintendo. Does it make me coffee too? You need to impress US right now after the Wii U (which I own) bombed. You can't be looking to gouge your fan base for every penny they have.

It's like one of those torches that charge up when you shake it, only there's a vibration motor in there as well to make sure they never run out of power.

System battery life
Battery life can last for more than six hours, but will vary depending on the software and usage conditions. For example, The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild can be played for roughly 3 hours on a single charge.

Straight from

I'm guessing USB port on the inside of the controller that will hook up to the dock

You also forgot
>$20 strap attachment for joycon halves to make the shoulder buttons less hit and the controller not an unergonomic disaster

Joygrip thing. You hook them onto both sides of the thing and it has a battery built in.

So it'll last 6 hours in the home menu and 3 hours playing games. Amazing.

Online is free until the fall

From my forget the still missing Xbox 1 emulation. We have the horsepower to emulate its games, but they still haven't figured out the custom gpu.

They never said a thing about this. Probably not.

>only 32GB of internal storage.
>Zelda alone is 13GB.


Strap attachments are included with the system

hey whoa hold up, you forgot the joycons are retailing for $80


[citation needed]

they said it will vary depending on the game. zelda lasts 3 hours but i doubt bomberman would be that intensive

this. The switch is going to be the new Wii.

Also I'm ok with no online gaming, it has always been fairly cancerous and I'm ok if they focus more on physical multiplayer.

Do we even know how much it'll cost?

Someone said there was no source for the battery lasting up to 6 hours, I showed one. Calm down, friendo.