>1, 2, switch is the only exclusive launch title
>1, 2, switch is the only exclusive launch title
>only Zelda looks good
Only it's not though? It's got a solid lineup.
Looks a bit like the 3ds lineup, hopefully that means a pricedrop before it has worthwhile games.
I already thought it will be underwhelming, underpowered and overpriced Neokikeshitendo gimmicky cancer faggotry and shit, but they still managed to underwhelm and disappoint even more.
That is honestly a new experience in my life.
You're right, there's zelda. And nothing else. Of the announced games (i.e. with an at least vague release date) only nintenshit looks promising.
>there's zelda
not an exclusive lmao
kek, right, forgot about it
Yeah that's not very compelling at all wow. So many ports
It has potential to be a hit with normalfags
Why would they rush it out now with so few games ?
Why not wait another 6 months to a year to build a solid library.
There is no reason to buy it on day one when you can wait and get it cheaper later on or packed in with a game or two or something...
Is there even a point in getting a switch when you'll be able to play BOTW on PC in 4k 60fps?
>300 dollar zelda machine turns out to be a 300 dollar zelda machine
i don't think you'll be able to unlock the framerate trough emulation without breaking the game
but yes i get your point
>Skyrim is only listed as just normal Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
They don't want to say it but it seems pretty obvious that it might just be a port of the old Skyrim not even the updated one.
Jesus christ.
it's Nintendo it can't flop
the only problem last time was the name and this isn't called anything Wii
we breaking records soon
Because they abandoned the Wii U with the promise Switch would be better supported at launch. They can't hold on Wii U without games and they need to show Switch somehow to have those games developed. They are lost.
and ?
retards ready to buy it again will not be able to see the difference anyway ...
do you expect mods on the switch or something, fucking not in a million years said donte
user, do you know what "launch" means?
A lineup of mostly ports and casual titles is anything but "Solid". Most of the actually interesting games are TBD and have barely just started development.
PS4 and Xbone can barely run the updated one, why would the Switch be able to?
Not. An. Exclusive.
Mate, its a tablet. It's definitely gonna be the original.
Doesn't BotW come out on Wii U at the end of March? No way people are going to be content to wait three weeks when it's sitting right there. People go apeshit enough about possible stores leaking inventory 10 hours early.
>paying $300 extra to play Zelda 3 weeks early
wew lad
Yeah those whole 2 Americans and 100 japs playing Splatoon will be able to play Zelda now.
You underestimate fans and their autism.
It's the same thing that drives people ape shit over buying definitive limited collectors edition games. And then a regular collector's edition because the pin is different.
If anything you overestimate the amount of fans autistic who would even consider spending $300 just to get Zelda slightly earlier
Those are the type of people who would have considered getting a Nintendo for $600 even if it didn't have Zelda
>disgaea 5 complete
>tfw literally bought disgaea 5 for ps4 a week ago
I'm not that mad but I was so sure they weren't gonna make a port with all dlc since it was too much for the vita
Not really. They already own a PlayStation, Xbox ,PC, or some combination of the three. Nintendo never learns. The switch has potential, but like the WiiU , it will struggle. It's only launch title is also on the WiiU. I thought maybe they would have something else game wise launching with the system. I'll play Breath of the Wild on my WiiU, and wait for quite a while before purchasing a Switch. If I find a compelling enough reason to get one at all.
This thing will sell 5 million lifetime. And that's being optimistic.
So much this. It seems like they want it to fail. Zelda will probably be good, but that's one fucking game. That can be bought on another machine.
I'm betting more than double that if it has a proper Pokemon game and Monster Hunter. It would easily exceed Wii U sales assuming they slash the price at some point.
>always online game that everyone already forgot about on other platforms
I remember when someone asked Ubisoft if The Crew was coming to Wii U and they just laughed at them.
5M 1st year at works, release a Pokemon or MH and a port of flavor of the month 3rd party in holydays and will be 10M
the fuck is tat 1 2 switch?
wii party ?
why on earth would anyone make MH for a console with 0 units sold as opposed to the alive and well 3DS that has worked out well for capcom time and time again?
Seriously get a clue, capcom is milking MH and they're not going to make exclusive software for switch just because nintendo wants them to
Uh, I think you forgot something mate.
>always online game that everyone already forgot about on other platforms being released on a platform that is also intended to be played out of the house and away from an internet connection.
Wii Party without the extra controller and more expensive.
There is rumors Capcom isn't doing any more MH on Nintendo & i see why
But yeah Pokemon will sadly move a few units, but people will bitch they have to pay to trade & battle people
>why on earth would anyone make MH
>what is a port
cause enhanced graphic and cause they will move
the "why would they make for a new console when they old already have an userbase" is mental gymnastics, cause otherwise no one will ever make games for any new console.
also the extra power would allow devs more freedom gameplay wise. not only polygon count
>There is rumors
yes, since 20-- when they initially moved from Sony. keep getting those hopes up goy. at least you got tri to pass by the ime
>But yeah Pokemon will sadly move a few units, but people will bitch they have to pay to trade & battle people
yeah, just as everyone seems to complain about PS+ and XBLG, this is the future you people created, enjoy it also who says it might not be cheaper?
they're holding back lots of titles, PIKMIN 4 has been ready for like a year
So I guess I'll get one at Black Friday when Mario releases..
>cause enhanced graphic and cause they will move
They dont care, they want MH to be as ugly as possible so they can spend the least amount of money on making the game
It definitely looks like the way to go is to wait for the holidays so the system has actual games. I wont be buying it at launch, for sure.
That argument doesn't hold water since there's no MH on Vita and PS4.
>disgaea 5 complete
now i am the fucking MAD
ok, then no real reason to move out of Nintendo either. also, they just need to make a port not 5
that plays for any game or franchise.
Guess I'll wait for an emulator. Hope it's like 3 or 4 years
>Syberia 3
Switch Exclusive?
I bought Disgaea 5 a week before it went down by like 70% on sale. The pain.
Is there a Wii U vs Switch specs comparison image?
>regular edition, i.e. 6 years old skyrim
>downgraded FIFA
>downgraded/rehashed Minecraft
>some game normies never heard of
Yeah I don't think so
Already on preorder on steam.
Bomberman looks good too
They really shoulda waited, Nintendo's biggest mistake will awlays be the Wii U, it soured them too much for the future.
Prime example being Nintendos unwillingness to sell at a loss on the switch because the Wii U flubbed.
The switch would have been such a better proposition at 250 breaking even for nintendo, or 200 at a 50 dollar loss. If Nintendo had waited until the holidays to launch they probably could have gotten the price down more and sold at 150 or so at the same aforementioned loss.
300 dollars for a console with 1 launch game that's a port, another launch window port, and two exclusives in it's first 9 months on the market? What the fuck were they thinking? paid online, 70-80 dollar controllers, 32gb of fucking memory.
I know your all just going to disregard Sony's lineup but during the holidays you could have gotten a sub 250 PS4 with a year of online and some games and extra controllers thrown in. It has more Q1 games that are exclusive or only available on console than Nintendo has announced for the whole year.
What the fuck.
It just got announced. I'm holding onto some hope of better options. But honestly as is I don't think I'll get it until Mario Odyssey. I'm not yet too confident about the 3rd party support but they really have to make this launch take off.
Put Mario Kart and Run on it at launch. Well really for me me at this point they'd need at least Wii U backwards compatibility from the get go, which I just realized isn't even possible because no discount reader fuck. Put the sports at launch and get Call of Duty or this thing is off to a bad start honestly. If they plan on releasing arms and solution as their only games for the spring Nintendo can suck my dick. I still have my wwhd Wii u that I haven't used since January 15th, 2015.
If no games wasn't enough to kill playstation it won't affect the switch either
I'll bite. Have your (you).
Zelda is THE normie game. Check out the triforce tattoo sluts and fags.
>Binding of Isaac is getting a physical copy
maybe it's an american thing then
>n64 flopped
>gamecube flopped
>Wii U flopped
>virtual boy flopped
>>n64 flopped
it actually made money
>>gamecube flopped
its actually made money
>>Wii U flopped
it actually made money
>>virtual boy flopped
and also gave people eye cancer
How is Mario Kart 8 not ready for launch? How are Nintendo so consistently out of touch? Who is responsible for these terrible decisions?
Honestly, at least if the console does at poorly as it deserves to then we'll finally get their games on other consoles.
>No Eternal Darkness sequel
no buy
i might actually get I am Setsuna
you would think they would put the complete edition for Hyrule Warriors, Smash Bros and even Pikmin 3 on there too while they're at it
though they probably want to save something for the holiday....
definitely. Sonnygers in denial haven't watched their own system's sales chart if they don't believe their own shit doesn't sell on Fifa and Bethesda alone.
>Europe not getting zelda on launch
>sole launch game is a mini game collection
Europeans never buy Nintendo consoles. Nintendo's market is in America and Japan.
It could be that they're staggering releases to look as if they have a constant string of games coming out, but I'd think people would much prefer them just getting the games all out ASAP and have months without releases.
It's probably for shareholders. Some nonsense like that.
It's sad people don't see what Nintendo is doing with the launch. Basically, in the spring Nintendo is going to get massive sales no matter what from dedicated Nintendo fans and people who want the new Zelda. Then they tied the thing over with ports/splatoon 2 in the summer and drop the big games (Mario/Skyrim specifically) in the fall for the normals. Basically, they want to have two "launch" periods. One where they sell to Nintendo fans who will buy no matter what and the second they sell to normals in the holidays.
should i sell my Wii U and all the games?
>no trailer for DQXI
The problem is that the normies won't buy a Switch for $360. They'd spend $300, which is why the console itself should be $250.
>Dragon Quest X and XI are coming to Switch
>.... in Japan
Is that continent still relevant?
It will obviously have bundle deals with a game in fall. The launch buyers are getting fucked here, holiday buyers will be fine.
I'm waiting to get it for 3 months.
Unless you really fucking love Splatoon, can anyone give an actual reason to get a Switch aside from 'I love Nintendo' ?
They should have waited. This thing is fucked after the initial drone sales. Christ 1, 2, Switch is the only true exclusive ""game"" it having is laughable.
Nintendo executives have lost it
I'm just waiting until E3 to see if it's even worth considering a Switch this year. I hope they have like 2 or 3 worthwhile games releasing this Holiday season. The Wii U hasn't gotten many games since like late 2015. I'm not spelling doom for the Switch yet, but if they don't make a Mario bundle and stock the shelves with good games they might be fucked.
I really want to play Zelda, but I think I'm gonna wait til around the holidays. Or at least after E3. I've got a hunch that come E3, Nintendo will really deliver more of their first party titles.
3 words: shin megami tensei.
Same reason why i bought a 3ds.
You're but casual scum.
Whatever helps you sleep at night m8.
More relevant than their home country
>ultra street fighter 2
Man, that leaker was legit as fuck.
Wii U version was cancelled.
Nice source
That's not coming out for a while
Shit thread.
Fucks like you should be banned.