About to start this up for the first time, is the Nosferatu a beginner unfriendly clan?
About to start this up for the first time, is the Nosferatu a beginner unfriendly clan?
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Yes, them and the malkavians are best for a 2nd/3rd playthrough
the uninstall wizard is a good class.
The problem with Nosferatu is the fact that you'll miss a lot of content because getting near humans will instantly earn you a masquerade violation.
very, it's only fun when you know what it changes by having done a normal playthrough first
You're better off doing the first with something other than a Nosferatu or Malkavian. Malk is much better as second playthrough, and Nos can't interact with humans. Start with something easy to use like Brujah or Toreador
>tfw went Malk my first playthrough and found this out after blowing up the warehouse and now don't feel like restarting OR continuing
I was having fun too.
My first run was Malkavian.
It was alright.
You will miss much of the game with a nos.
tremere is the best pick for 1st playthrough
Surely you're not so pleb that you'd play as something other than a Ventrue, are you?
Warehouse isn't that far in, and playing as a malkavian isn't really a dealbreaker, it's just better if you already know the plot/characters you meet
Is Chunk the best guy
Why are they all so perfect? can't just pick one.
should the room be brighter?
Malkavian > Tremere = Gangrel > Brujah > Nosferatu > Toreador = Ventrue
I was enjoying the game but I kind of wasn't enjoying Malk all that much though at first, so I deff will go through it as something else before attempting that again.
>can't just pick one.
Watch me.
Looks a bit too bright if anything.
dammit i thought the first house had a shit desktop pc not a laptop.
If you play it only once, Malkavian is a good choice; you get x2 lore in one go.
On the flipside not all of it makes sense
I recommend Brujah. With Celerity and Presence you can steamroll through combat parts and it all doesn't take much time.
>short-fused thug
>angry furry
>insane slut
>uggo BDSM enthusiast
>vainglorious narcissistic poseur
>occult nerd
>power hungry bitch
they're all shit
>Jeanette is the poster girl
>she's barely in it
>tfw bach was 100% right
>tfw can't walk into the sunlight and get the end credits to roll
It's called marketing. Stick pretty face and tits on the cover, get $$$.
>occult nerd
why are they all anorexic?
they dont really eat much
Because they can't eat solid food.
But as Nosferatu you will get other quests to compensate. And it's like 1 or 2 quests that you'll miss.
Vampirism doesn't make you look anorexic, though.
Does the gameplay resemble the tabletop game in any way? How does the non-combat disciplines work here?
Have you seen a fat vampire?
That's why.
Not much.
You get extra dialogue options for dominate and malk version of it (in the game it's pretty much a reskin).
It has little to do with tabletop. It's a lot like Deus Ex. You just have varied dialogue options and different passive/active skills depending on your char sheet.
Do I need the Unofficial Patch to play this game?
hey hold it
If I do play Ventrue, can I just dominate the shit out of the early game enemies?
yes, during the install make sure you only select the fixes since its your first time
Yeah, you do.
Git get patch here patches-scrolls.de
What does it fix/change?
I enjoyed the insane slut the most
it makes the game work correctly, if you select the plus patch it adds in deleted content
Imagine hanging out with your Gangrel gf and she suddenly howls at the moon then becomes all flustred and says she can't help it. Cute!
There is a laundry list of fixes.
Alright thanks. Avoid the extra content first playthrough right?
And beta patch or final?
Werewolf scum
Does this game really need a fan patch to be played? I want to play it too, and installed the game, but haven't started yet because I heard it needs a fan patch.
>Avoid the extra content first playthrough right?
I don't think you will want to do a second playthrough. The gameplay is ass, there are millions of loading screens and not many different choices really.
Just install bonus content and ignore that other user. Game is not good enough to replay multiple times.
I'd play it with the fan patch, especially on the off chance that you're stuck with a game breaking bug halfway through your playthrough.
Don't go with Nosferatu or Malks in the 1st playthrough
Toreador and Ventrue are very 1st timer friendly.
Gangrel and Brujah are ok as well.
Tremere are... tremerish
what's the fan patch called? I know nothing about it other than my friend told me I'd need one.
my bad thanks
have fun kindred
How should I build my Brujah? What points where?
You probably don't want to level up Potence and focus on Presence and Celerity.
Just put points into cheapest things that level up your Hacking, Lockpicking, Persuasion, Melee and defense. Everything else is pretty much optional.
Oh and Research too.
Imagine being that much of a pleb