Recommend me some RPG's which are not "epic". No chosen one, no saving the world, no dragons or ridiculously huge monsters (except perhaps as a final boss), the protagonist must be a complete nobody not the son/daughter of a noble family or whatever.
Recommend me some RPG's which are not "epic". No chosen one, no saving the world...
Shadowrun Hong Kong. The other two in the series have you save the world though.
Mario&Luigi superstar saga
You looking for something with a great story despite all that or something that's just easier to self insert?
If the later then Etrian Odyssey i guess
The Witcher 2
Not really, just something with a change of pace.
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
Ultima IV
Fallout New Vegas
TWEWY. It's just an asocial asshole learning that life is good.
He's not a chosen one at least not in the usual sense, and it's irrelevant until the end, no saving the world just a small part of Tokyo, no dragons except the final boss and some late-game enemy encounters and no ridiculously huge monsters and even when they are, it makes sense for them to be
You don't save the world or anything like this.
You're just looking for a way to finally die
>Not the chosen one.
>Literally chosen by god for a holy mission to find out who is trying to usurp him.
am i a redditor for laughing at this?
No. You are a redditor if you frequently use reddit. Don't be stupid.
Yes, and it's irrelevant until the end. OP shoild still play it.
Gothic 1/2, Risen 1, TW1/2, New Vegas, Inquisitor, Bastion, Legend of Grimrock/Dungeon Master 1/2, Mount and Blade. Take your pick
I would say Tyranny but the ending sort of shits over the whole premise.
Still, for like 80% of the game you're just a glorified tribunal clerk and you never fight anything "epic"
so then i am a redditor. fuck.
Final fantasy VII.
You're retarded.
>No chosen one
>no saving the world
>no dragons or ridiculously huge monsters (except perhaps as a final boss),
>the protagonist must be a complete nobody not the son/daughter of a noble family or whatever.
Underrail fits perfectly
Neo Scavenger
seconding this
>the protagonist must be a complete nobody not the son/daughter of a noble family or whatever.
Sounds like vaan. And he stays that way too.
Age of Decadence.
Shadowrun hong kong (and to a lesser extent the other two).
Front Mission 3.
Icewind dale 1 y 2
Neverwinter nights 2: Storm of Zehir
Temple of the elemental evil
All I remember right now
Is there any good RPGs that lets you just open a shop/run a temple/become a teacher after a brief adventure and ends when you choose that life for you? I'm not talking something like Skyrim where you can join a guild but you still have to finish the game "correctly".
If you skip the "adventure" I think Recettear is the closest to that.
But that's not really RPG. You're describing a simulation.
>nothing epic, no saving the world
>like ten elder scrolls suggestions
you guys are fucking retarded
Atelier Rorona
>Run an alchemist shop
>Minister wants to destroy your shop to build a factory over it
>Have to prove your worth
>Be given an assignment every 3 months to provide various good built through alchemy
>Do this for 3 year
>End of game
I don't want to actually run a temple or open a shop, I just want my character to be able to choose to say "It's been fun killing all those kobolds and skellies, but I think it's high time to retire and finally build that thing I always wanted" and then there's a quest to get enough supplies to open up shop or get enough people to start a temple somewhere.
That ps2 Metal Max game has this as a gag ending you can get at the beginning. Instead of going on an adventure, you become a normie. The end.
FO New Vegas
You just happen to be at the wrong place, at the wrong time
You don't have to save the world in any of them
tabletop campaigns you play with friends
>a complete nobody
Just like in real life uh?
How about being the champion of Cirodil? after the scape from the prison just do the fuck you want.
Jump off a bridge, m8
SMT 1, you're just some schmuck kid who has a very bad day.
Maybe not exactly whe you're looking for but in Dragon Quest 4 one of your character is a merchant. The game's gimmick is that before you start playing as your own character, you have chapters where you play as you future party members first. When you get to the merchant's chapter, your goal is basically to earn shitload of money by dealing weapons and armors to two different kingdoms (among other things) until you can buy your own shop (which is then operated by your wife) and later pay to build a cave. That's the extant of the merchant part in that game, but after the game and he's helped you save the world, the merchant goes back to operating his shop and they made three spin-off titles that are based around him operating his shop, tough in gameplay they're roguelikes where you're going in dungeons to find shit to sell.
Except in Morrowind you're the chosen one.
>game title is "The World Ends With You"
>not the chosen one
>no chosen one
>literally the chosen one
You're only the chosen one if you do the main quest. The nerevarine is a self fulfilling prophecy
Read my original post.
>not in the usual sense
For most of the game, you just go around doing whatever to survive or progress through the days. Neku being a chosen one is only revealed at the very end and earlier on if you're paying attention to dialogue, but that sticks out if you're playing a second run.
He's right though. The story is about clearing your name and the only big monster is a final boss. Geralt is pretty much a nobody too until the end of Witcher 1
Shit. Looks like I wasn't reading YOUR post myself.
The World Ends With You means you gotta go out and clash with people and get out of your comfort zone to broaden your horizons and progress as an individual. Because the world is more than just what you see and feel every single day. or something like that.
Dark Souls
How long is the game and how interesting is the world/story?
You are the chosen undead, dude.
The game suggests that Courier 6 have been quite well known and influential.
Like that means anything, there are a million chosen undeads.
Eh, good save.
Nah, you don't become instilled with the spirit of Indoril during the main quest. You are Indoril reincarnated from the start. It's suggested there were other reincarnations of Indoril, but you're the chosen one from the outset.
Nah, only Ulysses knows your importance, and even that it's really trivial to the game world.
>no chosen one
If you believe the interpretation that the whole Chosen Undead thing is a massive ruse by Frampt and other Primordial Serpents to use not just you but any other Undead determined and insane enough to survive to get the bells rung and obtain the Lordvessel, to fuck shit over in some obscure unknown way outside of Age of Dark then yeah you're still a nameless nobody.
>no saving the world
You save the age though "save" isn't exactly what it is
>no dragons
Yes there's dragons.
>ridiculously huge monsters
Yeah there's some.
>(except perhaps as a final boss)
Final boss is somewhat larger than you are, by a few heads.
>the only big monster is a final boss
The final boss is human. The first boss is a big monster.
Not really. Only Ulysses really suggests/states that, and he's kind of insane, you can deny his accusations in the DLC.
However, I'd argue that New Vegas isn't the best example. It ends with you shaping the political landscape of the Mojave as you see fit, for years to come. Not a bad thing, it has its own appeal.
Fuck, I forgot the kayran
But the final boss is still a dragon
>only Ulysses knows your importance
Yeah, because all other is dead. It's still counts.
The final boss is Letho.
In the same vein, is there a game where the player character isn't the only character actually accomplishing anything?
desu baka senpai cuck
Final boss is another witcher, dumbass.
Space Rangers?
Dark Souls
Not him, but I spared Letho at the end just because I needed to finish the game before the third came out. I stopped playing for years after killing Dethmold and eventually returned to it.
pokemon red, a little pokemon gold, the rest are all chosen one that save the world, the planet, the universe and some plants.
Hotline Miami
On lower difficulties the game completes itself on its own.
Dude. He's still the final boss. Doesn't matter if you fight him or not.
Age of Decadence kind of? You can practically be a pawn to other people's ambitions
Atelier Series
You're the legendary super special silver haired x-men bestest swordsman monster slayer who fucked all the sorceresses and is acquainted with half the world leaders, fights off a dragon and plays a key role in a large battle just in the first ten minutes, shits on several other large monsters later, plays a key role in another major battle, dismantles an assassin ring employed by the political elite thereby shaping the fate of the entire continent.
Yep, exactly what OP's looking for. Not epic in the slightest, no large monsters, and just about a complete nobody settling the task in front of him.
>Fighting a man who helps you out
The fuck is wrong with you? If you fight letho you completely missed the point. That's the least Geralt-like thing you could do in the entire series.
Oblivion, kind of
>no Bard's Tale
Come on, guys. That game's concept was this.
you just a kid who wants to go home
Mother 3
Persona 2
Earthbound. Hell, the entire game is a pisstake on everything you described.
street fighte 2
you play as a hobo that like to fight
OP is looking for RPG, you typical FGC poster.
Persona 2 most definitely is epic
Expeditions Conquistador
ranma 1/2 rpg snes
you play as a hobo that like to fight,
and transform into a woman when get wet.
>The World Ends With You means...
I felt it meant that Your world/story ends when you die so you should make the most of your time alive or something like that.
And while you're the chosen one in some sense, really you were just chosen because 'god' was walking past and decided 'yeah, that sucker'll do'
No big bloodline or prophecy or anything.
>Deus Ex
Deus Ex: The Fall
You're just some dude trying to stay alive, not anyone really special.
Come to think of it, you're not really anyone special in Invisible War either. Which I still think is a much better game than everyone always says.
Legend of the River King 2. The plot is that you go out to catch a big fish, and at the end you catch a big fish.
the world ends with you music suck.
is like poison, kinda sucky like chrono cross.
boss fight, normal fight music is really boring and poison that make you sleep.
Dragon Age 2 was great and much better than Dragon Age Origins.
Atelier Rorona Plus. You need to stave off your dad's crippling debt in that one