Nintendrones are actually defending everything they were shitting on sonyggers and xbots for

>nintendrones are actually defending everything they were shitting on sonyggers and xbots for
Karma's a bitch

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh is this the troll face guy?

Reminder: Its only bad when Nintendo does it.

it's almost like it's okay when Nintendo does it

but only almost

it's okay when nintendo does it :^)

Modern Nintendo consumers are the most cucked people on planet Earth and possibly the entire universe.
Every day is a good day if I remind myself that I'm not Anthony Burch, not a manlet, not a liberal arts student, not a game journalist and not a nintendrone.

>Implying Sonyggers and Xbots haven't done the exact same thing plenty of times

Sonyggers now defend paid online and Xbots defend having no games.

Paid online services is fucking awful but I ain't paying for any other extra internet services outside of some VOD programs so i don't really give a fuck.

Why fucking make another thread about this shit

Show me one post defending it.

Just like sonyggers started defending what they were shitting on xbots for when PS4 came around.

Woah it's almost like the entire industry is full of literal good goi masochists.

the fact that even the """"""free"""" games are just Nes and Snes games makes it even worse

This. Literally no one is even trying


also mods are on high shill alert and deleting every single image with switch vs ps4/xb1

>Mfw I'm a PCfag watching the fireworks now that all consoles are stuck with paid online

So wait do you have to buy these stupid fucking controllers separately? 80 dollars for this shit?

>tfw infinite gold bc ms employee

>2017 PC vidya includes paid online DRM managed by Microsoft or Valve, depending on what games you own
Mark my words, it's all over for online vidya, we're in the dark ages of having nobody to play with again.

Reminder that every fanbase is garbage.

Wouldn't happen on PC people wouldn't pay for it even Microsoft knows this. They provide the same service and exact sames servers (many windows store games are crossplay) except for free.

It comes with a pair of them, as well as a grip for using the Switch with a TV. The Switch supports 4 controllers it looks like, based on the LEDs on the individual controllers.

I aw nobody defending the Nintendo online fee so far

Sonyggers on PS4
>"Multiplats are still games!"
>"Paid online means better online service and we get free games!"
>"Who cares that (insert PS3 game) is ported to PS4? Not everyone played that game."

Sonyggers on Switch
>"Look at all those multiplats!"
>"Paid online, lol, what cucks!"
>"Enhanced ports of Wii U games, how will Nintendrones recover?!"

source on these claims?

>Sony does something
>Sonyggers shitpost non-stop

>Microsoft does something for Xbox
>Sonyggers shitpost non-stop

>Nintendo does something
>Sonyggers explode into shitposting

you guys are so insecure


this board
literally every day, every thread

PCfag here can confirm the bits about multiplats

You already pay for an Internet connection in the first place.

Valve does that and they lose all customers from the third world shit holes.

Yeah this DOTA2 would die overnight

its called coolface newfag

That image is some of the most well constructed bait I've ever seen

I can't wait to derail threads with it

thank you user

You would have to be braindead retarded to have not seen this coming, ESPECIALLY after the Wii U. This was just a matter of time.

Everyone was so hyped that Ps4 destroyed an already shitty console that they didn't even notice the paid online.

It wasn't before a few days later when the hype was gone that people tried to bargain that it was a good thing.

>Flame war threads
Pretty embarrassing lads. It's like kids arguing over who has the better toy truck

What's flamewar about this thread?

What isn't?

What is?