Which is the best?

Which is the best?

I don't see any downsides to the black one.

They are all fucking terrible. I choose magenta button because it's at least vague in its terribleness.

Nintendo producing all the games people want doesn't really have a downside. It would reduce piracy but most people don't pirate.

Some choices have downsides so severe that I question why they were included. For example nobody would seriously consider killing themselves just to play HL3. Don't respond to me with your le memey "I would xD" bullshit either.

The grey one is the best thing that could happen to the video game industry

I want to see an internet wide Sup Forums


Grey is the funnest of course.
But do I magically get a refund for all console nuked?

-Nintendo going entirely PC/digital

You say this as if this it's a bad thing despite their console hardware being so fucking shitty.

Definitely the black one. It's worth it. I mean, even if the game turns out to be terrible then I would probably kill myself anyway.

Green is the best option.

Nintendo is a worthless piece of shit since N64 release.

Grey or Red, they have little to no downsides

Green has no downside

red is the only good one, rest are about who cares games/systems or just stupid.

Green button.

Konami makes Silent Hills and MGS3 Remake.
Nintendo dies.

Literally no negatives

Nothing wrong with red button either. Stop making their shitty consoles, focus on good games, who gives a fuck about making an account

Orange, literally no downsides.

Grey all the way

Red because it means decent nintendo games not being held back by shitty hardware and gimmicks.
Or purple because vidya needs to die so it can be reborn stronger.

Despite red and green cancelling each other out all three on the top row are viable, specifically red is the best.

Blue, literally no cons

>press the black button
>Half-Life 3 is announced
>but because of the state of Valve, it's never finished
>but because of the state of Steam, Valve never goes bankrupt and never loses the rights
>achieve immortality

grey, no doubt

You understand that blue negates itself, right?