Where did consoles go so wrong?

what the fuck happened to console gaming, Sup Forums?

when I had a playstation, it was all about
>powering the thing on and playing a game
>grinding for hours on Gran Turismo
>split screen co-op on Time Splitters
>renting a pair of lightguns and Point Blank from the video shop for $10 / week

now it seems like it's just
>powering the thing on and filing a warranty claim
>charging new cars to your credit card on Gran Turismo
>pressing x to applaud the graphics during a cut scene in Call of Duty
>signing up to PSN to get called a faggot by a 12 year old for $10 / month

don't you feel like we took a wrong turn somewhere along the road?

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They're trying too hard to compete with PC and lost all their advantages in the process.

It went wrong because the consumers pushed it that way.


Consoles stopped being consoles in the 6th generation.

>tfw switch is a blunder instead of the console savior

Best line up since the PlayStation 2 bruh

Consoles became gimped PC's with almost none of the advantages of PC. Been like that since the original Xbox which basically was just a PC in a fancy dress.

Got the mediocre game market on lock down brah

Good job fitting every single PS4 game into one image.

nah is more correct.

Consoles are trying to fight against the threat of PC, that's why they have such a focus put into being all-in-one entertainment systems. It's not an active war since PC probably will never enter the living room in the way Steam might want it too but console manufacturers still have to compete if they don't want to suddenly become irrelevant. All the systems basically becoming netflix boxes for the normie majority only proved that.

I don't know what the fuck happened this gen though because last-gen was much better even if it was still fucking dumb with paid online. The abundance of patches and installations that games have now are just rage inducing and loading screens are long as fuck despite it. It doesn't make any sense to me.

Also in the PS4's case, the UI of their system and even the store is fucking terruble compared to the PS3. It makes no sense.

The average score of these is 6/10 at best.

Also multiplatforms and games that aren't out. Some of them might not even come out.

It's all gone to crap, Microsoft is smart for leaving for Windows 10

Took 4 years but the PS4 finally found its footing. Shame most the games on that list that I'd like aren't even out yet but whatever

I just miss when your save file was your "profile". Hate this 'sign in, update, put game in, update again, can't play local coop unless my friend signs in, he recovers his profile, console needs to update AGAIN' bullshit.

It did take long but its taken a long time for Japan to recover from the PS3 while Mobiles nearly destroyted the console industry thee. Most devs didn't think there would be a viable 8th gen platform to develop for but once the PS4 started selling gang busters many Japanese devs weren't ready for it, they were ready to go mobile

But there are no good Japanese games on that list that haven't been planned for years, and the vast majority of the Japanese games on that list are complete garbage.

as a pc gamer I really wish it all would go mobile already, it's not like mobile games will compete against pc and the platform is finally viable now that phones are pretty kickass in specs

Full touch screens cannot compete with controllers sadly

hence why the switch is something I'm tentatively excited for, but sadly they went with rather subpar hardware on a 720p screen. maybe if more companies would put out quality blutooth controllers with phone clips on them then we could have a real mobile gaming scene. as it stand I use my ds3 on my phone and it works great for emulation and android games that support controllers.

why can't we just have one of these joy-cons plug into your charger port?

>As a PC gamer
>proceeds to admit he's a cancer mobile user
Doesn't work that way.

uhm...okay? enlighten me why I can't use my phone and 3ds on the go. am I supposed to buy a gaming laptop which makes me a real target for theft, just so I can keep some stupid "pc gamer" label intact? and what's so cancer about mobile gaming? it's not like I play dumb shit like fallout shelter, pokemon go, or clash of clans. fuck, I don't even do microtransaction, I only buy stuff like gta sa, kotor, and other full fledged games.

Console gaming is dead.
The only reason left to own a console is exclusive games, which I consider ransomware. Just like they tell you you should never give the money to kidnappers, I won't give the money to people who hold games hostage.
For this reason, the only people left who own consoles are those unconcerend with ethics when it comes to vidya and those too ignorant to realize what has happened. That's why I actively disrespect everyone I know with a console.

Pc master race reporting in

>I only play the good stuff!
Stop cancer. Heard all this shit before. This is an absolute not a subjective thing. If you play mobile games you're the most cancerous thing in the industry.

Money and marketing.

When computers became cheaper

>he likes something I don't!

you're not explaining anything, how can I even begin to take you seriously? are the games I listed not good games or what? I get that everyone has their own opinions and all, but the games I listed are critically acclaimed. not to mention that you can pirate games for android just as easy as on pc

Neo/v/ so far gone that I'm being asked to justify why mobile is cancer.

I've been here too long...

>powering the thing on and filing a warranty claim
>charging new cars to your credit card on Gran Turismo
>pressing x to applaud the graphics during a cut scene in Call of Duty
>signing up to PSN to get called a faggot by a 12 year old for $10 / month
you're full of shit none of that is true

>what the fuck happened to console gaming, Sup Forums?

it all fucked up when console gamers started demanding the luxuries of pc gamers. i've been a console and pc gamer my whole life and i've seen how the focus has changed over the years. back in the ps2 days everyone was satisfied with low res and low poly count characters/objects in games because the focus was mainly the gameplay experience. this is why the ps2 with its inferior graphics capabilities to the xbox was still the main choice for people. now, like 17 years later everyone has become graphics whores and devs are accommodating to this need. they're focusing less and less on gameplay and creating short, cinematic but nice looking games which has made gaming in general boring now. graphics whoring should be for the pc platform only, because it's a luxury they can afford and deserve based on their investment.

people "need" good graphics but they don't really "want" it over a sacrifice to gameplay. everyone praised U4 for it's cinematic gameplay and nice graphics yet everyone still voted for overwatch as GOTY when it looks like a fucking turd graphically compared to U4. they did this because they care more about gameplay than graphics, which they still won't like to admit. it's creating this stupid loop.


Brought the PC "experience" to consoles. Snowballed since.

There's plenty of decent mobile games. The best ones are the ones you pay for fyi.

Yeh except tons of these are shit.

>Final Fantasy 7 remake
>Generic FF title

>Tons of new gen trash


these are terrible games user


>it all fucked up when console gamers started demanding the luxuries of pc gamers
>back in the ps2 days everyone was satisfied with low res and low poly count
well then you remember that ps2 and xbox used to be much better than pc back in the day, right?

Every gameplay mechanic has been invented and done to death and people aren't impressed by graphics anymore. So it's rehashes all the way down until we get true vr and innovation.

>PS4 can play single player games right off the bat, even if there is a patch
>Some games have co op, Vita even works as a second screen and controller
>Redbox can rent games

This is either a subtle false flag or you are legitimately retarded

after like 2003 they weren't.

Pretty much this.
Also forced parity is hurting the industry and progression.

I've been here since 2006, baka

no, it started 2006 when pcs became better
when the ps3 came out it was on the same level as a high end pc back then

wow there are a whole 4 games i'd want to play there

No, being unable to release literally broken and unfinished games and charge for them are the problem. Thanks Steam Early Access ;)

nobody cares about your opinion because you don't pay for games

>Those games are objectively shit because my opinion matters!

not him but holy shit, you're retarded. you probably buy used games and don't realize that you're spitting in the devs face by doing so.

whoever wrote this is a retard basing his ideas on nothing.

found the underage nugamer.

Oldfag here who had an original xbox on launch day.

No, no they were not better than PC hardware back in the day.

>>PS4 can play single player games right off the bat, even if there is a patch
After the hour long installation.

I buy every game I want on day one

You're cancer.

>it was on the same level as a high end pc back then
Crysis, Oblivion, or DMC4 says hello you 720pleb.

And what's up with installing games you bought physically on newer gens?
i haven't bought consoles for two gen and i just keep hearing about people buying HDD for their console just to install games even thought they have the game right here in their hands

back then you just put the game in the console and you play it, if this is still a trend, i still won't buy consoles for other gens.

>he's been saying nugamer all year
>took a picture of his own batshit retarded post and reposts it
Get help.

I seriously would like to see 2006 PC run Crysis.

>a wall of 6 or 7/10s
>unreleased shit

>when the ps3 came out it was on the same level as a high end pc back then

no. the gpu was absolute dogshit in the ps3. the cpu was ahead of its time but we all know about its issues. even when the xbox 360 came out, it still couldn't match a high end pc. if you read gamespots obilvion pc and xbox 360 comparison you'll find that even though the 360 had some advanced gpu tech for it's time, it was still lacking behind the best pc's.

but user, what if it's you who is cancer? you're stuck in an old mindset obviously, and you wont admit it. you can't even start to explain why you think you're right, you just are for no other reason than I'm not.

here this is the only article I've found

>"Certainly with the first PlayStation and PlayStation 2, in that era there weren't really good graphics on the PC. Around the time of the PS2 is when 3D really started coming to the PC, but before that time 3D was the domain of Silicon Graphics and other 3D workstations. Sony, Sega or Nintendo could invest in bringing 3D graphics to a consumer platform. In fact, the PS2 was faster than a PC.

>"By the time of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, the consoles were on par with the PC If you look inside those boxes, they're both powered by graphics technology by AMD or NVIDIA, because by that time all the graphics innovation was being done by PC graphics companies,"

so who's right
>nvidias senior vice president
>random guy on the internet

The majority of the systems that ran it were from 2006. Are you going to start memeing now saying if it isn't max settings at 60fps it doesn't count?

Hell people like you will say GTAIV was a bad port because it ran under 60fps despite the PS3 version running on ultra low settings at 20fps.

I don't support mobile games so no. I'm not Neo/v/.

MUH GRAFIX really is the answer.
PS1 was the epitome of modern gaming diversity offer. You had thousands of small studios making a large variety of games. They didn't need to sell much because the games were low budget, the result was one of the best libraries in existence.
Nowadays games are big budget just like movies so your offers in genre and diversity are very limited. Add to that the internet effect and games are now completely funneled to the majority of gamers where all games are safe, expensive and similar to each other.

Maybe if they actually come out.

>there are people unironically defending mobabge trash
Just when I think Sup Forums can't sink any further, it does.

Both actually.
PS2 at launch was more powerful than any PC available at that time, however the same can't be said about the Xbox which came out year and a half later.

The PS1/n64/Saturn were the most graphically advanced consoles of their time, with cost of development increased to match.
You had to play in the arcades if you wanted better graphics or wait for PC 3D cards to catch up

>PS2 at launch was more powerful than any PC available at that time
That is incredibly false. The whole consoles being more capable than PC argument ends with 5th generation.

what's it like being that autistic? do you ever think of suicide? if you do, then next you consider it I want you to go through with it.

Not helping your cause much cancer.

you don't know what you're talking about

Gaming in general became very casualized.
Even PC gaming.
I got into pc gaming late 7thgen because everyone hyped it up and it was a mistake.
Outside emulation the pc lanscape is dry as fuck.
You have indie games becoming super oversaturated and none of the actual good ones require or warrant a rig that passes $300.

MMOs died as they became less focused on promoting social interaction due to WoW.

Muh GRAFICS whores have caused PC gamers to care more about fps and specs over physics, optimization,gameplay and actual games.
And the price of parts fluxuates retardedly because I'm one year your entire rig becomes outdated.

Kickstarter allowed scams like Star Citizen to happen.

Steam monopolized the pc game market and only funnels a few games into the limelight meaning pc devs have to either whore themselves out to them, be loaded with cash or on rare occasion hope their game is good enough to spread by word of mouth.

Digital media becoming the norm.

The "community" has the lowest entry barrier and anyone can join. This can be a good or bad thing but I'm my opinion it hurts the industry because then casual name shit like goat sim becomes popular leading to devs pandering to that audience.


because data is getting too big to read directrly from optical devices

you're right. the best era for PC gaming was like 1995 - 2005


Stop retarded. The average computer may had been beat but you had plenty of hardcore comps that blew the PS2 out of the water.

For me, it's the never ending installing of games on consoles.

I expect and accept that on PC - shit if I'm downloading a big game there's an awful lot else I can do.

On my ps4, it can take hours for a game to download and install and there's really fuck all else I can do in the wait. If Consoles ditched the install and just let you put in and play, I'd go back to them.

THPS5 was before early access though

you're beyond help because you have such severe autism you cannot communicate with other humans how you feel about things. it's just "I'm right, you're wrong. Fucking newfag nu/v/"

Graphics cost a pittance compared to modern overbloated marketing budgets and getting celebrity midgets to talk in your game.

Like I said. The fact you're defending mobile cancer is proof enough.

>I hate video games
>the post
very little has changed you just don't like games.

iirc reading a blu ray disk is much slower than a regular cd. that's why all ps3 games had to be installed whereas the xbox 360 games could be run straight from the disk.

my point is the hardware improvements of the late 90s were on par with the latest advanced 3d game developments. Nowadays you can't make a graphically groundbreaking game with the same ease you could in those times. Making a good game graphically for today's realism standards is much more resource consuming. Not to mention that back then games tried to be games resembling real life, unlike today's standards where all games must look like real life

you can play other game while downloading you retard

As far as the GPU goes, neither Nvidia RIVA TNT2 or 3dfx Voodoo3 were faster than the GS and the same can be said about the CPU, where PIII available at that time were still less powerful than EE.

Or maybe do you have some data proving otherwise?

This. 2000 was the peak of gaming, you could play on literally any platform and be entertained.

I think the cost behind games now hinder the amount of games we receive each year. It's all come down to a few AAA games each year, instead of multiple per month, not to mention how the industry has become more casualised each year to bring in a wider audience which means sub-par genre's like shooters.

Gaming died with PS2.

>very little has changed
Back that up

>another console gamer thread on v

Fuck my shit up

let me ask you once more so you can possibly redeem yourself. if I'm on the bus and I'm in for an hour long bus ride with no transfers, what should I do for entertainment other than stare out the window while I listen to music? in this case am I not justified playing a MOBILE game?

>CPU and ram don't matter
You can stop.

What's wrong with something like a 3ds?

Perhaps I have shitty, shitty Internet and so I buy physical copies of games that stop me putting in a disc to play another one during install, dipshit.

Again, I tolerate this on PC as it's part and parcel of the medium.

Some games do play without installation, the loading times are ass.
Reading from the hdd is much faster than from the disk

I have one, you'd know that if you read my responses. I also have a nice phone I paid good money for. sometimes I feel like playing one or the other as they both have strengths in different areas.

>Again, I tolerate this on PC as it's part and parcel of the medium.
>it's okay when gaben does it
kek you're running out of arguments I see

>cost behind games now hinder the amount of games
Not just that.
Back when development was cheaper we saw more experimental titles, especially from Japan.
From gameplay to graphics everything was constantly being toyed with.

Now it's so stale.
I still think Japan is still experimental but a lot of their games and up half-assed or incomplete due to costs.

The west just doesn't give a shit anymore and creates generic stuff with a few adjustments.
Practically every western third person action game post AssCreed uses similar combat.

I did mention CPU (PIII - Pentium III for our underage audience) and as far as the RAM goes, when PS2 was released DRDRAM was still the best compromise considering that DDR SDRAM wasn't stable and PC-133 SDRAM didn't have the bandwidth. In fact when Xbox was released it still had shitty DDR chips which Xbox needs to underclock at boot time in order to not have memory corruption issues.