It's just too much. The PS4 right now is less than 300 and it comes bundled with a game. The Switch costs as much as a 1TB PS4 Pro and it doesn't even have a fucking hard drive.

If it came bundled with the new Zelda I might consider it, but 300 is way over the line.

New Mario looks great though. What a shame.

what's up with you poorfags whining about 300 bucks?
I'm not going to buy one yet, but jesus christ, you're embarassing yourself

my gpu costs three times that money

£300 for hardware worse than xbox360

300 for a powerful tablet.
an ipad costs 429€ and does fuck all


How are they justifying the paying for online stuff. Seriously, how? They don't have the most popular multiplayer titles on their platform.

don't play dumb, user.

all this bitching about the price is is a reminder that Sup Forums is 13-17 year olds that have to only pick 1 console becuse mommy wont buy them all.

> 300 usd is just too much



>haha fuckin' poorfags can't buy my $300 nogaems machine LOL
>w-wait why isn't anybody buying the Switch?
>h-hey Nintendo just announced this years line up, l-looks like we'll be getting 2 exclusives and 3 virtual console games


guess what? non poor people will buy those 2 exclusives and 3 virtual console games and still play everything else because idort

We are talking about massmarket here. Some random guy with no new console walk into a store and sees prices.
Millions of customers with no new consoles walk into their stores and see prices. Most of them will choose cheaper/better graphics.

>>$400 CAD

zero chance

Why WiiU failed to reach even GameCube sales then?
With your logic you'll end up living in a house stuffed with things you don't need. Go buy %product_name% just because you're not a poorfag.

>300 for a powerful tablet.
i can get a better tablet for 250

Shut up poorfag and get a job

Because you basically have a dedicated gaming device with power between that of a Wii U and an Xbox One in a handheld form, and getting that technology at that size with decent battery life and a controller is not going to cost $100 with 10 games and 4 controllers included.

I don't know why people just completely ignore that this is also a successor to the 3DS, and you're not just buying a "portable Wii U successor", but a "high-powered 3DS successor". Then again, I see people who disdain handhelds because they're not super powerful, and I've also learned that a sizable amount of people are unable to play games even from the sixth generation because they're not on powerful enough hardware.

Just think, in 5 years, people are going to call seventh generation games unplayable because "they look too old".


Can't wait to buy one, new Zelda and Mario look great. You spazzes act like 300 American freedom burger dollars is a lot. The Xbone was 500 at launch. The PS4 was 400.

>for $250 I can get better hardware but fuck all to play on it outside of emulators

Everything you can play on tablets is absolutely forgettable

Is OP fucking stupid?

PS4 Pro is $399 and can't even run games at 1080P 30FPS

>>Everything you can play on tablets is absolutely forgettable
same with all the nintendo titles

>ps4 is less than switch
A fucking year after launch
>ps4 pro is $300
It's $400

I was skeptical about $300, would've prefered $250 but the fact that it has AR built in along with ACH DEE RUMBLAN and more technology than we would've expected to be built into the console justifies $300 and not a dollar more.

That's half of the money I have each month
I'm a fucking student

Working a part time job from now till march nets you enough money for a switch and a ps4.

The hardware in the iPad performs significantly better than what's in the switch though. And it is a much higher resolution

I've been doing that the whole semester so I can save (planning on studying in Japan next year), and I've just failed all my exams because I worked each day of the week and couldn't study
I'll just wait for more games and a price drop. Or i'll just get it in Japan, since there's no region lock.


>too much
300 dollars ain't shit nigga. I wipe my ASS with $300, 300 dollars ain't shit nigga.

Costs the same as a PS4, huh?

Good thing I already have a PS4. Gonna be getting when BOTW releases.

Switch has 32gb on board storage, some of which is reportedly taken up for the system OS.

EVEN IF the switch got a big AAA game such as The Witcher 3, what happens when the gigantic 25 gig DLC comes out? Nobody is spending hundreds of dollars for a 200-500 gig Micro SD card just to get DLC and game patches.

>3rd party devs have no incentive to release giant games that will require large patches or DLC on the Switch for this reason

>Not even taking into account the the atrocious battery life, low screen resolution, outdated hardware specs, paid online etc.

Anyone who thinks the Switch won't be Wii U 2.0 is just delusional

It's not about not having money it's about value for money.

Replace Switch with bread. Would you complain about a bread costing 300 dollars?

>work shitty part time job to get more money
>fail classes so have to pay for them another year
That's a major fuckup if I've ever seen one.

I can thank France's educational system for only having to pay 5,10€ for a year considering the fact that I have a scholarship, however small it is

I dropped work to focus on my studies because I already have to redo a whole semester's worth of exams, I can't fuck up more than that. If I fail, no Japan

>PS4 Pro is $399 and can't even run games at 1080P 30FPS


>> technology than we would've expected to be built into the console justifies $300 and not a dollar more.

then you fell for nintendo's trick of cheap gimmicks=pay high price

you buy this thing to try to play games a different way.

you know they stopped competing in the terms you want in a game console.

>Nintendo merged the DS line into the Switch, effectively killing it

this just gets better

>it's 340 eurocux
Ah ah ah oh wow.

so let me say it clearly

I like Nintendo
I was hyped
but fuck them
FIRST you need a smartphone to go onlin
SECOND you pay to go online
THIRD shitty nes and snes games as gifts FOR THE ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION, like fuck I can download and play them on my pc

So, what are the Switch specs? Did they even announce those?