Create female character

>create female character
>only get 77% of the quest reward

Other urls found in this thread:


>create male character
>get sent to prison for manspreading on the wagon in Skyrims prologue

because the other 33% of the time you take days off because of you're "sick" or pregnant.

Get fucked.

>humans are the "all rounder" characters

>the other 33%

I like the idea of that being why the Imperials arrested you in the first place

Could you imagine a world without females?

Did you do your homework? Math especially.

user, I...


trolled hard ;^)

>play as a female
>do nothing but complain about how the world is sexist

>100 - 77 = 33

>still no new Hydewars vids

So why don't the quest givers only use women if they can pay them less?

>create female video game character thread
>thread gets deleted

yfw you wont live in a utopia

>read description
>reddit link
Isn't this the guy that Sup Forums worships?

>create female character
>uncover evil nobles plot for world domination
>no one believes you
>accuse him of rape
>spends the rest of his life in a dungeon


I'm drunk, angry and I typed fast. Give me a break

Oki, don't hurt yourself, user

>american education

>Play female in Fallout
>OP as fuck

Gina Torres is mai waifu

>Create female character
>Don't accept 23% of the quests
>Complain that you got less exp than other people who did 100%


npr unironically ran a segment about how it was unfair that people who worked hazardous jobs and nightshifts get paid more and because less women work them they should be paid the same

Fucking hell

>Play female in Fallout 2
>low IN high CH bimbo
>get raped by horny nerd

>damage control this hard
user, you're not drunk. Just retarded.

>Women supposedly get paid less
>Companies aren't filled to the brim with women
Really makes you think





Do women really get paid less for doing the exact same thing as men? Surely there is some difference in the labour being compared.

The superior "gender", ladies and gentlemen

No. They get paid the same. The wage gap is a myth. Women get "paid less" because they work less. Simple as that. The current push is to have women get paid just as much as men despite working less.

There's a lot of unaccounted variables when those claims are made.

On paper it's illegal to pay people less for than others for the same jobs, but companies have a long history of not giving a fuck about the law. Make of it what you will.



nah, they work easier jobs and better hours see

obviously no
if that was the case then employers would just only hire women because they'd have to play 23% less and in the long run it would balance itself out



all others are just riding coattails

Its literally exactly like that.
Women are incompetent and work at shitty jobs.
Nobody wants to hire women because they're unstable.



also if we assume that
>women are paid 23% less
>employers still don't exclusively hire women only
then that means women are just simply WORSE than men

Let's take a look here
>elves are a magical race
>they're good at archery
This is a pretty universal depiction of elves

>orcs/ogres are dumb but strong fighters

>Dwarves are warriors and smiths

>Humans (who invented all of this shit) are the all rounders
why is this not OK?

>Sup Forums is one person
I go on Sup Forums the most of any board and I don't know who the fuck this nigger is.

It usually two different things.

1) A woman who does the same job as her male counterpart earns less in a month than the man because she works less hours overall - Women are more likely to take vacations than man - Paid and unpaid.

2) Statistics often don't go into details when it comes to the jobs.
Like: Some magazine claims that female doctors earn 33% less money than man for the same work. Turns out that male doctors work in the higher paid regions while female doctors are more likely to become home doctors who earn less.

often times humans are depicted to be a rather new race as opposed to elves for example who have been around for aeons
that's why humans are inferior

For the same job a woman gets paid the same as a man
also in industries like science and engineering companies are actively trying to hire more women because they don't like the negative pr from having a majority male workforce. Because of that if you're a woman it's super easy to get a job in the science and engineering fields right now, you could easily get a much better paying job than a man who got the same grades and went to the same university.

The 'gender pay gap' statistics being thrown around are based on the fact that on average the highest paying jobs are dominated by men, which is a rather dubious way to try and claim there's a pay gap.


Nah, they're just worse at their jobs / take more sick days.
As a delivery driver, all my female coworkers work the much easier morning / afternoon shifts when it's not nearly as busy and you have a fairly normal work schedule. They also are relatively slow on their deliveries, and take a lot of sick days.
The men (not all, but more of them) take long ass 10-12 hour night shifts that stretch to 4AM in the morning on super busy rush hour days / times, and go as fast as possible on deliveries.
I expect if you averaged it, the men at my job would make more than the females at my job, probably to that same 100 - 77 ratio too.
But we're all paid the exact same hourly wage and have the exact same rules for deliveries / tips.

When they give the 77% statistic, they're comparing ALL working women to ALL working men. The problem is people will use it to claim women get paid less for the same job when that isn't true at all.

Is there sexism in the workplace? Absolutely, but women aren't getting paid 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. That's ridiculous.

Men proactively negotiate for raises and women expect them. Men will take their skillset elsewhere, women will pout about it on social media like a good slacktivist.

There's nothing sexist about the fact that women are goofy, they just are. They always do goofy things and when pressed for justification, give goofy reasons. Just accept their goofiness and keep your own wheels moving.


The claim is based on average income, but the "research" didn't take into account the fact that men tend to work better paid work than women.
There would be absolutely no difference, if a Billy brain surgeon was paid as little as Kate kindergarten keeper (These are fictional characters).

Sup Forums is muh feels not facts.
They think women should go to work as soon as the baby goes out. Neoliberals are dangerous.

Oh say can you see

This is obviously a woman trolling being a man.

A man would do the math right, since he would have a decent degree.

>>Humans (who invented all of this shit)

Indeed that is true for all of these fantastical realms that are made up and aren't real

Sup Forums think women shouldn't bitch about a "pay-gap" caused by such events
women can take their time to give a birth for all I care but then don't fucking tell me they are paid less for the same job as men

Please I don't like them, but that's a page from the libertarian and neocon book if ever there was one.

Men should have paternity leave as well t b h.

It should be an optional thing that companies can choose to give out.

>blaming "alt right" and the magical tea party for radicalism isn't a lefty thing

It's in everyone's book oh wait noo i'm being hacked by russia brb

>Woman can only get maternity leave every 9 months
>Men could theoretically be on permanent paternity leave if they can find and impregnate enough willing partners
How unfair is that

Wage gap is bullshit.

Learn to read.


this must be why hillary lost despite winning the popular vote
women only get 77% of the votes men do :^)

>punish men for wanting to spend time with their families
I forgot americucks don't get paid leave.

its called drafting

>create female character
>game difficulty setting automatically lowered to "easy"

It's not punishing
You had 9 fucking months to save up some vacation and sick days, and if a company does have paternal leave it'll be more appealing for young men.

children cost money to raise user

the idea of having kids to get off work doesn't pan out

>female character
Why? women can't do anything right
>be me 31 year old fatass NEET
>watching a Tyson Tendie Commercial on repeat
>rumbly tummy says it's time for another batch
>waddle through my room
>trip on a poop jug from last night
>spend 10 minutes farting and struggling getting to my feet
>thought for sure I told mummy to clean my room today
>make it out of the room and down the stairs
>mummy's cleaning the kitchen
>"mummy mummy your boy is hungry! Where are my tendies?"
>"user, you ate the last box. And no, it's too late to go out now. I have work very early."
>A flicker of rage sparks up inside me
>"then how will your good boy eat tendies tonight?"
>"I don't know. It's not my problem. You're 31 for Christ's sake"
>what's that? not her problem. Fucking kek
>"you brought me into this world you stupid bitch. Now TAKE CARE OF ME! Before I shove a poop jug up your cunt you fucking whore."
>she raises her arms in surrender.
>"fine" she sighs.
>watch her leave
>40 minutes later she's finally back
>she brings in great value brand tendies
>great value
>don't even say anything
>hobble to my room farting frantically
>grab biggest poop jug I can find
>back in the kitchen she has her back to me finishing up dishes
>kick her as hard as I can knocking her off her feet
>plop down all 300 pounds on her chest
>feel her ribs crack as I unscrew my shit jug
>"user! user NO!!! PLEASE!!!" She gasps out, her eyes full of terror. She knows what's coming
>arms and legs flailing all around but I'm too heavy
>slowly pour god knows how old tendie diarrhea on her face
>overflows over her mouth
>watch her cough and gargle on my own shit
>see the life begin to drain from her eyes
>use all my might and stand up
>she rolls over gasping and grabbing her chest
>Take out peepee
>piss in her hair
>"Tyson now bitch"
>mfw that cunt drove back to wal-mart with shit on her face and broken ribs to get me the brand of tendies I deserve

>create female character
>play coop with male friend
>infinite money cheat is automatically turned on for you only

Guys, my brother's wife unironically believes in the wage gap (among other questionable things...) wat do? I generally tolerate being around her and keep my mouth shut to keep things civil but this one just bothers me, how do I suggest it might be biased without her calling me a shitlord?

>create female character
>choose difficulty
>easy mode: all men are numales
>nightmare mode: game takes place in India

If women got paid less for doing the same work do you think anyone would employ men?

>you get vacations and sick days based on each year
>you should have saved them up
>for a nine month event
Amerishitters are such corporate cock suckers.

Give her your honest opinion. If she's and reasonable person she'll take it into account, if she isn't then who gives a fuck what she thinks?

kind of hard to gain her trust when she can point to Obama having said it and the fact that it's something that would benefit her

60% carry weight
physical damage is 16-33% less
30% weakness to poisons
1d6 penalty vs mind effecting spells

Drafting fucks you in the ass big time. It's like taking a cash loan on a credit card.

Okay so find a fucking job that has sick leave.
Because guess what. If you force companies to give paternal leave they're going to start hiring a hell of a lot less men in their 20s and 30s.

Who cares? Just fucking nut up and speak your mind when it comes to.

The only shitlord is your brother for marrying that cunt.

> nanny state yurocucks

>Create female character
>Have to suck a gnomes dick to get inside a mens club on your quest to save the world.

what things

You didn't complete all objectives, you lazy bitch.

Based on that logic you might as well trash sick days and vacations too.
Wanting decent working conditions is a crime?

doesn't choose the persuade or intimidate dialog on quest NPCS to get higher rewards

complains they don't get the same rewards as those that do

>create female character
>no one worships me

>create ????? character
>no one uses my preferred pronoun
>my preferred pronoun is bun/bunself