Breath of the Wild's Zelda

Let's hope Zelda in Breath of the Wild doesn't become The Legend of Zelda's Lillie.

Lillie a cute.

why not? lillie a cute

>let's hope it's not cute CUTE CUTE

But I like Lillie

>not liking lolies

Let's hope she doesn't become a beloved character? That's pretty cruel.

Cynthia is the only pokegirl you want to ever avoid becoming.

Attention-whoring mary sue bitch. Starting off with Spiritomb like an asshole.

Lillie is cute! CUTE!

Stop dreaming, Lillie is already a fucking slut.

Lillie is perfection.

Zelda already won't be as good because she has ugly hair and a bad English voice. And I doubt it will have dual audio.

>Attention-whoring mary sue bitch
Cynthia is this but Lillie isn't?

i smell a double standard.

>mary sue

Did you even play the fucking game? She is literally scared of being a Pokemon trainer and in the anime she's scared of Pokemon. If anything, she's useless.

>b-but she's not a mary sue!
she's 1/2 of a mary sue, she's not perfect at everything but everyone (including real life people) adores her and see her as the best girl ever.

Lillie is an attention-whoring 1/2 of a mary sue bitch.

If anything, they treat her like a lost puppy since she's cute but pretty useless, but once you start to get sick of her shit she decides to stop being such a doormat and becomes second best girl.

Lillie is one of the worst things about Sun & Moon.

Do a list of best girls per gen please

I'm about to nut just imagining that cute petite girl take my big black cock.

>All these Lilliefags

Disgusting. Trash character.

List: None.

People sure like to expand the mary sue definition since that Star Wars movie.

>ralts used draining kiss

Dumb niggers like you who stretch definitions and move goal-posts are why I stopped coming to Sup Forums. This place is infested with them. Lillie might be the most obnoxious self-absorbed chatty bitch of a character the pokemon franchise has ever seen, but she's not a Mary Sue. Go ahead and look up the definition of a Mary Sue, or alternatively, a Gary Stu, then come back here and flounder some more with your ass-backwards reaching you insufferable neanderthal.

Why can't you just admit you're wrong?

Lillie is cute dude.
Appearance is 95% of any character. Since she is so cute, that alone makes her a great character

no u

>A Mary Sue is an idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character, a young or low-rank person who saves the day through unrealistic abilities. Often this character is recognized as an author insert or wish-fulfillment.
>a young or low-rank person who saves the day through unrealistic abilities.
>saves the day

Lillie repeatedly makes it a point to remind you and Nebby that she is literally useless and has to be saved over and over again. That isn't a Mary Sue, that's a Damsel in Distress. is completely right. Sorry.

>Appearance is 95% of any character.


kys moeshitter

>>Appearance is 95% of any character.

Maybe to shallow moeshitters like you faggot.

You're right but when a character is so underdeveloped and one-note, appearance quickly becomes their more defining trait. She has somewhat of an arc in the game, but it's very minimal.

This leads to people who like her design projecting ideal qualities onto her. Is it really that hard to believe that people who find her design and relatively flat personality appealing? Are you really going to feel superior to others over their taste in fictional characters?

What am I saying? This is Sup Forums. Of course you are.

>unironically calling other moeshitters

Liking generic moeblob no. 92398099091094012 is just like eating shit.

I can't stop you from doing it but please don't do it near me.


Get a load of this guy!

No one is eating shit near you, you daft cunt. You went into a Lillie thread then started complaining about people liking the character. Do you know how autistic that is? Swiftly end your life you pathetic fuck.


I want to go shopping with Lillie :3

We're talking about Pokégirls user, appearance -is- 95% of their characters.

>you will never be THIS mad over random people on the internet liking things you don't like

She's not really a damsel in distress either, as she grows and takes her problems in her own hands by the end of it.

She's a character with an arc, which is probably why people like her so much in the first place.

I don't even know what moe shit is, I just like cute girls and Lillie is one

Well deep inside me I still have that tiny glimmer of hope thinking I can stop you from eating shit.

But then I look at all the (You)s and realize how futile that is.


Voice acting in a Zelda game was a mistake.

She is literally saved in the climax of the story. She does start to take life into her own hands, but is heavily reliant on you and nebby until the end. It'd be neat if her story would continue because I actually really enjoyed her as opposed to Hau and the last few gens of brainless companions (XY was the worst)... and she does have an arc as the post I am quoting points out, but it isn't much.

>3 inches
Ruggarell pls