Sony won this gen by default. Not because PS4 is amazing but because Nintendo and Microsoft went full retard mode

Sony won this gen by default. Not because PS4 is amazing but because Nintendo and Microsoft went full retard mode.

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The fact that the PS4's early marketing was quite literally "Hey, at least we're not Microsoft!" is still amusing almost 4 years on.

PC won, nobody else showed up.

They could've been the saviors, they turned the opportunity down though. I bet the paid online probably incentivized some people to switch to PC.

I know I was going to upgrade to PC instead of getting a new console, though I just couldn't wait and got one 2 years before the newest gen came out.

I honestly don't know why you'd want to own a console anymore, outside of very few exclusives and some multiplayer games being more populated there's almost no reason to play on console for anything.

PC won by stealing the majority of console exclusives and being able to emulate Wii U.

Honestly if you go by the data Valve themselves provide the majority of PC owners have PCs worse than this console generation and play at settings that we all make fun of constantly.

The minority in your statistics is higher than the PS4's install base though so what does it matter?

Because devs make games for the majority.

This will never not be funny

Also the minority isn't higher than the PS4 install base.

on console, you have no choice. you get what you get, and dont forget to tip for your ethernet.

on PC, you can build a rig to your interests and needs, and still have a huge library to play

Yes they also make graphical settings or in the case of ports they pander to consoles.

So you're just whining about graphics?

Yes it is.

Yeah league of legends is awesome!

Yeah, [Shit game on your platform] is awesome!

I play PC mostly

They just needed to not have paid online. Underpowered and overpriced for what it is, typical Nintendo stuff. Same core lineup of IPs? Typical Nintendo stuff. No surprises, typical Nintendo stuff.

Paid online was the last bastion of hope.

Your people are begging for a port of [Shit game on my platform], you don't have the right to complain

Kek, all people play on the ps4 is crap versions of the exact same multiplats played on PC.

No one outside of Sup Forums actually cares about any of the ps4 exclusives apart from bloodborne, and even then most people don't.

All people play on PC is MOBA and indieshit. Or emulated console games jej

Except all those multiplats are dead on PC lmao.

Yeah but you still get more, and arguably better games.

They're popular because they're fun and "free", and a lot of them would be popular on console if they were available on consoles.

Again, it doesn't matter what games are available on PC, as long as it has the best version of almost all the major ones, which it does. Choice of games isn't bad.

That's because Microsoft was advertising a SpyBox with Game Playing Technology (tm). Literally all Sony had to do was say "but our machine won't spy on you" and it was a done deal.

The Switch will definitely succeed but it might not initially because Nintendo is being lazy kikes again. Year 2 when Nintendo drops the price and announces some Pokemon/Animal Crossing games the sales will skyrocket. Nintendo is just trying to jew out early adopters once again. But yeah, once this thing gets Pokemon and the price drops to an actually reasonable price it will sell really well, year one may be bad.

Good ones last pretty much forever. Outside of amerifat land PC is actually the "mainstream" platform for adults.

So you only play Call of Duty and Battlefield. There's a reason those games are dead

PC is the majority in American too though.

They would be dead on consoles too if console players had other games to play. The fact people buy the same game every year only shows how sad the state of console gaming is and how dumb the normies are.

I always thought consoles were the popular choice there.

In europe a lot of it is due to age (I know this sounds fedora but it's true), with people either switching to PC or stopping altogether as time goes on.

You can't think of platform owners as only having one platform. Like me for instance, I have a PS4 here but it's been collecting dust for its entire lifespan and I play on PC.

In Europe many people simply started on PC and it goes a long way back. NES was barely a thing here, people were playing games on 8bit computers at time. Probably because Nintendo carts were 3 to 5 times more expensive than computer games on audio cassettes.

Sega had more success here, but still not on the level of home computers. Only with Playstation consoles really got a foothold here.