Nintendo shares fall as new console disappoints investors


>Nintendo’s new Switch gaming console is off to an underwhelming start.

>The new machine, a tablet-sized device with wireless controllers that can be used anywhere but also connects to TVs, will go on sale 3 March at a price of $300 in the US and £279.99 in the UK, with a brand-new Zelda game as its launch title.

>None of that, however, was enough to convince investors that it will be a big moneymaker for the Kyoto-based company, whose shares fell 5.8 perc ent to 23,750 yen (£169.96) after Nintendo executives held a presentation in Tokyo on Friday.

>Nintendo is counting on the Switch to end years of pain at its console division, which released a successor to the popular Wii in 2012 that flopped.


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Buy on the rumor sell on the news.

Basic investing 101.

Welp, Steam is always waiting for your games, Ninty.

>Dissapoint investors

So its gong to be a great console

Nintendo will be fine. Your still gonna get your mario and zelda every few years until you die. Your kids will continue the tradition of Nintendo loyalty. They will always have the weakshit platform but Mario will live.

>still paying attention Nintendo investors
None of their investors play or care about games, and if it isn't phone shit they do not care.


so you don't actually know anything about recurring patterns amongst stock investors
you are, in fact, less educated that a lithuanian grade schooler

>Your kids will continue the tradition of Nintendo loyalty
>not raising your child to habe patrician taste

Good, fuck em.

>zelda port at launch
> next zelda not till switch 2

DQ11 isn't a PS4 exclusive dude

>not owning every non-xbox one console

It's heading up again baby!
Buy now bitches!


>not owning an xbox one s

nintendo is just a front for the yakuza anyway

thats a big fall

For Wii U

If you took those stocks down would nintendo die?

It would be extremely painfull but sadly no

>People buy shares prior to announcement hoping the announcement will be "IT LITERALLY SHITS MONEY FOR US!"
>It inevitably isnt
>Shares drop

Every time.
Also, that one time where investors didnt realize that It was Niantic making Pokemon Go and not Nintendo
so Nintendos shares took a trip to the stratosphere before inevitably plummeting within 24 hours.

>Buy stock before big event.
>Sell stock after big event

Whoa how exciting! Next you're gonna tell me that the new iphone announcement dropped Apple stocks as well!

>According to data from Kensho, shares of Apple have fallen on the day of an unveiling event 80% of the time, not including the iPhone 7s launch.

The important bit is to see what things look like over the next few days once all the short term buyers and sellers have done their usual song and dance.

Are these the same investors that complain about the shareholders meeting is about video games?

a true patrician has no brand loyalty. There's a few great games and a lot of shit in that image. You should cherry-pick the best from every company including Nintendo.

I will not support a company that keeps fucking me over

>Sony Pajeets in full force today after Nintendo announced more games in one conference than Sony has in three years.
>Nintendo actually puts dates on its games instead of Sony announcing games years before they come out

Enjoy waiting till 2019 for The Last of Cucks 2 :)

Switch didn't jew people nearly enough

Paid Online? Pshhh should have been Paid Mandatory online just to operate the console.

And now that pre-orders are sold out everywhere it will go back up once the markets open.

Someone post the interview with the investor who complained because Iwata talked about games and the industry in investor meetings

>Breath of the Wild
>Nintendo don't announce games years before they come out


Sounds good senpai

enjoy playstation ports :^)

>people that dont' actually pay video games are disappointed
>meanwhile, consumers who actually do are excited

How shocking. I bet there is more at 11, right?


>Sonyggers exclusives lists still consist of mostly unreleased games

It's too early to say but I think the Switch is off to a good start.

They just need to keep it up.

The show was disappointing, but let's be real here: Nintendo's investors are generally retarded.

It can be summed up into-

It's people who have no idea how gaming works and just see profits.

>have no brand loyalty
>want to play online games with multiple consoles
>have to pay for all the consoles
>have to pay for all the games
>have to pay for my current internet
>have to pay a monthly fee on all the consoles to use online games on said consoles

Only playing one console online for economic reasons isn't brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is literally for the stupid.

I keep seeing Nintendo going the way of Sega, keep making shit consoles that aren't selling, and now solely depend on video game development.

Mario will live, but on a PS5 or on PC.


I dont think so. I dont think sony and nintendo will ever cooperate

>Mario will live, but on android or ios

Probably not its kind of ironic because the Playstation as we know it exists because Nintendo fucked them over when sony was developing a cd addon for the snes.

>second son
>until dawn
>ff12, kh, other old games in "HD"
>gravity rush
>ace combat
>anime shit

yeah great games man
great games

But this happens every single time with every single console maker

but I guess its only cool to report when its nintendo

Any games that are on other platforms (not exclusive to PS4) are greyed out, I included ports/remasters/remakes.

Any games that are exclusive but not actually out yet have a star on them

and the games with green circles are exclusive and actually playable at the moment.

I could have made a few mistakes, but overall I think I got most of it right

thats exactly why I dont think it will ever happen


Anyone has that image of some bussinessman that was complaining that people in some videogame company kept talking about how to make good games instead about how to make Money?

The company wasn't Nintendo, i remember that

im not going to filter you, your stupidity its amusing.

>patrician taste
choose one.

a true patrician does not play video games